<controllerdeadzone> not working
Thank You bobdevis!

I will test this at the weekend Smile
magicrat80 Wrote:I found with the sticks that the volume slowly crept down. I'd been playing with the XML recently as well (didn't get that far though) because I've got the Launcher plugin setup for my games that use the 360 controller. With the EventClient way of doing it, XBMC still receives controller button presses. Would be really good to get the DeadZone patch working as this would allow me to play all my games via XBMC without problems.

I have 2 controllers, One black and One white and both report as being "Controller (Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver for Windows)" which is good to know. Keep up the good work.

I ran into the same problem once when using the old EventClient.exe way. Are you sure that XBMC isn't getting controller input when using the built in controller support? I haven't tested this myself yet, as I generally just start games without XBMC running.

If it would mean a lot for your XBMC experience, I could try to upload my patched XBMC executable somewhere for you to download. It's an SVN build though, so it might have some minor development-phase problems.

Meanwhile, it might help get some extra eyes on the problem if you post at the patch http://trac.xbmc.org/ticket/8536 that you need this bug fixed too.
I hadn't begun to change the mapping yet for the controller, so it was just a fresh XBMC install and EventClient.exe, however, I feel that it may actually be the EventClient file itself causing the problems as it grabs the commands then sends them to XBMC. So even though XBMC is minimized while playing a game, EventClient is still grabbing those button presses and sending them to XBMC. In short, I don't think it's a problem with XBMC, just the EventClient.exe file.

Thanks for the offer of the patched SVN build. If it's too much trouble, I wouldn't worry too much.
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<controllerdeadzone> not working0