[AppleTV2] SMB sharing with a Drobo-FS
Not a stupid question at all.

Yes, I am using smb:// to connect. I have tried in all different ways. With the passwords in the address, without, using the ip instead of the "drobo-fs" name, adding "/movies" to the end... all work flawlessly with either of the 3 macs I try it with. (air, imac, mini)

It's just this damn Apple TV2 that I was so excited to buy yesterday after the XBMC news that's driving me crazy! haha

Again, thank you so much for your help...
After surfing the web like crazy and seeing many Boxee users with the same issues, I'm wondering if this is something that may never be solved Sad

I really don't want to take this little guy back, the rest of it is amazing. Problem is, my main use is streaming from my drobo.

Anyone else have any ideas? I'll try just about anything.
im running ATV2 with drobofs smb shares with no problems. im not using a password or username, just smb:// and thats it. i only have an admin account on the drobo and 2 shares with share users set to everyone.
sorry for my bad english Rolleyes
You must first make a new connection!
Go to ad "Add source", -> Browse -> !! Add network location !, Now make a Windows network (SMB) Protocol and put your IP, username and password into.
After this you have the new connection in your list for new share!
like smb://youripadress/

Thats all!

PS: i have a Qnap NAS and works like a charme.
PixelBomb Wrote:Does anyone have an idea on how to do this? I have a Drobo-FS set up on our network with a folder called "movies" having all the data I want available for my Apple TV2 with XBMC.

When using Plex on my Mac Mini or MacBook Air, it works like a charm, but that's because I am able to mount the drives. Obviously on the Apple TV2 that's not an option.

Can anyone walk me through how to set up an SMB share with the Drobo-FS?

Thank you so much in advance!

I have been trying for almost a year to do this. XBMC, PCH-C200, Boxee Box, etc ... None of them work. I keep getting this operation not permitted error. Oddly enough every Realtek based player has been able to connect to the Drobo-FS over smb with no problems. Data Robotics does not support media players so you won't get any help there. From a C200 you can use NFS to connect to the Drobo-FS using a 3rd party unsupported app. I got so annoyed with it all that I bought an Acer H340 WHS and it has worked great.

I know you run across the occasional user who manages to get it to work. I have no idea how. I love my Drobos but I have stopped using them for media player use. They won't work over smb. Of course they work fine from OSX or Windows.

Save yourself some grief and get another NAS. It is the only NAS I know that doesn't work properly with media players that are not Realtek based.

It's very frustrating and not worth the hassle in my opinion. Works great for computers though.

robiv8 Wrote:Hallo,
sorry for my bad english Rolleyes
You must first make a new connection!
Go to ad "Add source", -> Browse -> !! Add network location !, Now make a Windows network (SMB) Protocol and put your IP, username and password into.
After this you have the new connection in your list for new share!
like smb://youripadress/

Thats all!

PS: i have a Qnap NAS and works like a charme.

The Drobo-FS is different than a QNAP. It won't work with XBMC for most people.

N3MIS15 - I have tried that exact set up many, many times and it just will not work. Thank you for trying to help though - I really appreciate it.

robiv8 - I appreciate your effort, but as you can see from all the previous posts, I have tried that exact procedure more times than I can count. Still, no go. Again, thank you for trying!
PixelBomb Wrote:After surfing the web like crazy and seeing many Boxee users with the same issues, I'm wondering if this is something that may never be solved Sad

I really don't want to take this little guy back, the rest of it is amazing. Problem is, my main use is streaming from my drobo.

Anyone else have any ideas? I'll try just about anything.

It has nothing at all to do with the ATV2. It is the Drobo-FS and DroboShare that is the problem.

From your responses, it seems like you're trying the proper method to connect. As pmcd suggested, there seems to be an issue with how Drobo has implemented the SMB protocol in their DroboShare.

What is weird is that user N3MIS15 doesn't have any problem. Very interesting.

What other protocol does Drobo-FS support? I know XBMC supports FTP. Perhaps try that protocol and see how that works out for the time being.

Based on what N3MIS15 wrote, instead of being restrictive. Try opening up the Movies share to "everyone." Perhaps it's the passing of the authentication token to DroboShare that is the issue. Also, have you tried looking into your XBMC log file to see if there are any indication on what the issue might be?

i will list the steps for me adding a drobo SMB share..
It will then show up in the 'browse for new share' menu.
For some reason just selecting Windows Network (SMB) from the browse for new share menu gives me an error sometimes, not sure if its xbmc or drobo making that happen.

if it helps my drobo is static ip
xbmc box's (ATV2 and revo) are both dhcp
running gigabit router to gibabit switch then to xbmc boxes and drobo

worgroup name=WORKGROUP (same workgroup name may be important?)
and as i said before droboshare set to everyone...

hope you can get it running.

Cheers, N3MI

EDIT: you could also try adding a source manualy..

in the userdata folder make a file called mediasources.xml (if its not already there) and inside it make it look like this:
        <location id="0">smb://</location>
The Source should then show up in browse for new share menu.

When i can get drobo dashboard to recognise my drobo (i hate the software) i will try messing around with privileges and see if i can replicate your error.
N3MIS15 - You are a good man, trying to help me out like this.

Your steps are the exact ones I have done many times, the only difference is - when I click on "browse" while having SMB as my protocol and in the "add network location" nothing will show up. It just sits there blank.

Question for you - how do I get into the userdata folder on the apple tv? Do I have to SSH into it? If so - how do I do this? I just copied and pasted directions from lifehacker to get seasonpass and xbmc loaded originally.

I would love to try the manual route.

Thanks again!
Perhaps the issue is that your Drobo is on a different workgroup? Not sure if there is a setting in the drobo software, but try putting it on the default Windows Workgroup as N3MIS15 mention:


BTW, Filezilla has SFTP support. So you can use that to access your ATV2 via FTP and download, edit the mediasources.xml. However, I don't think manually editing this file is gonna be any different than following the steps of my video. Though at this point, it's worth a try. Good luck.

Thanks a lot dazex, but I made sure I was on the same workgroup from the very beginning. I appreciate the suggestion though.

Is Filezilla supported on Mac OS? I haven't even tried to look it up or use it before Smile If it is, what information do I use to access my apple tv with it? For the record, I'm pretty well trained with FTP software as I do a lot of web design and file transfer in my profession.

Thank you!
Just to clarify. I don't mean for you to ensure that you are in the same workgroup.

I mean you should try naming your workgroup: "WORKGROUP" in case you called it something else. The reason for that suggestion is that if you did name your workgroup something other than "WORKGROUP", that fact might be the reason for your connectivity. While user N3MIS15 is able to connect to his Drobo just fine with his workgroup named as "WORKGROUP." Don't mean to imply you are densed, but I just want to ensure we're on the same page. If we are indeed on the same page, sorry...and disregard all this. Wink

Anyways, there is a Filezilla client for OSX too. Since you design web, you may already own editing software that will allow you to SFTP into and edit the xml file at the same time. Anyways, I am sure you know what to do. Smile

i have zero experience with osx, so im not sure what software to use, but yes, i use winscp to get into the appletv. im only learning ssh and unix at the moment so i cant be of too much help here (i would just google a sftp gui for osx). but once your in, navigate to:

I hope it works, i have no idea why my setup works fine and yours doesnt with the same settings.

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[AppleTV2] SMB sharing with a Drobo-FS0