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Python and MythTV (a MythTV Front-End)
i am currently exsperiancing this error when trying to execute mythtvmain.py

Quote:05-12-8907 10:54:14 info traceback (most recent call last):
05-12-8907 10:54:14 info file "q:\scripts\xbmcmythtv\mythtvmain.py", line 7, in ?
05-12-8907 10:54:14 info
05-12-8907 10:54:14 info from mythtvgui import dialog
05-12-8907 10:54:14 info systemerror
05-12-8907 10:54:14 info :
05-12-8907 10:54:14 info null result without error in pyobject_call

this is using a march02/2005 build of xbmc completely bare of any modifications. i have a suspision this is not your scripts fault, but perhaps you could shine some light on the problem i am having.

thanks for your hard work on this project. once the patches for xbmc commercial skip and seeking stuff is tested ill mention it to jmarshal and hopefully we can get it in the cvs
silly question but do you have python installed? check the xbmc/python directory for a file called python23.zlib and a subdirectory called lib... the traceback in your message indicates it failed on the first line of code in the file.
appears a conflict in tdata between multiple version (though within a couple months of another)
i get an error if i put the host name in:

Quote:(4, getaddrinfo failed')

but if i put the ip address in i get a error when i try to go into status:

Quote:argument 1 must be unicode or str

or program uide


or live tv:

Quote:error retriving recording schedule: you have...

any ideas?
read the xbmc online-manual, faq and search the forums before posting! do not e-mail the xbmc-team asking for support!
read/follow the forum rules! note! team-xbmc never have and never will host or distribute ms-xdk binaries/executables!
if you're going to put the host name in, it must be the fully qualified domain name for your machine (assuming you have dns setup for your lan). the xbox name resolution seems to have a problem without the fqdn.

your myth tv backend status page must be different than mine so if you can connect to your myth tv backend status port with a browser and save the html to a file and send it to me, i can look into why it is having problems parsing it.

the program guide screen is not yet implemented using the skinned interface. all you will get is a dialog that says "program_guide" if you select it.

i'm not sure what the problem is for live tv... you could try running the mythtvlivetv.py script manually from the scripts directory and then have a look at the log file that is generated to see what the full error message is.
i was wondering if anyone has a patched mplayer.dll for the current cvs
xbox_media_center_2005-03-04 to play the compressed nuv files

i want to upgrade to get around the crashieness of the previous months cvs

anyhelp would be greatly apreciated Smile

i'm using a mid-feb build of xbmc and 0.14 of xbmc_mythtv (is that the most current version? point me in the right direction if it's not, thanks)

set up my connection and everything - i can view the status of the backend with the status script - but when i try to click on the recorded shows button it just pops up a dialog saying "reject['14']" (or something similar - that's definitely the number though)

any ideas? i can't find the error code in any of the scripts.

no, the latest is here. you will need to check the files out of cvs... since no one has built release archive files yet.
yeah found that after i posted.

got it installed (had to replace %h with mythtv:[email protected] in the smb share paths - using an ip address and that is still apparently broken)

i'm using 802.11g and it's *real* choppy when playing recordings or live tv (btw, bug when i go to view live tv listings - can't hit back to get back to the main xbmc_mythtv menu). anything i can do to make it work over my setup - i can't believe that it would flood all the bandwidth... would it?

i tried editing all the caches (turned them all off, turned them down, turned them up, etc) in different combinations but nothing helped get rid of the choppiness - it would just run to the end of the buffer and start chopping.

another guy on this thread said that he's using 802.11g and playing back just fine. to that guy (or anyone else who can answer): what are your settings? what are your source files (mpeg-2 or mpeg-4?)

ill try and keep updated releases on www.loafamotive.com/xbmc/scripts/
don't worry about keeping releases elsewhere... i have placed a tar/gz file on the sourceforge page with the latest export from cvs.
thanks madtw,

this is working great for me, but my live tv does not... i changed the buffers and it worked for a while. the other problem i have is i have 2 encoders on my myth server (pvr250's) and when going to status it breaks the screen (just cosmeticly) the other problem i have is i can only get my live tv from the first encoder in my box (which happens to be an analog line, the second decoder is hooked up to a motorolla dct-2500, so i am not able to get any of my digital channels). just some suggestions, and i would like to personaly thank you for creating this. it wraps my whole systems together perfectly!

- scott
agreed the script is fantastic! any ideas when the program guide will return?

many thanks for a great script

fixed my choppiness problem.

yeah guys, if you have an 802.11g router - make sure that it is in g-only mode. otherwise you only get about 7-11mbps (as opposed to 22mbps or so).

all is well now! this is pretty slick!
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