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[LINUX] HOW-TO make a standard Ubuntu installation into 'XBMCbuntu' set-top-box style
took some time to figure everything out but it's running fast!
Great guide but needs to be updated...
I had to reinstall nvidia driver after installing flux. the grafic adapter wasn't installed correctly.. screen error?
Also I had to install libsamplerate0-dev. error: libsamplerate checking error! solved by: apt-get install libsamplerate0-dev
The sound didn't succeed even, therefor I tried the following to solve..
sudo apt-get install module-assistant
sudo m-a update
sudo m-a prepare
sudo m-a a-i alsa
sudo reboot

There should be a logical explanation for the above since I not so into Linux (yet)
Did I mention it's booting extremely fast!!!?

cheers.. Martijn
the How-To is great but somebody definitely needs to update the correct repositories

the usplash instructions are also not working
OpenElec Standalone --> Asus Chromebox 'Panther' --> Onkyo TX-NR709 --> Sony 55" X85C Android TV (also with Kodi!)
Asus Chromebox EZ Script
Kodi on Sony Bravia Android TVs
For me the fix for usplash was to add the correct resolution to /etc/usplash.conf

In my case:

# Usplash configuration file
# These parameters will only apply after running update-initramfs.

After you have changed this you have to run these commands again:
sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so
sudo update-initramfs -u

Then it'll probably work
I've tried out this guide and it works for the most part. Only thing that I stumbled on was the alsa libs/tools. This was probably due to opt'ing for the svn ppa instead of guides 9.04-1 ppa.

I found 2 things required to get the svn ppa working (following the guide)

Obviously add the SVN PPA to source list instead of 9.04-1 and add appropriate key(s)

needed to install alsa
sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils

I also needed to install the build environment as xbmc-svn would not start up due to missing dependancies(guessing) I ddint check which ones.

HW : Multiple Asrock 330HT + NAS
SYS: xbmc-live 10.0
Great work, l.capriotti!

I did not know ubuntu splash screens with the XBMC logo and xbmc-live scripts were in the APT repositories Big Grin.

I already was half way getting my normal Ubuntu Jaunty system to start XBMC at system boot without trashing my existing config including GDM. I modified the runXBMC script from the live CD to start X on a :1 display. But the downside was, you first see GDM booting and only after that, the screen switches to the new X session with XBMC.

The only thing that startled me (maybe this should be made more clear before installing xbmc-live) is that GDM and the ubuntu-desktop meta package get removed :o. But OK, in my case, I only use an old CRT TV so desktopping on it was a PITA anyway. But again, I could imagine that some people might only want to remove GDM from the startup proces but be able to start it manually Smile.

This brings me to another point:

Shutting down the system from XBMC works basically, but what worries me (it does not look nice) is that XBMC seems to quit and immediately starting up again (using the runXBMC/.xsession loop), to be killed by the system shutdown proces yet again :S.

A last note: Is it wise to have XBMC start at position 20 in the boot process? In jaunty, this process seems to be somewhat paralellized and at a first glance, I don't see things started after S20 that XBMC relies on heavily. But in my own situation, I had start up scripts for my IRTRANS displayl and ir reservers on position S97 and S98, so it would be good if readers of your guide would be aware of this.
eversteegt Wrote:Shutting down the system from XBMC works basically, but what worries me (it does not look nice) is that XBMC seems to quit and immediately starting up again (using the runXBMC/.xsession loop), to be killed by the system shutdown proces yet again :S.
This is something I have seen recently myself, too.
something has changed in the XBMC return codes, I would need to investigate further.

eversteegt Wrote:But in my own situation, I had start up scripts for my IRTRANS displayl and ir reservers on position S97 and S98, so it would be good if readers of your guide would be aware of this.
The more information the better! Tks for the heads-up Nod
Hi luigi,

Which script adds the "xbmc" user and does all the power management stuff?
Also, if I run: /etc/init.d/xbmc-live stop, xbmc starts up again immediately. Is this behavior expected? Cheers!!!

