Introducing the new Add-on Website
(2013-12-04, 10:37)nickr Wrote: No complaint here, this site will be very handy. However some addon authors just don't give enough info. I assume the info on the website scrapes from the contents of the addon.xml in each addon. This is understandable, but does it add any more than another way to see what I can already view in the xbmc gui itself?

As an example I cruised around the addon site and this took my eye:

I thought it MIGHT be something to do with lighting control, something I have been playing with. But is there any indication of what it actually does? No.

The "Description" is a non clickable url

The link to wiki docs link simply links to a wiki page that says how to install it (doh, if I am this into addons, I know how!)

There is no forum discussion, source code or website link.

So all kudos to the site, looks fan-bloody-tastic, and will be a great help to many, but until addon authors do better to document their addons, the site will be limited. Can something be done to enforce a bit more info from the authors before allowing them into the official addon repo?

Cheers, I hope that didn't sound too negative. I realise after a proof read that this is probably a request for better info from addon developers than a comment on the new site, but it still seems a good time to raise it as deficiencies in info will become even more apparent with the greater exposure to addons that the new website will bring Smile

Addon developers can provide much more information in addon.xml than they usualy do. One of the reasons is that they adapt their addon.xml with every release, not noticing new tags that have been added (like: website, forum, email). In my opinion, the new addon-site and an already longer existing one, can and should do more to inform addon-developers when they CAN provide more information. For the latter one it is already scheduled so I hope that soon every addon will carry as much info as possible Smile
This is FANTASTIC. I'm brand new to xbmc in fact I just got my first Android Media player and I think that this will make thinga alot easier for me. THANKS.

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Introducing the new Add-on Website1