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If you just want to watch the channels from TVGF from your phone etc via jsonrpc then addons.ini Player is all you need for similar functionality.

What do you want to control with jsonrpc?
I want to change the channel in TVGFS to the one I provide through JSON RPC.  I can do everything else except enter the channel number setup as a shortcut in TVGFS.
There is a whole section of jsonrpc commands for providing input. Won't that work?

You can set up a key to start entering the channel shortcut, then enter the 3 digit code and it will change channel.
The default is SHIFT.
You can use MIDDLE MOUSE to bring up the channel number dialog too.

If you get it working post the code here so we can all use it. Thanks.
ok I'll try setting up something to bring up the dialog.  The issue with JSON RPC is the sendtext command does nothing if there is no input text dialog with focus.
You can map most commands up to most actions in the Action Editor.
This is a discussion about sending action request from jsonrpc. You might have read it.
ok when you said choose channel dialog you meant the choose stream window in TVGFS?  I don't actually get a channel dialog that accepts input as far as I can tell.  in order for input.sendtext to work it needs to be a text field kodi recognizes as accepting text input.  I can't seem to get any screen in TFGFS that does this.

Maybe I am missing something?

Update: Never mind, found the dialog.  Now to see if I can get JSON RPC to invoke, enter and confirm
Got it to work from fiddler,  Thanks, now to code it into my client app.

essentially just JSON RPC action{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"Input.ExecuteAction","params":{"action":"middleclick"},"id":0}

then JSON RPC channel{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Input.SendText","params": {"text": "001", "done":true},"id":1}

works good,now to modify the google home app to send these so i can change channels with voice.

Thanks for all the help, if I get the google home app working with this i'll post the mods.  Probably will try to change the dialog to be hidden, may break the sendtext tho.

UPDATE: Got that working, now I can use google home voice control to change channel on TVGFS, something new I just noticed tho.  If I change channel with channel numbers either by dialog or OSD, the guide scrolls to that channel, but then removes all channels above it.  I need to back out to get them to show up again.  


Also any way to have number shortcuts but not display them?

You could use the 9999 hidden control to input the channel number.
That might not work because it is a label.
You need to map up the shift key action with something like the Kodi "Keymap Editor" addon.
Set the Virtual Keyboard \ Shift key to the actual Shift key.

If the "Channel Shortcut Type" isn't none the numbers will show up.
It would probably be too confusing to hide them as you would have to guess the numbers for index or sort number.
I could make a setting if you really need it.

Alternatively you could clone a skin and set the controls starting at 4410 to visible=false.

If you come up with another plan let me know and I'll see if I can add it in.
Maybe just a hidden text box.
The more I play around with TVGF, the more impressed I am.  The ability to tweak almost every aspect of the display to your liking is wonderful.  And support for Kodi add-ons is indispensable.  But I still have a couple of questions:

1. I see from your features list that TVGF supports importing Kodi PVR channels, but dont see a way to import all of my TV Headend channels at once... and it does not seem to work manually either: if I select "import PVR" on an existing channel in the guide, nothing happens.  TV Headend PVR client is functioning normally, so I know thats not the problem.

2. How would you manually add a stream to the guide from an add-on if you have no source for program data?  I can perform 'stream setup' on a blank line in the guide, but the choices have no effect

Import PVR needs the Kodi Web Server service to be turned on as it gets the channel streams from jsonrpc.
The channels get added to a dummy addon in addons.ini called [script.tvguide.fullscreen]
If you go back into Stream Setup your pvr channels should be in Addons \ TV Guide Fullscreen.

It plays the channels used the Kodi pvr protocol eg
BBC One = pvr://channels/tv/All channels/pvr.iptvsimple_1130691108.pvr

Pvr channels aren't fully integrated with TVGF. The overlays are from the Kodi PVR and AutoPlayWith probably won't record properly.

If you want some dummy channels without epg data: make an xmltv file with just the channels section and add it as a Secondary Source in Setttings \ Lab3.
yes I got it all working except whenever I change channel it redraws the EPG and then loses all chanels above the one it scrolled to until I restart app.
How do you mean "loses"?
It is supposed to scroll to the program and optionally play the channel.
There are some settings in Settings\Playback to control what it does.

Have you got any Categories set up which might causing problems?
Yes I have an all channels a favorites and a sports category.  when i change channel using either dialog or OSD number input it scrolls that channel to top of guide and I can no longer scroll up to channels above it.  Instead it either goes up to cat bar or wraps to bottom of guide depending if skin supports categories.  once it wraps then all channels are there again.  Its like it thinks the current channel is first in list.
(2018-03-28, 03:36)gottahavit Wrote: Yes I have an all channels a favorites and a sports category.  when i change channel using either dialog or OSD number input it scrolls that channel to top of guide and I can no longer scroll up to channels above it.  Instead it either goes up to cat bar or wraps to bottom of guide depending if skin supports categories.  once it wraps then all channels are there again.  Its like it thinks the current channel is first in list.
 If you use a cat bar skin you need to scroll up with the Page Up key unless you turn
Settings \ Appearance \ Up to Cat Bar = No

If you want to get to the cat bar then you can map up the Categories Bar action in the Lab1\Action Editor.

You can also use m to get to the popup catbar.

Some other skins make the main Menu semi-visible so that the categories in the menu appear as the cat bar.
This happens on all skins and only if I change channel with the shortcuts.  I think there's a missing guide redraw somewhere, I'll see if I can find it.
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