MacUsers Wrote:Hi luigi,
Which script adds the "xbmc" user and does all the power management stuff?
it's the postinst script of the xbmc-live package

MacUsers Wrote:Also, if I run: /etc/init.d/xbmc-live stop, xbmc starts up again immediately. Is this behavior expected? Cheers!!!
not expected and never tried it... Smile
I will check what's going on...
l.capriotti Wrote:not expected and never tried it... Smile
I will check what's going on...
Looks like it because of the way Xorg is [auto]configured. Xorg restarts as soon as it's killed and bring xbmc live along with it.
Also, there is no process named "xbmc" running, so stop can't kill that process. It should be "xbmc.bin" instead. So, "xbmc-live stop" actually doing nothing other than just killing Xotg. Killing xbmc.bin doesn't re-start X or xbmc itself.

Another question: How can I stop xbmc from auto start (sometimes it needed for debugging)? Cheers!!!
have a look at /usr/bin/runXBMC.sh, that is the one restarting XBMC and that has the hook you need - because I needed it as well Smile
l.capriotti Wrote:have a look at /usr/bin/runXBMC.sh, that is the one restarting XBMC and that has the hook you need - because I needed it as well Smile
who is running/calling runXBMC.sh or how it's being called all time, anyway? Cheers!!!
This and the original minimal guide are very helpful - many thanks.

A question/request from a Linux newbie, though. Would it be possible and helpful to add an optional section to the guide that describes how to install Gnome on the machine, but only to be accessed occasionally when needed? I had a lot of luck with the earlier guide in getting a set-top box setup. But when I wanted to do a decent amount of file manipulation (add and organize backdrops, specifically) on the box I really wanted to be able to do that graphically instead of via command line. I went back to a normal Ubuntu setup with XBMC autostarting, but this increases boot time and loses the set-top-box feel.

I'd personally love to find a happy medium that uses the minimal XBMCbuntu approach normally, but that also has Gnome (or some other graphical desktop client) installed on the box and runnable as needed for occasional maintenance work that would be cumbersome via the terminal.
pantherman007 Wrote:I'd personally love to find a happy medium that uses the minimal XBMCbuntu approach normally, but that also has Gnome (or some other graphical desktop client) installed on the box and runnable as needed for occasional maintenance work that would be cumbersome via the terminal.

after fiddling around a lot with the terminal in putty, I'd love to have the possibility in XBMCbuntu/XBMC live to have an additional Shutdown-Option that ends XBMC and starts a Gnome Session Nod

if someone tells me how to do that manually I'll gladly try that
OpenElec Standalone --> Asus Chromebox 'Panther' --> Onkyo TX-NR709 --> Sony 55" X85C Android TV (also with Kodi!)
Asus Chromebox EZ Script
Kodi on Sony Bravia Android TVs
Hannes The Hun Wrote:after fiddling around a lot with the terminal in putty, I'd love to have the possibility in XBMCbuntu/XBMC live to have an additional Shutdown-Option that ends XBMC and starts a Gnome Session Nod

if someone tells me how to do that manually I'll gladly try that

Funny you should ask... I Have done just that by modifying /usr/bin/runXBMC.sh. When xbmc exits( not restart or shutdown)

This is my runXBMC.sh (Modified)

if [ "$(pidof X)" ] ; then
        /usr/share/xbmc/xbmc.bin  --standalone

while true
        echo "#!/bin/bash" >  /home/xbmc/.xsession
        echo "/usr/share/xbmc/xbmc.bin  --standalone" >>  /home/xbmc/.xsession

        echo "case \"\$?\" in" >>  /home/xbmc/.xsession
        echo "    0 ) # Quit" >>  /home/xbmc/.xsession
        echo "        touch /tmp/noRestartXBMC" >> /home/xbmc/.xsession
        echo "        break ;;"  >>  /home/xbmc/.xsession
        echo "    64 ) # Shutdown System"  >>  /home/xbmc/.xsession
        echo "        sleep 10 ;;"  >>  /home/xbmc/.xsession
        echo "    65 ) # Warm Reboot"  >>  /home/xbmc/.xsession
        echo "        echo "Restarting XBMC ..." ;;"  >>  /home/xbmc/.xsession
        echo "    66 ) # Reboot System"  >>  /home/xbmc/.xsession
        echo "        sleep 10 ;;"  >>  /home/xbmc/.xsession
        echo "     * ) ;;"  >>  /home/xbmc/.xsession
        echo "esac"  >>  /home/xbmc/.xsession

