Ability to delete an episode after watching it.
teaguecl Wrote:What is dangerous about this? The same thing was said when I brought up this feature previously (http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=83263). This is a feature every DVR on the planet has - I've never heard of rampant problems. Is the concern accidental deletion? It requires 1 less button press (4 instead of 5) than the current method of deletion, so I guess accidental deletion is slightly more likely - but either case is exceedingly rare. Why are people so strongly opposed to this feature?

I think the difference is that you seem to be assuming that everyone uses XBMC as a DVR. My XBMC box happens to sit beside my DVR. I prefer to have a DVR for temporary/current content. The content I put on XBMC is stuff I want to keep. I think this situation is at least as common as the DVR usage you describe.

An add-on is the perfect place for this functionality because someone should choose for this to be the way for their XBMC installation to function. If someone chooses to install an add-on that is named "delete show after viewing" and can't determine what happened, it is their own fault. By the same token, I don't think it should ever be a default behavior or in core.
GJones Wrote:I think the difference is that you seem to be assuming that everyone uses XBMC as a DVR. My XBMC box happens to sit beside my DVR. I prefer to have a DVR for temporary/current content. The content I put on XBMC is stuff I want to keep. I think this situation is at least as common as the DVR usage you describe.

An add-on is the perfect place for this functionality because someone should choose for this to be the way for their XBMC installation to function. If someone chooses to install an add-on that is named "delete show after viewing" and can't determine what happened, it is their own fault. By the same token, I don't think it should ever be a default behavior or in core.
Agreed. I keep everything that goes onto my XBMC box. It baffles me that some people don't. I do not EVER want a feature like this in core, or even built into a skin I use. I'm perfectly fine with a skin supporting it, but I don't ever want it built in. Throw it into an addon, allow people to download it, and then add support into the skin to show a button/change things if the addon is installed.
GJones Wrote:I think the difference is that you seem to be assuming that everyone uses XBMC as a DVR. My XBMC box happens to sit beside my DVR. I prefer to have a DVR for temporary/current content. The content I put on XBMC is stuff I want to keep. I think this situation is at least as common as the DVR usage you describe.

An add-on is the perfect place for this functionality because someone should choose for this to be the way for their XBMC installation to function. If someone chooses to install an add-on that is named "delete show after viewing" and can't determine what happened, it is their own fault. By the same token, I don't think it should ever be a default behavior or in core.

I do the exact same thing. My XBMC content is pretty much static and I have a DirectTV PVR where I record shows. With that said, I think igotdvds suggestion is a good one and don't see why making it an option built in to XBMC is a problem. If you're so scared of it, then don't turn it on. It's not like you can't delete files within XBMC as it is currently. So what's the big difference? In fact, once the PVR branch is good to go, I think it only makes sense to include the option since, as igotdvds mentions, every PVR does this. Some people think it's stupid to watch shows again after you've seen them once and have no need to ever keep them after they they are viewed.

Nobody is assuming that everyone uses XBMC as a PVR. You can tell this becasue the OP suggests making it an OPTION. He didn't say make it a default behavior! Using your logic, XBMC should remove the current option to delete files from the core and that should be an addon as well. Aslo, you do see that they are adding PVR functionality to XBMC, right?
Quote:I do not EVER want a feature like this in core,

I don't understand this discussion.
Do you not understand or do you really mean it is critical for you that there is no feature, defaulting to false, that when enabled promt the user to delete the file?

Can you please explain the scenario when this creates issues for you.
vikjon0 Wrote:I don't understand this discussion.
Do you not understand or do you really mean it is critical for you that there is no feature, defaulting to false, that when enabled promt the user to delete the file?

Can you please explain the scenario when this creates issues for you.

It doesn't matter if it defaults to off or not. And yes, I fully understand the discussion. It's a simple matter of this feature is going to do far more harm than good. It will be useful to maybe 1% of users. For the rest of us it's going to be something to fear.

I suppose this is all irrelevant though since it's been stated by the devs several times that this will never be a feature of XBMC.
YodaEXE Wrote:It doesn't matter if it defaults to off or not. And yes, I fully understand the discussion. It's a simple matter of this feature is going to do far more harm than good. It will be useful to maybe 1% of users. For the rest of us it's going to be something to fear.

I suppose this is all irrelevant though since it's been stated by the devs several times that this will never be a feature of XBMC.

How do you figure 1%? How would you have any idea what thousands, maybe miliions, of users around the world would want or use? If I were to ever want to use XBMC's PVR abilities in the future, I would most certainly want this feature available to me.

How would it be something for you to fear if it's off by default? Do you fear XBMC's current option to delete files? Has that caused tons of panic or a mass of deleted files?

As far as devs saying it will never be a feature - I've heard that before on other things that they then changed their mind on. Porting XBMC to PC was one such topic for a long time and I recall the word never being thrown around a time or two and we see where that is today. People can change their minds you know. And threads like this, if they get enough positive feedback, can sometimes be the catalyst.
YodaEXE Wrote:For the rest of us it's going to be something to fear.
Really? You fear features you don't use?

