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[RELEASE] Hulu (Video) Plugin
bath Wrote:It seems a script failed error occurs when episode directory reaches 25 episodes. Is there any way to fix this, or is this something only I'm experiencing?
The version at http://gitorious.org/xbmc-hulu/xbmc-hulu has the fix for this.
kreach Wrote:The version at http://gitorious.org/xbmc-hulu/xbmc-hulu has the fix for this.

Seems to be working pretty well now. Thanks!
highlandsun Wrote:You don't need to get the crypto library from git. kreach already posted the URL for the crypto library


and as noted there, you should install it in XBMC's system/python/Lib. There are other plugins that will need this module, it should not be hidden inside the hulu plugin.

BlueCop - glad to hear it, nice to see other plugins able to use this code.

Ok I switched back to the main repo and put pycrypto in system/python/lib and pretty much everything is working fine.

Edit: moved discussion of an obscure error I encountered to the dev thread.
kreach Wrote:The version at http://gitorious.org/xbmc-hulu/xbmc-hulu has the fix for this.
I never thought it would be something as simple as that. Thank you.
Hi, I was very excited to see this thread!!
I am running the last T3CH release "T3CH XBMC 2010-04-27 SVN rev29407"
on the Xbox.

I downloaded the xbmc-hulu files from git & placed them into a folder called "Hulu" which I FTP'd into my video plugins folder.

I also downloaded the crypto file as described by highlandsun a few posts ago, and installed it in xbmc's system/python/Lib

So far I can bring up the list of the shows/movies etc but none of them will play - python plugin error.
On many of the movies I get the option to choose the quality but will never play. I even tried the H264 ones (which I'm not sure the Xbox will handle) & on those ones I just get a dark grey screen - Xbox does not hang as I can get back to the list of shows.

Have I done something wrong?! Do I need a different build of XBMC?
Ok, so here's something new.
Why is it that some TV show listings return with nothing?
Tightwad Wrote:Hi, I was very excited to see this thread!!
I am running the last T3CH release "T3CH XBMC 2010-04-27 SVN rev29407"
on the Xbox.

I downloaded the xbmc-hulu files from git & placed them into a folder called "Hulu" which I FTP'd into my video plugins folder.

I also downloaded the crypto file as described by highlandsun a few posts ago, and installed it in xbmc's system/python/Lib

So far I can bring up the list of the shows/movies etc but none of them will play - python plugin error.
On many of the movies I get the option to choose the quality but will never play. I even tried the H264 ones (which I'm not sure the Xbox will handle) & on those ones I just get a dark grey screen - Xbox does not hang as I can get back to the list of shows.

Have I done something wrong?! Do I need a different build of XBMC?

I've been using the r30369 build of XBMC, located at the link below, on my Xbox and it has been working great.

Thank you developers for getting this working.

I wonder how long it will last before hulu changes something to break it.
Which version is the one for Windows XBMC (too many links and gits floating around to keep track of Wink )? I can pull up the available shows/movies, but I get a script error when trying to play anything...
bath Wrote:Ok, so here's something new.
Why is it that some TV show listings return with nothing?
Can you give an example show that returns nothing?
Big Grin 
nowonmai Wrote:I've been using the r30369 build of XBMC, located at the link below, on my Xbox and it has been working great.

Thanks for the tip - I had tried that URL yesterday but the server was down.
Got it now though and works like a charm.... except for 'Recently added shows' - none of these are working. Weird.

So I'm running the 30369 build mentioned above, along with the xbmc-hulu plugin from git. Here is a pastebin of my last log.

I opened a few of the 'recently added movies' and 'recently added videos' to show they work fine - and then try to open some 'recently added shows' which all fail. (shows seem to work fine if navigated to via the 'Shows' folder at the top)
Only thing I notice is that if you have a season that has 25 or more episodes... it crashes the script. Secondly I have seen empty season folders... in particular for me is the "three stooges" folder. But I must say I am very greatfull it is working at all.
Tightwad Wrote:Thanks for the tip - I had tried that URL yesterday but the server was down.
Got it now though and works like a charm.... except for 'Recently added shows' - none of these are working. Weird.

So I'm running the 30369 build mentioned above, along with the xbmc-hulu plugin from git. Here is a pastebin of my last log.

I opened a few of the 'recently added movies' and 'recently added videos' to show they work fine - and then try to open some 'recently added shows' which all fail. (shows seem to work fine if navigated to via the 'Shows' folder at the top)

Thanks for pointing that out. Should be fine now in git.
peepsalot Wrote:Can you give an example show that returns nothing?
It's happening on "NHL Games", but for the most part it seems it's happening to mostly animes, like "Full Metal Panic!" and "Initial D" for instance.
bath Wrote:It's happening on "NHL Games", but for the most part it seems it's happening to mostly animes, like "Full Metal Panic!" and "Initial D" for instance.
All these shows list their videos in a different way: "categorical" rather than typical shows that group by "Season" or "TV Clips". After Jopplehead mentioned that "The Three Stooges Collection" was not working, I started looking into making a fix for it, which it turns out affects all these shows. I have it somewhat working, but it only pulls the first ten videos in each category for now. I think I will be able to get the rest working sometime this week. Once it's all done, hopefully it can get merged into the main repo.
Until then you can try my repo here: http://gitorious.org/~peepsalot/xbmc-hul...-xbmc-hulu
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[RELEASE] Hulu (Video) Plugin1