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[XBMCbuntu] XBMC 12.00 - Frodo beta release
Got it working. Vertical blank sync wasn't enabled. Audio is analog 5.1 in Xbmc.
i have e45m1-m pro, ubuntu 12.10 x64 and frodo rc3.
i installed the fglrx driver with apt-get install fglrx
now im having troubles with fps-vsync, and playing hd videos.
if i set "let driver choose" the fps jumps from 100 to 200 than back to 100 etc...
if i set i.e. 24 the fps is 24, but if i set 30 the fps is 60. so pretty strange.
if i start to play hd videos i get 10fps than after a while 24. if i scroll than 10 again and slowly back to 24.
the sys-info shows 825mhz to the cpu.
additonal info is that i cant start the 50gib version of the avatar. i get a strange errormessage.
so something is really weird is going on.
can someone help me please?
You are running this version: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=116996?
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
(2013-01-16, 20:23)fritsch Wrote: @rigo:
You are running this version: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=116996?

more or less. i installed my way.
but i did just the same as step 1, 2, 4, 7..
should i install the xvba version?
would be gr8 if it would be installable as an addon. Smile
Yeah - your way was wrong.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
xvba as addon? Confused
(2013-01-16, 21:57)wsnipex Wrote: xvba as addon? Confused

i dont even know whats the xvba Smile sorry for the dummy sentence...

i'm just wondering why the "standard" xbmc is not good for the e450 boards.
because it does not support hardware acceleration on them. Look at the thread that you choose to follow only partly. If you'd follow it completely it would work.
(2013-01-17, 12:40)wsnipex Wrote: because it does not support hardware acceleration on them. Look at the thread that you choose to follow only partly. If you'd follow it completely it would work.

ok. i just found this thread for about 2 days ago.
so like i saied i installed my way which was ALMOST like here in the first thread except the Xvba part.

thanks for the help and one more thing:
if the frodo will be alpha, will this version be alpha-stable with all the add-ons, skins, pvr-livetv etc available up and running too?
Here is a video: Compare it with the impression you made yourself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jc10em9qQBI
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
(2012-11-05, 11:19)robo989 Wrote: The built in version of tvheadend in this is still screwed.

The person who packaged this in would do well to explain what on earth is going on in terms of permissions.

It's impossible to login to webgui without some messing around that involved pot luck for anyone except who knows exactly what they are doing.
It's impossible to remove the version packaged completely as it's run at bootup for anyone except a pro.
It's impossible to get settings to stick.

Lord knows how but I have managed to get into the webgui using snippets of help from all over the place.

But now have "permission denied" when adding muxes or doing anything at all in the webgui.

I've edited the superuser file to have the credentials I used when installing xbmcbuntu - no difference.

Would REALLY appreciate a quick run through of what you have to do to get this working correctly..

Many thanks.


since i dont know if you allready get access to the web-config of tvheadend let me explain what i recently figured out...

After reading the FAQs on the tvheadend pages
and grinding my XMBCbuntu installation i got acces to the web-config by doing the following steps :

stop tvheadend service
sudo stop tvheadend
reconfig the tvheadend package. This prompt you to enter a USER and PWD leave them empty! _BOTH_
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tvheadend

this creates a file /home/hts/.hts/tvheadend/superuser containg the entered credentials.
I tried to enter the web-config using this credentials which worked absolutly not Big Grin
a closer investigation of the startup script for thvead showed a config file /etc/default/tvheadend
contining the execution user of tvheadend.

i changed the user to match the user used by the package reconfig tool

create new accesscontrol credentials
sudo mkdir /home/hts/.hts/tvheadend/accesscontrol
sudo touch /home/hts/.hts/tvheadend/accesscontrol/1

edit file /home/hts/.hts/tvheadend/accesscontrol/1 (xbmc, xbmc in this case) and enter :

        "enabled": 1,
        "username": "xbmc",
        "password": "xbmc",
        "comment": "Default access entry",
        "streaming": 1,
        "dvr": 1,
        "dvrallcfg": 1,
        "webui": 1,
        "admin": 1,
        "id": "1"

choose username and password as you wish!

... chowning; user and group has to match the setting from /etc/default/tvheadend
sudo chown -R hts:video /home/hts/.hts/tvheadend/accesscontrol

bring tvheadend server up again

sudo start tvheadend

goto http://server:9981 and use the credentials from the accesscontrol/1 file above.


iam at this point atm and try to get my dvb-s2 cart to work...
don't know if i run into further "permission denied" dead ends....


edit 1 :
got my card running on the first try; as this is my first contact with tvheadend im suppriesed Wink
channel scan is running flawless.
it seems there are no further issues at this moment

Welcome to forums.

Great post BTW however its going to be buried in a Topic that is 100% unrelated and the "problem" and "solution" is merely coincidental.

It would be great if a Moderator would split this and move it to its own thread in the how-to section.

ping @moderator


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[XBMCbuntu] XBMC 12.00 - Frodo beta release1