another newbie
thank you took a little bit of stuffing around but finally got a movie to play
but xbmc kept shutting down and i got pissed off with it and have left it for a while
still crashing,
but do i also have to start SMBup everytime i want to watch movies on the other mac ?
bloody annoying if thats the case

daniel d
If I may ask, what are the OSX versions on both Mac systems? Also, how are the external drives connected to the iMac?
the i mac has lion 10.7.5
this has 2 external drives connected by USB
the mac mini is my media centre
it is brand new and has mountain line 10.8.2

i was gonna ask today wether mountain lion on my imac would fix the issue

daniel d
i have set up the SMBup
but everytime now that i get to the movie menu it crashes
i cant get it to watch anything i cant even select a movie
it just gets to the movie list menu and crashes

i dont know what to look for in the log
it does say something about codecs cant be found
Post the debug log (wiki) to and tell us the URL for it. If you use sensitive network passwords for your network shares then use a text editor to find/replace them with "******".

Remember to turn debugging on (Settings -> System -> Debugging -> Enable debug logging)

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