Android Kodi crashing while updating Library. Shield Pro 2019
Have applied all available hotfixes, did a STV reset, fresh install of latest Kodi Matrix nightly this morning, while scraping media it continually crashes (STV powers off). Re power STV, jumps right back to where it was with Kodi open and scraping ( TMDB python)
Or it's scraping until it hits a certain movie (never the same one) and the twirling icon still spins. but Kodi/STV is locked can't back out of the scan, have to reboot STV. Ditto for TVShows. Finally think I have everything scraped now (after like 7 restarts)
Hopefully just normal update scrapes won't do this.
Nvidia ShieldTV (2017)+Nexus
Prior to updating the Shield to latest android release, I was using Kodi 18.x, and I never encountered this problem. Now, after Nvidia update, I also updated Kodi to latest release 19.x, now I'm getting this problem, Kodi will crash when updating library.

Anyone tried Kodi 18.x with latest Shield update? Does it have same problem?
I found a workaround. 

I updated to Hotfix #3, tried updating library, and it crashed, the same as the last two hotfixes.

I noticed that the library scanning for my TV Shows never crashed. So I started a full library update, opened an episode of a TV Show that was already scanned, and just watched it. Periodically I would pause it and go back to check, and it scanned all of my movies. I was worried that it might crash out while moving to the next episode, so when I got to the end of the episode I was watching, I just hit pause and left the screen paused. I fell asleep and woke up this morning, with all of my library scanned. 

So in short: 
1. Start a library scan
2. Start to watch a TV Show episode
3. Pause it for a few hours 

Hopefully it wasn't a fluke and this is helpful to anyone else struggling with this.
(2022-02-01, 16:17)starslayer74 Wrote: I found a workaround. 

I updated to Hotfix #3, tried updating library, and it crashed, the same as the last two hotfixes.

I noticed that the library scanning for my TV Shows never crashed. So I started a full library update, opened an episode of a TV Show that was already scanned, and just watched it. Periodically I would pause it and go back to check, and it scanned all of my movies. I was worried that it might crash out while moving to the next episode, so when I got to the end of the episode I was watching, I just hit pause and left the screen paused. I fell asleep and woke up this morning, with all of my library scanned. 

So in short: 
1. Start a library scan
2. Start to watch a TV Show episode
3. Pause it for a few hours 

Hopefully it wasn't a fluke and this is helpful to anyone else struggling with this.
I have seen others mentions this technique working for them, so definitely worth a try. I finally got mine back working 100%, hopefully Nvidia learned a lesson. And gotta say I was surprised how well Kodi runs right on my Sony TV.
Nvidia ShieldTV (2017)+Nexus
(2022-02-01, 16:17)starslayer74 Wrote: I found a workaround. 

I updated to Hotfix #3, tried updating library, and it crashed, the same as the last two hotfixes.

I noticed that the library scanning for my TV Shows never crashed. So I started a full library update, opened an episode of a TV Show that was already scanned, and just watched it. Periodically I would pause it and go back to check, and it scanned all of my movies. I was worried that it might crash out while moving to the next episode, so when I got to the end of the episode I was watching, I just hit pause and left the screen paused. I fell asleep and woke up this morning, with all of my library scanned. 

So in short: 
1. Start a library scan
2. Start to watch a TV Show episode
3. Pause it for a few hours 

Hopefully it wasn't a fluke and this is helpful to anyone else struggling with this.

Will try the proposed solution and report Smile (lets hope this will work out )
I had exactly the same problem….
On 2017 shield….
Windows smb shares 3 seperate hard drives
Nvidia shield 9.0.1
2 hdd will scrape nice… one will always give problem….
Did countless factory reset to shield
Formatted the C drive god knows how many times….
Tried everything what i could think for and was up for 36 hours straight… cursing google and nvidia….

Then… i rolled back to 8.2.3(android9)

Everything started working like normal

Who ever tells you …. Do this do that… might work for someone might not…
If it wont be this problem then it will be that problem….

Only fix is rollback…so happy now…
I was waiting for 2022 shield to upgrade my 2017… now i know i wont be able to roll back on that … i bought 2019 with android 8.2.3 and just finished setting it up … so happy…
Will never be updating shield again
Latest hotfix 9.0.1
Kodi 20b 15/2/2022

Same problems. Library Scan stopped unexpectadly.

Log file with scanner tmdb python 

Log file with scanner tmbm (Not Python) - Scanned more movies than python (in the end of log file there is an error something about alarm widget refresh - or something)
This workaround seems to be working... weird... lol

It's been 10 minutes so far and it's still scanning. Didn't last more than 20-30 seconds before. I hope I didn't jinx myself. 

If anyone comes with a solution for the future please let us know!

Thanks again for this workaround.
Any updates from Nvidia regarding this? Seems to be related to Python library scraper.

Latest 9.0.2 Nvidia
Latest Kodi beta v20
same .... kodi crashes on library update
Anyone tested with 19.4?
Shield 2019 (away at the moment, so can't check version), Kodi 19.3.

Same issue of KODI crashing when running "Update Library".

Also noticed that one title was mis-identified ... so tried to REFRESH, but any access to the Information of this title causes KODI to crash.

I wonder if it a Scraper issue Huh
same problem with latest kodi v20
Kodi v20 night 27/5/2022

Library update crashed kodi but there has been some progress (i think )

My issue might be the same.

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Kodi crashing while updating Library. Shield Pro 20190