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MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win (with music library scraping)
(2023-09-23, 18:58)bugwelle Wrote: In MediaElch's settings, what music scraper is the preferred one? Maybe that way I will be able to reproduce it.
Thanks for being patient.

Mine is set to Allmusic.


(2023-09-23, 20:25)shedrock Wrote:
(2023-09-23, 18:58)bugwelle Wrote: In MediaElch's settings, what music scraper is the preferred one? Maybe that way I will be able to reproduce it.
Thanks for being patient.

Mine is set to Allmusic.


Thanks again. To keep track of the issue, I've re-opened https://github.com/Komet/MediaElch/issues/1606
MediaElch: Thread v2.10.6 | GitHub | Docs | Blog
Kallita Wrote: When scrapping for multiple movies at a time- using only the name and date- none of the movies are being found or scraped.
When going through the same movies individually afterwards they are all found and scraped without a problem.
It has been happening for a few versions now, but not sure when it started.

Is this specific to a movie scraper (e.g. TMDB, IMDb)?

My apologies for the delayed reply. finally got some movies I could test it on only to find that I was once again struck by the "I am getting old" bug.
For some reason I had the "only update movies with imd...." turned on , and it was skipping everything. once I turned that setting off they were being scraped just fine.
BTW I use the tmdb for scraping 95% of my stuff.
 Thanks for your time and program.

I guess it is safe to say after this long that the previously reported issues won't be resolved any time soon?


(2023-10-11, 04:17)Kallita Wrote: My apologies for the delayed reply. finally got some movies I could test it on only to find that I was once again struck by the "I am getting old" bug.
For some reason I had the "only update movies with imd...." turned on , and it was skipping everything. once I turned that setting off they were being scraped just fine.
BTW I use the tmdb for scraping 95% of my stuff.
 Thanks for your time and program.

Thank you very much for coming back to me. I, too, was busy the last few weeks and didn't look at the Kodi forum. :-)
MediaElch: Thread v2.10.6 | GitHub | Docs | Blog
(2023-11-10, 21:45)shedrock Wrote: @bugwelle

I guess it is safe to say after this long that the previously reported issues won't be resolved any time soon?




sorry for the delay. Should be fixed now. AllMusic changed their website layout (again).
The next nightly version will contain the fixes.

Btw: Most often, I simply forget about these issues. As in this case, I was sick for about a week, didn't look into it, and then saw a dozen new reported issues that I wanted to address. You can ping me more often, if I don't respond after 1-2 weeks. Smile

MediaElch: Thread v2.10.6 | GitHub | Docs | Blog
(2023-11-12, 20:13)bugwelle Wrote: Btw: Most often, I simply forget about these issues. As in this case, I was sick for about a week, didn't look into it, and then saw a dozen new reported issues that I wanted to address. You can ping me more often, if I don't respond after 1-2 weeks. Smile
No problem at all. Hope you feel better now.

Thank you for the upcoming fix.


MediaElch v2.10.6 - Benzar

The next stable version 2.10.6 is here!

Blog Post: https://mediaelch.github.io/mediaelch-bl...h-v2.10.6/
Documentation: https://mediaelch.github.io/mediaelch-doc/download.html

What's new?
I’ve fixed many bugs, including broken scrapers (almost all had issues, because the providers changed their websites, etc.) and UI glitches (dark theme issues, icon scaling issues in the AppImage, ...).

Please refer to the blog post for more details. :-)

Where can I download MediaElch?
Stable releases can be downloaded from https://mediaelch.github.io/mediaelch-doc/download.html
We have a download-mirror on https://mediaelch-downloads.ameyering.de...s/v2.10.6/
This is my own server. So please be patient if the server is not reachable. :-)

For Linux distributions we provide repositories for Ubuntu (.deb) and openSUSE (.rpm).
For Windows we also provide a Chocolatey package.
The repositories will take a few days to get the latest version.

Where can I get help?
For general question use Kodi forums, e.g.

- [English] https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=136333 (this thread)
- [German] https://www.kodinerds.net/index.php/Thre.../?pageNo=1

If you find a bug, please open an issue on https://github.com/Komet/MediaElch/issues

