Audio engine bug?
Thank you for your help Smile
Sorry to be jumping on an old thread, but I am very new to XBMC and still learning.

I have recently installed it on an AppleTV and have the same issues with lack of bit perfect output. (DTS cd rips produce just noise, HDCD encoded tracks losing the HDCD encoding).

Can I assume the same problems with the Mac Mini port apply to the AppleTV (v1). And similarly, might there one day be a fix?

Bit perfect output is for me an absolute must-have. I can't use XBMC as a serious platform without this :-(
Yeah, I'm also interested in how things go around bit-perfectness. I haven't checked the new builds for a while... I thought this "issue" had long been "fixed".

I hope one day I can help with this as I'm keen on low level multimedia and OS XSmile
If you want to help check out AudioEngine branch. It currently doesn't work on osx since the developer has no access to hardware at the moment. Anyone willing is free to produce patches for it.
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"Well Im gonna download the code and look at it a bit but I'm certainly not a really good C/C++ programer but I'd help as much as I can, I mostly write in C#."
OK, I'll see what can I do. I'm quite busy with work at the moment but that should change in the near futureSmile

I have a very decent audiophil/videophil configuration for the 2009 Mac Mini (or every Mini from 2009 on) with XMBC for Windows (XP). I can share my experience with you if you like.
adinatha Wrote:OK, I'll see what can I do. I'm quite busy with work at the moment but that should change in the near futureSmile

I have a very decent audiophil/videophil configuration for the 2009 Mac Mini (or every Mini from 2009 on) with XBMC for Windows (XP). I can share my experience with you if you like.

Thanks for the kind offer. However, it would have to be idiot-proof (because I am an idiot). I can just about boot a Windows XP machine and do some Excel and Powerpoint stuff for work, but I have zero knowledge of linux or OSX and find it all a very steep learning curve. As soon as someone says I have to ssh into my AppleTV and start copying from one directory to another or editing XML files, honestly I am lost.

All I want is a *solution* that will do some basic things. I don't care whether it's Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, proprietrary, open or closed. All I want is a simple, wife-friendly solution that will do the following:

1. Play 1080p video in virtually any file format
2. Output bit perfect audio from lossless file formats
3. Be able to do (2) without having to turn the TV on. i.e. the Apple Remote type of capability on some handheld device.

You wouldn't think it would be so hard, would you!

My search for the perfect platform continues. I thought XBMC might be it, but it seems not (yet?).
I haven't found any all-in-one solutions for PC, however, I was searching actively about two years ago and things may have changed since then. Especially point (3) of your requirements is hard to fulfil with a PC solution.

I also tried out hardware media players but they were quite limited at the time and, I guess, the problem with them still is the lack of flexibility when it comes to new video or audio formats.

My configuration is unfortunately not idiot proof nor simple. And it lacks TV-less remote support in your sense of the meaning. The components are XBMC, Winamp, MPC-HC, Zoom Player, CoreAVC codec, AutoIt, Logitech DiNovo Mini (as a remote) and a 2009 Mac Mini. My aim was to achieve maximum audio/video quality with a nice frontend and media catalog. XBMC is the best frontend but there were some issues with the playback quality so I looked further.

May you would be better off with some recent hardware mediaplayer. Or I would give a try to PowerDVD although I don't know much of its lossless audio support or remote compatibility.
Well I am working as hard as I can on the AudioEngine branch to bring bit-perfect reproduction into existence with XBMC. Windows support is already working thanks to CrystalP and ArtV, and Linux support is working thanks to myself and topfs2.

We need an OSX dev that can write the AudioSink for CoreAudio, and that will be covered too. Now that Dharma has been released we are planning to merge AE into trunk once a few more loose ends are tied up.
I am not scared of SVN - Cutting my hands open on the bleeding edge.
Thumbs Up 
System: XBMC HTPC with HDMI WASAPI & AudioEngine - Denon  AVR-3808CI  - Denon DVD-5900 Universal Player  - Denon DCM-27 CD-Changer
- Sony BDP-S580 Blu-Ray  - X-Box 360  - Android tablet wireless remote - 7.1 Streem/Axiom/Velodyne Surround System
If I have been able to help feel free to add to my reputation +/- below - thanks!
DDDamian Wrote:-

It is or isn't working yet? you said it's alive but then your post was blank after you edited it lol.

I have around 100 MKVs of blurays, along with many tv series and am looking for a media center app with the best playback/support. I initially got a boxee box (the one actually made by d-link) and have run into a bug with DTS audio not working properly and after searching around it appears that bug has been going on for almost 10 months now...which leads me to find a different solution. I think im going to pickup a mac mini and run either plex or XBMC but I NEED support for lossless audio...I have about $10,000 invested in my main tv/audio system so dont want to have to down convert audio at all.

Maybe I'd be better off with something windows based? I'd love to get the mac mini to work though due to its form factor, size, and power consumption.

Codee Wrote:It is or isn't working yet? you said it's alive but then your post was blank after you edited it lol.

I have around 100 MKVs of blurays, along with many tv series and am looking for a media center app with the best playback/support. I initially got a boxee box (the one actually made by d-link) and have run into a bug with DTS audio not working properly and after searching around it appears that bug has been going on for almost 10 months now...which leads me to find a different solution. I think im going to pickup a mac mini and run either plex or XBMC but I NEED support for lossless audio...I have about $10,000 invested in my main tv/audio system so dont want to have to down convert audio at all.

Maybe I'd be better off with something windows based? I'd love to get the mac mini to work though due to its form factor, size, and power consumption.


Foot in mouth, jumped the gun, hair-triggered, premature ej....uhhh, all that Laugh

But yes, the developer has picked up on the project again and it is alive, although a WIP. If you have the skills to compile you can follow progress at As the thread name suggests, do not ask for builds and avoid posts that aren't development-oriented.

Yes, this engine supports lossless, HD formats and 24-bit audio. It is multi-platform, so will apply whether you go Windows or not. That's going to be a personal preference. I use Windows only because of some other software I run on my HTPC from time-to-time, as well as for ease of use. If you want the most "appliance" type of build, i.e. a box that goes straight to XBMC as if it were a dedicated piece of AV equipment, you might want to try XBMC Live on a Linux build, but you'd better know Linux as well as have a fully compatible GPU/soundcard.

Happy HTPC'ing and be patient with the AE development - it's coming but at the devs pace.
System: XBMC HTPC with HDMI WASAPI & AudioEngine - Denon  AVR-3808CI  - Denon DVD-5900 Universal Player  - Denon DCM-27 CD-Changer
- Sony BDP-S580 Blu-Ray  - X-Box 360  - Android tablet wireless remote - 7.1 Streem/Axiom/Velodyne Surround System
If I have been able to help feel free to add to my reputation +/- below - thanks!

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Audio engine bug?0