2011-03-24, 18:07
divingmule Wrote:Yeah, from what bartsidee posted earlier, under the 'class Listmc'. I'm guessing something like this.
divingmule, have you gotten this to work?
divingmule Wrote:Yeah, from what bartsidee posted earlier, under the 'class Listmc'. I'm guessing something like this.
15:09:34 T:3556 M:2629337088 ERROR: ADDON::CSkinInfo::TranslateResolution invalid resolution specified for
15:09:34 T:3464 M:2629066752 WARNING: Skin has invalid include: Window_Fade_Animation
15:15:09 T:3464 M:2605064192 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
15:15:09 T:3464 M:2605064192 WARNING: XFILE::CVideoDatabaseDirectory::GetLabel - Unknown nodetype requested 0
15:15:09 T:3556 M:2604826624 ERROR: Error Type: exceptions.AttributeError
15:15:09 T:3556 M:2604826624 ERROR: Error Contents: onFocus
15:15:09 T:3556 M:2604826624 ERROR: AttributeError: onFocus
theophile Wrote:Does your mc.py get content to load for you?
NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
ERROR: ADDON::CSkinInfo::TranslateResolution invalid resolution specified for
WARNING: Skin has invalid include: Window_Fade_Animation
divingmule Wrote:When I start the add-on it loads the main screen, like your first screen shot. I can highlight the buttons, calendar, settings.... but nothing when I try to select them.
From the log:
Code:NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
ERROR: ADDON::CSkinInfo::TranslateResolution invalid resolution specified for
WARNING: Skin has invalid include: Window_Fade_Animation
luger Wrote:I'm excited to see the end result of this. Would be amazing to have live sports in my XBMC. In my three years without cable, this is the one thing I've been missing.In the same boat as it's by far the only thing I've been missing from the cable overlord as well.
theophile Wrote:I wish I could do more. Sadly, I'm not a coder. But I believe we have the people who can figure this out!
def SetContentURL(self, url):
try: from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneSoup
except: print 'Please add BeautifulSoup.py to the lib directory'
data = http.Get(url)
print data
soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulStoneSoup.XML_ENTITIES)
channels = {}
channel_headers = ['title', 'link', 'description', 'image', 'language', 'boxee:expiry']
for header in channel_headers:
channels[header] = locals()['soup.channel.'+header+'.string']()
except: pass
items = []
item_headers_main = ['title', 'link', 'guid', 'description', 'language']
item_headers_boxee = {'boxee:property':'.string' , 'boxee:media-type':'["type"]', 'boxee:release-date':'.string'}
item_headers_media = {'media:content':'["url"]', 'media:copyright':'.string', 'media:rights': '["status"]', 'media:credit':'.string', 'media:rating':'.string','media:restriction':'.string','media:price':'["price"]','media:subtitle':'["href"]','media:thumbnail':'["url"]'}
for item in soup.findAll( 'item' ):
data = {}
for header in item_headers_main:
data[header] = locals()['item.'+header+'.string']()
except: pass
for header in item_headers_boxee.keys():
data[header] = locals()['item.find("'+header+'")[0]'+item_headers_boxee[header]]
except: pass
for header in item_headers_media.keys():
data[header] = locals()['item.find("'+header+'")[0]'+item_headers_media[header]]
except: pass
print items
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