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stoli Wrote:not sure what you are trying to point to - those posts on that page are all almost a year old.

Have you used the same link as I do? http://forum.xbmc.org/showpost.php?p=793...tcount=364

This entry is from 09 May 2011 and says that the nightly versions have problems with the logo downloader.
that's not the link you initially posted. Smile All good.
hello stoli,

First things first, thanks for the awesome skin. It is now my main skin and I really really enjoy it. The video views are really complete and neat. Congrats for the nice work.

Now, I have a couple of comments about the shelf view for music. I really like that type of view, in my mind they are convenient to browse and find quickly music albums. I still remember the old wall view in the original mediastream.

As for your shelf view, two things bug me. I find the view a little too dark (particularly on the sides) and that makes it harder to find some albums quickly. The one album selected really stands out though, but if you have to browse each individual album, you loose the main advantage of this view, which is the quick overall look at many albums to find the one you want. One past solution was to make the selected album a little bigger, I found that pretty clever. One of the confluence mod has implemented that.

Then, in that same view, the music fan art create a weird 'flashing' experience. Since you see it only on the sides of the 'shelf', when light and dark fanart alternate while browsing, it creates a weird visual feeling (I should mention I am not epileptic Wink. Having the possibility to disable fanart in that view would be great. The fanart also sometimes makes it hard to view the star rating.

Thanks for taking the time to read that!
Just start using Neon over Night, Good stuff.
Here few bugs I've found.

No Hebrew, even when selecting Neon - All languages. Night also have this problem. it's shows like this:

and 3 little miss placed position:



I also love the recent view but since it have sort by option this name is confusing.
I've changed the "all languages" font so Hebrew should work now - note that I have not made any adjustments, so font sizing and positioning are off in quite a few locations.

The settings screens have been fixed - still need to get the video dialog done.

stoli Wrote:I've changed the "all languages" font so Hebrew should work now - note that I have not made any adjustments, so font sizing and positioning are off in quite a few locations.

The settings screens have been fixed - still need to get the video dialog done.


I've found one more, but i don't think it was there before.
landscape & 16x9 views have this current temp button.

psike Wrote:Thanks,

I've found one more, but i don't think it was there before.
landscape & 16x9 views have this current temp button.


That's a good one - I'll get it. Smile
Couple minor things:
  • Can we get Ken Burns Effect working on the homescreen when we select highlight over any of the recently added items. When the background changes from the TV Show or Movie background to the fanart background the effect no longer works.
  • Is it possible to set the recently added widget to only show unwatched content?
  • In TV Shows 3D landscape view the watched flag seems to be on the bottom layer or something and it's very hard to see.
  • I mentioned this earlier and you said you'd add a watched flag for the latest added view style, I just wanted to remind you or whatever on that.
  • I don't know if you have any plans on doing a similar recently added widget for movies as you did with TV Shows but that'd be awesome.

just want to stress these are all fairly minor concerns but would make this great skin just that much better, at least to me.
The thing I'd most like to see, from this skin and all others to be honest, is the flagging to fall more in line with SickBeard. Loads of people use SB now so I'm surprised it's not a more popular request (maybe I just love flags too much!)

What I mean is, SB names files with quality settings in the name as EpName followed by quality eg. SxxExx - EpName - SD TV, SxxExx - EpName - HD TV, SxxExx - EpName SD DVD.

It'd be great if the skins had flags for all these qualitys. At the moment, my TV Blu ray rips show up a blu ray flag. They are named SxxExx - EpName - 720p Bluray. But everything else either has an SDTV flag or an HDTV flag, regardless of quality. Would be very nice (for me at least) if we could get the flag to show for TV DVD rips when named the Sickbeard way, and even nicer if we could have a flag for WEB DL!
dannycorker Wrote:(maybe I just love flags too much!)

Folks we have a winner! Laugh

Quote:It'd be great if the skins had flags for all these qualitys. At the moment, my TV Blu ray rips show up a blu ray flag. They are named SxxExx - EpName - 720p Bluray. But everything else either has an SDTV flag or an HDTV flag, regardless of quality. Would be very nice (for me at least) if we could get the flag to show for TV DVD rips when named the Sickbeard way, and even nicer if we could have a flag for WEB DL!

I'm really trying to get away from all of the filename flagging hacks - it just slows things down since it then has to read each file name every time it is displayed. When you are on a slower machine/network this can be really annoying.
In the List view for all of the TV Shows, the skin displays the number of episodes for each season on the right side of the list. Would it be possible to have that added on the screen with the list of seasons for each show?

Screenshot of list of shows:

Screenshot of list of seasons for one show:
stoli Wrote:Folks we have a winner! Laugh

I'm really trying to get away from all of the filename flagging hacks - it just slows things down since it then has to read each file name every time it is displayed. When you are on a slower machine/network this can be really annoying.

No chance of Bluray/WEBDL logos in TV shows then? Still gonna keep using the skin regardless, it's brilliant!

If not, could you give me a tip for editing the xml files myself? They confuse the hell out of me but looking through them I get the impression it shouldn't be too difficult?
cgushue Wrote:In the List view for all of the TV Shows, the skin displays the number of episodes for each season on the right side of the list. Would it be possible to have that added on the screen with the list of seasons for each show?

Not sure.... I'll check into it.
I'm having a problem lately where I get a black screen when i try and go into the videos section. Movies, TV shows, ect all works fine. If i switch to a different theme my videos show up again. Any ideas?
Sounds like you are using the SVN version of Neon on the Dharma release of xbmc. If so, you need to either use the Neon from the xbmc official repository or update to the nightly builds of xbmc.
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