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MediaFrontPage - Web interface with widget type architecture to control multiple apps
DejaVu77 Wrote:I finally managed to get an RSS Feed into the Widget, just a few minor issues to iron out - like commiting to Git!

It's a dropbox that shows feed from a section of the main sites. At the moment, only NZBMatrix is configured, but others can easily be added.

Here's the screenshot of it in action.

Will be looking into making these more friendly names using Regular Expressions and perhaps a scrolling widget box would be good to be able to load loads with ruining the interface.

At the moment, links just go to to NZB Info page, but I hope to link to the NZB and eventually add them directly into SabNZBd from a single click (hopefully)...!
Nice work. A couple of things though. The functionality for the getrss.php should be within the widget. The code for the drop down should be generated from an array in the config file. I have mocked this up and will check this into github tonight.
Hi Zarquon, I've already done that too. I'll send you the code
Anyone has ideas on how to fix the double api issue?

I've just noticed that the queue for sabnzbd widget has gone wierd. Here's a screenshot.


It still has an error for when the queue is empty. Need to add
if ($sabqueue["noofslots"] > 0)
before the foreach loop.
ahh, zarquon's commit overwrote some of my changes. I'll fix it.

I'll have a look into the sabqueue thing too

Nick8888 Wrote:ahh, zarquon's commit overwrote some of my changes. I'll fix it.

I'll have a look into the sabqueue thing too


Sorry about that. Git Hub is suppose to merge in that scenario.
gugahoi Wrote:It still has an error for when the queue is empty. Need to add
if ($sabqueue["noofslots"] > 0)
before the foreach loop.

What is the error you are getting? I'm not seeing any errors on my config. Also just in case which version of sabnzbd are you using?
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xampp\htdocs\widgets\wSabnzbd.php on line 98

To fix it, all i did was add that condition before the foreach loop in said line, since the foreach loop will not work once the slots array is empty.

I've got sab 0.5.5.
gugahoi Wrote:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xampp\htdocs\widgets\wSabnzbd.php on line 98

To fix it, all i did was add that condition before the foreach loop in said line, since the foreach loop will not work once the slots array is empty.

I've got sab 0.5.5.
OK, I wrapped it with an !empty which is a better to check.
Perfect. So, no ideas yet on how to send a link with 2 api keys?
Totally impressed with the (major) improvements to the RSS Feed. Great job Nick!
Good news! I got the link to add from the rss to sab!
Add this function to wRSS.php
function addurl($url, $name){
    global $saburl, $sabapikey;

    $url = str_replace("&","%26",$url);

    $queryurl = $saburl."api?mode=addurl&name=".$url."&nzbname=".$name."&apikey=".$sabapikey;

    return $queryurl;

and put the <a href =\".addurl($item_link, $item_title)." ...

Let me know if this works for you?
I was thinking maybe require a category for each RSS so that it can pass to the right category in SAB? So, maybe in config.php there is a way to store the category and send it to wRSS.php?
This way each added RSS would have the links assigned to a specific category.
Is it possible?
gugahoi Wrote:Good news! I got the link to add from the rss to sab!
Add this function to wRSS.php
function addurl($url, $name){
    global $saburl, $sabapikey;

    $url = str_replace("&","%26",$url);

    $queryurl = $saburl."api?mode=addurl&name=".$url."&nzbname=".$name."&apikey=".$sabapikey;

    return $queryurl;

and put the <a href =\".addurl($item_link, $item_title)." ...

Let me know if this works for you?
Will add this tonight. I will also look at the category as well. It will require a change in the config but it shouldn't be a big deal.
I wanted to mention a possible bug and had a quick question...

I've closed and confirmed that I didn't want the "Recent Movies" widget multiple times but everytime I go to a different link in the Navbar or refresh the page the widget returns, if this isn't a bug is there an easy to disable that, maybe via the config file?

I know the "Coming Episodes" is pulled and reskined from SickBeard, but is there anyway to make that widget use a scrollbar in itself so that the page doesn't go on forever since the scraper pulls all data and lists shows that don't start back up until next year?

By the way, love the interface and all the work you guys have done...
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My Personal Blog - NewsDemon | Text size doesn't seem to be working anymore for signatures?
Archigos Wrote:I wanted to mention a possible bug and had a quick question...

I've closed and confirmed that I didn't want the "Recent Movies" widget multiple times but everytime I go to a different link in the Navbar or refresh the page the widget returns, if this isn't a bug is there an easy to disable that, maybe via the config file?
Just remove this from your layout.php
"wRecentMovies" => array(
"title" => "Recent Movies",
"display" => ""
be careful with the commas. We need to improve this.
Quote:I know the "Coming Episodes" is pulled and reskined from SickBeard, but is there anyway to make that widget use a scrollbar in itself so that the page doesn't go on forever since the scraper pulls all data and lists shows that don't start back up until next year?

By the way, love the interface and all the work you guys have done...
In the coming episodes css file
#listingWrapper {
    padding: 1px 0px 10px 0px;
    overflow: auto;
    font-size: 0.8em;
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MediaFrontPage - Web interface with widget type architecture to control multiple apps9