enable dts-ma transcoding to dts
First, you don't transcode DTS-HD to DTS. DTS-HD contains the DTS core, so if you don't pass-through DTS-HD, then the core gets passed through if you have it set and your equipment supports it.

If you have DTS set in Kodis audio setting and you're not getting any audio, then your box most likely doesn't support or properly support DTS pass-through.
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I returned H96 Pro Plus (Amlogic S912) and bought twice cheaper Plater MX64 (Amlogic S905), installed LibreELEC latest alpha. Everything is working well 4k @ 60Hz, 7.1 ac3/dts passthrough, no lags, no sound artifacts. CPU usage during 4k playback is around 50% (from 400%) and ram usage is around 15%. Auto frame rate select doesn't work well but it plays smoother anyway than on Amlogic S912. There are problems with reboot, sleep, airplay and irda - but that should be fixable. Thank you for your work.
topic could be renamed to H96 Pro Plus ac3/dts passthrough problems

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enable dts-ma transcoding to dts0