Check out the full changelog at https://mediaelch.github.io/mediaelch-do...notes.html
MediaElch: Thread v2.10.6 | GitHub | Docs | Blog
And I am Back(sorry)
Have run the 10.6 for a little while now, and although it is better there are still some problems that I have encountered.
In tv shows and movies IMDB is not returning anything.
and - the problem I was encountering with the multi-scrape in TMDB where it would not return anything via multi-scrape but would find when scraped individually has returned.
right now I am getting no matches using multi-scrape with TMDB or IMDB weather save only with IMDB ID is switched on or off.
One thing i did notice was individual scrape removed all the . from the title where in the multiscrape they were not removed.
also for me: the program will take its time when downloading pictures from the sites.... sometimes it will require a few clicks to get it to wake up and respond.
Minor: after a scrape sometimes the title on the list on the left side is not updated until I have clicked on another title.
Using TMDB and mostly standard settings.
AS always appreciate your work, and hope you are feeling better.
(2023-12-11, 21:42)Kallita Wrote: In tv shows and movies IMDB is not returning anything.
For me IMDb takes very long, but it returns results. Is it specific to some movie/TV show? I hope it's not some geo-restriction stuff. May I ask where you life? (country or just continent Big Grin )

(2023-12-11, 21:42)Kallita Wrote: One thing i did notice was individual scrape removed all the . from the title where in the multiscrape they were not removed.
Argh... Yes. They handle it differently at the moment.

(2023-12-11, 21:42)Kallita Wrote: Minor: after a scrape sometimes the title on the list on the left side is not updated until I have clicked on another title.
That shouldn't happen. Undecided

Thanks for all of your notes!
MediaElch: Thread v2.10.6 | GitHub | Docs | Blog
(2023-12-13, 20:49)bugwelle Wrote: For me  IMDb takes very long, but it returns results. Is it specific to some movie/TV show? I hope it's not some geo-restriction stuff. May I ask where you life? (country or just continent Big Grin )
running from memory No results at all for anything since 10.6. will continue to test and monitor for any change in what I am seeing.
(2023-12-13, 20:49)bugwelle Wrote: One thing i did notice was individual scrape removed all the . from the title where in the multiscrape they were not removed.
(2023-12-13, 20:49)bugwelle Wrote: Argh... Yes. They handle it differently at the moment.
ok I will let you work through that.
(2023-12-13, 20:49)bugwelle Wrote: Minor: after a scrape sometimes the title on the list on the left side is not updated until I have clicked on another title.
That shouldn't happen. Undecided

Thanks for all of your notes!
Your Welcome. and thanks for all the work.
ps..... something that has been a minor inconvenience for many years but nothing major to worry about: when I open concerts it list z-a with no apparent way to alter the order of the list back to a-z. just throwing that out to see if something sticks
More info:
IMDB tvshows seems to be working now. May have been a glitch on my end.
IMDb movies is odd. if I search with name and date- eg. wrath of dracula 2023 -  I get no results.
If I search with just title: eg. wrath of dracula it will find Wrath Of Dracula (4398) .
 The (4398) appears in the brackets of all results no matter what title I search for.
Dear macOS users,

there are major bugs in the latest MediaElch version for macOS 11 and later. The Qt version I'm using (6.6.1) has some major issues, which results in MediaElch being unusable in some scenarios.

I've prepared a version in https://mediaelch-downloads.ameyering.de..._or_later/ that uses Qt 6.4.3. That version does not have those issues.
Users using the Qt5 version for macOS X are not affected.



@Kallita Thanks. MediaElch uses IMDB's search feature, which is... not that good. Adding or removing years, brackets, parentheses, etc. can have significant impact. :-(

Concerts aren't sorted at all, it seems. It appears to be "first come first serve" after scraping for concerts.
MediaElch: Thread v2.10.6 | GitHub | Docs | Blog
I've been testing MediaElch to see if it could replace Ember Media Manager, which seems to be mostly abandoned these days. Movie related things seem to work fine, but TV shows are having problems..
I've removed all the NFO and image files to make sure ME starts from scratch. Then I reloaded the TV shows and get them listed in the application.

I have some questions and suggestions after working on the shows:

1) Is it so that there is no sorting method for other items than movies?
2) Scraping multiple "new" shows seems to be impossible because the entries don't have any ids yet. Would it be possible to search for the title like when you select just one show to scrape? I have 97 entries in the list so it's quite cumbersome to go through them one by one.
3) When you have scraped a TV show and get all the data for the seasons and episodes, why does the Save functionality save only the selected item, like the top level entry, but not the changed episodes?
4) It would be useful to have a sync option in the right click menu for an item (TV show, movie etc.)

Thanks for any input!
Also, how do you update the ratings for episodes in one go? If you right click on the TV show and use Load information, it will not update them at least in the case where I have had to add the IMDb ID afterwards and set the scraper to use IMDb for ratings (for example in case of Sherlock Holmes (1984), which is split into different TV shows in IMDb). I have to use Load information episode by episode. Selecting multiple episodes and using Load information causes an error "Skipping show "%1" because it does not have a valid ID."
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MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win (with music library scraping)9