Not sure how to explain this (3d tv help)
Well thanks for all the info. I was just thinking there might be someway to do it since there are programs out the like NVIDIA 3DTV Play that will kick my TV in to 3d mode.
Interesting, that means NVidia have got their video card hardware to send the right signals. I didn't know that. Now I've learnt something new too.

I think, in their case, they are also constructing their own packet stream on the fly though and as such they are sending the functional equivalent of what a Blu-Ray player sends to the TV.

But if a 3D TV responds to the NVidia signal automatically, that's VERY interesting, that means that the video card itself IS then able to send the right stuff in the EDID.

So it IS possible. Thanks EnSan.
xbmc has conditional default video player options based on file name wildcards...

my 3dtv is connected to my media pc via rs232 and eventghost

hypothetically, if there was a way to trigger a python script say to do the following;

1) if filename matches halfSBS, then turn tv to 3d mode with sbs option

2) if filename matches half OU then turn tv to 3d mode with OU option.

this could solve your issues i would think?


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Not sure how to explain this (3d tv help)0