DTSHD and TRUEHD no longer work and other audio issues
Sorry I did not understand the lingo the other times. Are you asking for logs? Is that what that means?
If that is the case, I can provide them.
Intel Core i7 3.3Ghz | GTX 1660 | Windows 1909 | 8GB | 32TB RAID1
138" 2.35:1 Elite Lunette Curved Screen | Epson 6050ub Projector | Marantz SR-6014 | Emotiva XPA-11
Post a Debug Log - that is what I mean.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
OK. Here are the logs:
Shows the audio stream break about 1 minute into the movie.

However, I need to revise the original statements. After looking at the logs and seeing past line 750, where all the fun begins, I thought about taking the gigabit network streaming out of the equation.
You see, I have always streamed over the the network out of my macmini running Plex Server. Never had problems with that setup, but then again, I have never tried to stream DTS-HD before either.

So I took three DTS-HD files and put them in the local ubuntu drive and let Frodo 12.3 index them. I have played the three files twice each, and I can't reproduce the audio glitch any more.
I am not sure what this means. Gb network can't handle the DTS-HD bandwidth? I have also tried a TrueHD file for grins and giggles. Same thing. Hicups over the net, but just fine local.

Any ideas?
Intel Core i7 3.3Ghz | GTX 1660 | Windows 1909 | 8GB | 32TB RAID1
138" 2.35:1 Elite Lunette Curved Screen | Epson 6050ub Projector | Marantz SR-6014 | Emotiva XPA-11
All that was said in the past posts was about xbmc gotham. 12.3 was not part of the equation.

Frodo 12.3 has no pulseaudio sink.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Yes, but remember I went back thinking Gotham/PA was the problem. Knowing I have a viable solution now, I can certainly go back up to Gotham and even go as far as re-installing PA if you think you may want to see some of that. I am not sure which combination would perform better. 12.3/ALSA, Gothatm/ALSA, Gotham/PA.
Intel Core i7 3.3Ghz | GTX 1660 | Windows 1909 | 8GB | 32TB RAID1
138" 2.35:1 Elite Lunette Curved Screen | Epson 6050ub Projector | Marantz SR-6014 | Emotiva XPA-11
It depends on what you need. If you want xbmc as your htpc - then pure alsa is the way to go. If you need a running browser, full blown desktop - then pulseaudio is the way to go (but dts-hd, truehd) won't passthrough anymore.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Yes. that is just it. I am a purist. This ubuntu server is really my development server and I was just doing prove of concept as a media server.
So, it has a bunch of stuff there not needed as a HTPC.

Now that I know the OSX won't cut it for HD audio and that ubuntu via HDMI will, I can build a new rig from scratch. I can't wait for Gotham to come out. I also think PA has alot of potential. It is certainly very powerful and probably the way of the future for audio. Just has to facilitate to nut cases like me that have to have the higher level of audio quality at hand. Smile

Props to you and your team for making it happen. And thanks for your valuable input here as well.

Intel Core i7 3.3Ghz | GTX 1660 | Windows 1909 | 8GB | 32TB RAID1
138" 2.35:1 Elite Lunette Curved Screen | Epson 6050ub Projector | Marantz SR-6014 | Emotiva XPA-11
Hi all,

Today i upgraded my xbmc 12.3 to 13.0. As a result audio playback of TrueHD DTS video files stopped working. On my receiver I see 48Khz source but hear only silence.
I am using gentoo and never installed pulseaudio on this system. Always have "-pulseaudio" in the use settings.
Before the upgrade truehd file played with no problem. After the upgrade in the System-Audio, the option 'TrueHD Capable receiver" is missing. Have only DTS and AC3.
I generated and uploaded debug file with ID=198807, hope this helps.

P.S. Restarted the Receiver and the computer several times hoping that some "handshaking" is wrong but always the same bad result.
We use pulseaudio, cause you have it installed and running, see here: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=PulseAudio
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
(2014-05-11, 15:55)fritsch Wrote: We use pulseaudio, cause you have it installed and running, see here: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=PulseAudio

I don't have pulseaudio installed and never had! Tried to run "AE_SINK=ALSA xbmc" but same result.
Playing mp3 files with xbmc also has no sound. Runing "aplay somefile.wav" on the command line is fine.
What else ?!
As always: xbmc.log via Debug Log
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
With my first post I uploaded debug log with id=198807. Now I found that the version of xbmc was Alpha (using gentoo xbmc-9999 ebuild).
Now I modified the ebuild and successfully installed final tag '13.0-Gotham'. The problems are still the same:
1. No dtshd sound
2. No sound from playback mp3 files
In fact only files with DTS sound are OK.
Fresh Debug log, produced with the stable version is generated.
The only passthrough capable output I see is a SPDIF device.

SPDIF devices are limited to 2 PCM channels. So they can only support DTS and AC3 as those are virtual formats encoded via 2 PCM channels.

I talk about:

Quote:20:19:16 T:139994599442240 NOTICE: Device 4
20:19:16 T:139994599442240 NOTICE: m_deviceName : iec958:CARD=CMI8768,DEV=0
20:19:16 T:139994599442240 NOTICE: m_displayName : C-Media CMI8768
20:19:16 T:139994599442240 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: C-Media PCI IEC958 S/PDIF
20:19:16 T:139994599442240 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_IEC958
20:19:16 T:139994599442240 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
20:19:16 T:139994599442240 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 44100,48000,88200,96000
20:19:16 T:139994599442240 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_AC3,AE_FMT_DTS,AE_FMT_S32NE,AE_FMT_S16NE,AE_FMT_S16LE

Choose the same device for your normal pcm output.

Edit: you can enable AC3 Transcode as this will give you the possiblity to play e.g. 5.1 flac files transcoded to AC3. Also stereo upmix is possible that way. Old Frodo version just let you enable all codecs - but had a fallback for SPDIF devices, which limited the number of channels to 2 - see here: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/Frodo/...E.cpp#L576
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
I changed the device for normal pcm output as you suggested. The result is still no sound from mp3 playback.
And still no sound from dtshd movies.
Let me notice that with 12.3 both were fine. Nothing else is changed in the system except xbmc upgrade.
post aplay -l and aplay -L

then tell me which speaker-test -c2 -D "plughw:x,y" works - so I can compare with the xbmc output.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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DTSHD and TRUEHD no longer work and other audio issues1