YodaEXE Wrote:I suppose this is all irrelevant though since it's been stated by the devs several times that this will never be a feature of XBMC.
First, no that is not what was said. Several team members stated they would never allow an "auto-delete" option, which was never proposed by anyone - it was just a miscommunication of the suggested feature.
Second, nobody has ever proposed adding this feature to core - whether it's a good feature or not, it just simply doesn't belong in core because it doesn't need to be there. What was proposed was adding to core some hooks that allow for this feature to be implemented as an add-on or script (e.g. callbacks on events).
Let's all just take a breath here - nobody is out to delete your pron collection.
I really didnt think I would stir up all this commotion. I simply wanted the ability to not have to press the delete key after watching an episode. lol. Either way, its done, I never wanted it to be part of the core, just an option within my skin. I think we can squash the debate, it exists, its here, its not going anywhere and noone is forced to use it. Smile
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igotdvds Wrote:I really didnt think I would stir up all this commotion. I simply wanted the ability to not have to press the delete key after watching an episode. lol. Either way, its done, I never wanted it to be part of the core, just an option within my skin. I think we can squash the debate, it exists, its here, its not going anywhere and noone is forced to use it. Smile

And to be honest, it is one of the reasons why I use Simplicity for the moment over Aeon MQ2. I have limited space, and I prefer getting rid of episodes once they have been viewed. This tiny hack saves me a few button presses. But those button presses sure add up after awhile.
I think it makes a great add-on and I completely understand the reasoning behind wanting it, especially in cases of limited storage.

My argument is that it should not be available without being an add-on. No offense to Simplicity or any other skin, but there are some things I do not want a skin to do "by mistake." Adding it to core means it might have an API call sitting out there to be called incorrectly. I love the free market approach to skins because it is one of the strongest reasons to use XBMC. But some functionality should not be enabled (even in the API) without the user explicitly installing it.
GJones Wrote:I think it makes a great add-on and I completely understand the reasoning behind wanting it, especially in cases of limited storage.

My argument is that it should not be available without being an add-on. No offense to Simplicity or any other skin, but there are some things I do not want a skin to do "by mistake." Adding it to core means it might have an API call sitting out there to be called incorrectly. I love the free market approach to skins because it is one of the strongest reasons to use XBMC. But some functionality should not be enabled (even in the API) without the user explicitly installing it.

We would be happy with it being an add-on. Unfortunately, neither I nor igotdvds know how to code scripts. So he merely added a nifty little hack to his skin. In no way am I advocating it being added to the core, but it being an advancedsetting, addon, etc. would be nice.
One of the repositories has an add-on for this. I'll check for the name when I get home.
GJones Wrote:One of the repositories has an add-on for this. I'll check for the name when I get home.

Yup, I recall there being something like one. From what I gathered, I think it automatically deletes any video that has been marked watch in the library. I am unaware as to whether or not you can "yes or no" each deletion.
From what I understand (and please, correct me if I'm wrong) this feature once enabled effectively executes the Delete action on the list once playback is stopped.

So, when a user plays something to the end and does actually want it deleted, they save 1 key press out of 5 (delete, left, select, left, select) -> (left, select, left, select), or potentially more if the delete key isn't mapped and the user must go via the context menu (though I would argue that the fix in that case is to map the direct action.)

When a user plays something and doesn't get to the end, are they still prompted?

What happens if the user just tabs out of fullscreen? Does it immediately prompt, or is it a little smarter?

What happens if the user tabs out during playback, focuses a different item and tabs back to fullscreen to wait for the end of the movie?

When the user plays something to the end and doesn't want it deleted they're still prompted. So you're forcing an extra key press there.

On balance then, is it really making it a better user experience for those that want the feature?

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From what I understand (and please, correct me if I'm wrong) this feature once enabled effectively executes the Delete action on the list once playback is stopped.

So, when a user plays something to the end and does actually want it deleted, they save 1 key press out of 5 (delete, left, select, left, select) -> (left, select, left, select), or potentially more if the delete key isn't mapped and the user must go via the context menu (though I would argue that the fix in that case is to map the direct action.) Yes

When a user plays something and doesn't get to the end, are they still prompted? Only if they press stop.

What happens if the user just tabs out of fullscreen? Does it immediately prompt, or is it a little smarter? Nothing happens.

What happens if the user tabs out during playback, focuses a different item and tabs back to fullscreen to wait for the end of the movie? Nothing happens.

When the user plays something to the end and doesn't want it deleted they're still prompted. So you're forcing an extra key press there. Yes

On balance then, is it really making it a better user experience for those that want the feature? I think that the users that turn it on will be the type that watch more shows that they delete after watching than shows that they dont. Again, this may only hit a small number of users, but I made it sort of for me, and then added it as an option. I'm beginning to think I should take it out and leave it just for me.

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Ability to delete an episode after watching it.0