Help confirm that DXVA Deinterlacing crashes in some AMD APUs with recent drivers?
Well, I figured out why my Radeon RX 6400 could not replicate the issue when I originally started this thread in April 2023.  It's because it didn't become a problem for my RX 6400 until later.  Driver version 23.8.2 from Aug 31st 2023 is the last version that doesn't crash on deinterlacing.  The crashes begin with Adrenalin 23.10.2 for my RX 6400.  I'll post a debug log file and dmp tomorrow when I have time, I spent a lot of my night installing drivers to find the exact 'bad point'.

Also, wow, while it does deinterlace without crashing on those drivers, it really sucks.  It's terrible compared to say my GTX 1080 or RTX 3080.  I don't even think it's attempting inverse telecine like the nVidia GPUs do.  Didn't AMD once have great 'video' features on their cards?  And this is a shame cause their APUs in MiniPCs make great full fat Kodi boxes.

Log and DMP file Kodi 20.3 crashing with interlaced 480i MPEG-2 video on a Radeon RX 6400 with driver version 23.10.2  Same occurs with any driver version after this but not prior, but that is specific to the RX 6400 it seems as much earlier drivers caused this in the 6600U.

That said, it's pretty clear this is a driver issue from AMD so I'm not sure what the Kodi devs can do about this.  AMD drivers are obviously not Kodi's responsibility.  Though if this is 'spreading' to other AMD GPUs with successive driver updates, some kind of 'work around' may be necessary, I dunno.  At the moment I can only see using the software renderer in Kodi as pixel shaders don't seem to allow deinterlacing at all.
(2024-01-30, 04:05)CrystalP Wrote: I provided a few test builds for a different deinterlacing issue (but there was no crash), you could give them a shot just in case, they partially revert some changes of v21
See, but don't post there, it's not the same problem and completely different GPU generations.

Tried all five, no difference, all crash on 480i or 1080i video samples
@DJ_Izumi I couldn't get anything interesting out of the dump file. It shows an address violation in the driver and that's it.

@atcronin that was a massive amount of testing, thanks! When you write about differences cause by the frame rate adjust function, do you mean compared with a fixed desktop frame rate (59Hz it seems for you) that doesn't match the video, or compared with manually switching the screen refresh rate to match the video before playing? This is to clarify if the problem is caused by the switch itself, or by playing a video at a specific frame rate.
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(2024-02-11, 03:50)CrystalP Wrote: @atcronin that was a massive amount of testing, thanks! When you write about differences cause by the frame rate adjust function, do you mean compared with a fixed desktop frame rate (59Hz it seems for you) that doesn't match the video, or compared with manually switching the screen refresh rate to match the video before playing? This is to clarify if the problem is caused by the switch itself, or by playing a video at a specific frame rate.

Never switched the refresh manually before playback.
it's possible res+rate was different on relaunching kodi following a crash.
I was checking the Kodi OSD and LG TV VRR OSD to confirm res+rate during playback and it always matched my testing expectations.

The rate is switched with "adjust refresh rate" enabled as "start/stop" or if that is disabled, by manually selecting the res+rate from the playback menu in kodi.
So that would indicate it is caused by the specific rate, not how it got to that rate.

I just double checked if the results held when launching kodi at the problem refresh rates with auto adjust disabled, and sure enough 50hz crashed on the 25i video and 23hz crashed on ntsc dvd, other rates were fine.
Could not get MPC-BE and any combination of video filter, renderer and settings there-in to crash.

Well, the only real fix for my low profile Radeon RX 6400 crashing on deinterlacing in Kodi.

I'd not be against providing my now retired RX 6400 to a dev if they needed a specific GPU to test on to take a serious stab at fixing this issue.
Since apparently no Kodi devs have an RDNA3 GPU, I sent my Radeon RX 6400 to a Kodi developer so that they can take a look at it and see what's up.  No promises on results of course, but they said they'd take a 'serious look' at the issue if provided with the hardware and a low profile RX 6400 is not super useful to me if it crashes on interlaced video.

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Help confirm that DXVA Deinterlacing crashes in some AMD APUs with recent drivers?0