Solved Error when building Kodi Omega

this is my notes to compil kodi on debian 12.6, I think it can help you.

I installed debian-12.6.0-amd64-netinst.iso with basic systems tools and ssh, nothing else.  Create a user "kodi".

Sorry for the purist linux I work under root but my kodi work fine ;-)
(2024-07-20, 01:05)-jcb- Wrote: Hi,

this is my notes to compil kodi on debian 12.6, I think it can help you.

I installed debian-12.6.0-amd64-netinst.iso with basic systems tools and ssh, nothing else.  Create a user "kodi".

Sorry for the purist linux I work under root but my kodi work fine ;-)

Thanks for your guide!  I managed to get Kodi Omega built with help from your steps.  I created a new Debian machine and followed your instructions, however I still came across errors, in the end I got it sorted I could build Kodi Omega on Ubuntu based pop_os.  Thanks!
Happy for you ;-)

Last corrections :

4K movies are now perfect. Next step for me : emulators....

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Error when building Kodi Omega0