Kodi 20 freezing when accessing folders or addon page with non English characters
Hello I have the same issue with Nexus and Confluence skin / skin default font. Goes away with Confluence / Arial based font.

In my case, with files created with yt-dlp from various websites, for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRAWVIX7mv0
The question mark of the title is 0xff1f and not the usual ASCII character.
Make sure the file name is long enough for the label to overflow and cause truncation + ellipsis added at the end, otherwise nothing happens.

Kodi and yt-dlp on Win10 in case that matters.

A quick debug shows the issue is in CGUIFontTTF::DrawTextInternal line 494, attempting to read from an empty queue.
While the quick fix is to return when there is nothing left in the characters variable, a better fix would probably be to fix the inconsistency in character / string measuring.

I can help test or come up with a patch if you'd like.
FYI I noticed my team email was disabled and can't get in my related github repo.

edit: submitted PR 22648 under a different handle since CrystalP was inactivated by admin.
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Kodi 20 freezing when accessing folders or addon page with non English characters0