        chown xbmc:xbmc /home/xbmc/.xsession

        if [ "$(whoami)" == "root" ] ; then
                su xbmc -c "startx -- -br > /dev/null 2>&1" -l
                startx -- -br > /dev/null 2>&1

        if [ -e /tmp/noRestartXBMC ] ; then
                rm /tmp/noRestartXBMC
                rm /home/xbmc/.xsession
                # break

                # Start Gnome Session
                echo "#!/bin/bash" >  /home/xbmc/.xsession
                echo "exec gnome-session" >>  /home/xbmc/.xsession

                chown xbmc:xbmc /home/xbmc/.xsession

                if [ "$(whoami)" == "root" ] ; then
                        su xbmc -c "startx -- -br > /dev/null 2>&1" -l
                        startx -- -br > /dev/null 2>&1

        sleep 2

You will notice that I have added extra code within the section that tests to see if noRestartXBMC has been created. This happens when the .xsession detects that xbmc has been terminated using "EXIT"

You will also need to install the following before modifying your runXBMC.sh
sudo apt get install gnome-core gnome-volume-manager gnome-themes gnome-themes-extras

1. Do NOT install gnome by only using the gnome virtual package. This will install gdm which will surely break your setup.
2. Altering runXBMC.sh may no be permenant if you installed the xbmc-live package. If the mantainer changes/updates this package and you upgrade your system, your changes may be lost. To avoid this, you need to manually install. these scripts. Google is you friend
3. This setup is what I do. Dont just copy and paste. Understand it and modify your own.

For Reference, I also modified the xbmc-live script and stripped out the what I deemed as xbmc live specific stuff. Also fixed up the issue with halting xbmc with sudo /etc/init.d/xbmc-live stop
This has been done by adding touch /tmp/noRestartXBMC to do_stop() method


# Provides:          xbmc
# Required-Start:    $local_fs $network $remote_fs
# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $network $remote_fs
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Description:       Start and Stop XBMC
#                    - Edited by Zeppstar, Based on xbmc-live svn
#                    - Striped down to only provide bare minimum
#                    - Does not required kernel parameter to be passed as per guide
#                    - Changed do_stop() to terminate back to prompt rather than restart.
#                    - Added Audio reset to prevent pcm sound loss. (works for me)


. /lib/lsb/init-functions

        #Reset Audio  - only required if PCM audio drops out after xbmc crash
        iecset audio on

        log_action_begin_msg "Configuring system and starting XBMC"
        # if usplash is running, make sure to stop it now, yes "start" kills it.
        if pidof usplash > /dev/null; then
                DO_NOT_SWITCH_VT=yes /etc/init.d/usplash start
        /usr/bin/runXBMC.sh &
        log_action_end_msg 0

do_stop() {
        touch /tmp/noRestartXBMC
        killall xbmc.bin Xorg

case "$1" in
        echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
        exit 3

exit 0

Edit: I'd like to also add that my gnome-session section in runXBMC.sh is still work in progress. I'm still looking for a perfect blend for my .xssesion start up. Im also looking to add some better fonts. Keep you posted.
HW : Multiple Asrock 330HT + NAS
SYS: xbmc-live 10.0
I've got everything installed and running (I can run XBMC from fluxbox just fine) except for the xbmc-live script. When I run sudo apt-get install xbmc-live I get the following response:
Unpacking xbmc-live (from .../xbmc-live_9.04.2+svn20937-jaunty1_i386.deb) ...
Setting up xbmc-live (9.04.2+svn20937-jaunty1) ...
dpkg: error processing xbmc-live (--configure):
subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
I need your help guys. I'm not sure what to do to get it to install.
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[LINUX] HOW-TO make a standard Ubuntu installation into 'XBMCbuntu' set-top-box style3