2013-02-28, 13:10
Go to the link on first post - where it says download you can use the dropdown menu to 'dowload as zip, or If you want go to fanart.tv and choose the artwork you need and add it to download queue will download all (you'll still have to manually search though) - (not everyone wants all the discs - And I tend to not compress them to a zip file on my dropbox, as with all my other artwork but dropbox allows it on the web) - you can find all of my artwork (many discs there and lots to do - going through my movies alphabetically) on fanart.tv now as they now accept good quality custom discs - or you could do it the easy way and scrape from inside xbmc as I said earlier they are all available on fanart.tv through downloading art in the 'choose art' option on the gui. So unfortunately no I wont be compressing to zip as you already can. But as pointed out they are available from all different sources (the first and last one being the easiest as you dont need to leave your armchair LOL)