[AppleTV] HOW-TO increase ATV remote functionality with a Universal Remote Control
...and my XBMC Apple Remote mode is standard, while the Launcher Universal Mode is *on*. Both of these are defaults, afaik. Turning off Universal Mode in the Launcher didn't do anything.
Update: I changed to XBMC Babylon and everything works fine. Apart from my database disappearing when I upgraded, that is Smile
MaestroDD Wrote:...
I've added the additional keys to default keymap.xml, so it'll be included in next release.


Any word on those extra keys? I'm not sure where the "default" keymap.xml is located, I just upload a custom one to the userdata directory.

aedile Wrote:Maestro,

Any word on those extra keys?

they are included in babylon alpha 1

aedile Wrote:I'm not sure where the "default" keymap.xml is located, I just upload a custom one to the userdata directory.


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My bad. For some reason I had it in my head that you were adding in the learned +,-, >,<, play, menu keys into the keymap.xml as separate mappings. I just realized I was cross-reading between this thread and the Launcher 3.0 beta test thread like a moron.
Big Grin
Cheers and thanks for the work on Launcher 3.

I understand the learning remote part which is a composite of the AppleRemote and the old remote.

Is the learning on the ATV limited to the 10 items represented by the first 10 button IDs in the sample keymap.xml entries? Or does one have to have the ATV learn the rest of the entries too?
Fire TV Stick, Xiaomi Mi Box, Tanix TX3 Mini (S905W), Fire TV with 4K, Apple TV 4K, Tanix TX3 (S905X3)
Hello, I don't understand why you have 9 learned keys (from 70 to 78) while on the apple page you've linked, it seems there's only the 6 usual keys.
@unmesh: You have to have them learned as part of the setup process, but you don't use them in your setup. I use the traditional apple remote to learn those and then the "learned remote" for the extended use buttons.

@raydevos: Though it's not shown in the guide itself, there are actually several more buttons involved in the learning process which are where you get the new functionality from.

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
Thanks @aedile,

I will try this out tonight.
Fire TV Stick, Xiaomi Mi Box, Tanix TX3 Mini (S905W), Fire TV with 4K, Apple TV 4K, Tanix TX3 (S905X3)
I got the ATV to learn the basic keys and the playback keys off a 3rd party remote and XBMC responds to the the basic keys on that remote. How do I get it to respond to the additional keys?

Fire TV Stick, Xiaomi Mi Box, Tanix TX3 Mini (S905W), Fire TV with 4K, Apple TV 4K, Tanix TX3 (S905X3)
I re-learned the keys and they started working. I have no idea why it did not work the first time Rolleyes
Fire TV Stick, Xiaomi Mi Box, Tanix TX3 Mini (S905W), Fire TV with 4K, Apple TV 4K, Tanix TX3 (S905X3)

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[AppleTV] HOW-TO increase ATV remote functionality with a Universal Remote Control0