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Linux ChromeBox Kodi E-Z Setup Script (LibreELEC/Linux+Kodi) [2017/02/21]
and, won't you believe it, it's listed in the wiki!
I vote for this thread to be a sticky. I think its the longest thread here!
I attempted to install the firmware to run the standalone OpenELEC. When I was doing the step where I download the OpenELEC onto the USB stick it got stuck at 3% and wouldn't download anymore. I waited a few minutes and it stayed stuck. I didn't know what to do at that point so I rebooted and then I get to a screen that says press ESC for the boot menu. I tried pushing ESC and selecting 1 for the hard drive but then nothing happens and it just says booting from hard disk. Not sure what I should do now
Just download openelec on your normal pc and install.
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(2015-01-10, 21:18)nickr Wrote: Try delaying kodi's startup until network is up. There is a specific setting for this on openelec.

I have tried that before Kodi 14 but I don't think that was a fix, and if restarting the box with the server turned off I think made the boot simply hang.

As I said, it picks up the PVR and updates the EPG, (on the same machine as the MySQL library and media), the network is working and the box has its IP address, it just doesn't have the TV/Movies on the home screen.

* Edit *

Tried it again, setting 10s max wait.

Reboot, get:
"Failed to start WPA supplicant"
"Failed to start SMB daemon"

Loads of OKs, then:

"Failed to start xorg. Is your GPU supported?"
So delaying start doesn't work on 14? Where is your database, local or mysql?
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Thanks nickr. I'll try that. It's just the generic x86 version I use right?
Yes generic 64 bit x86_64.
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The MySQL is on a server, with the mediaportal PVR which does connect on reboot every time.

I get these errors on every couple of boots. A hard reset (power button) and usually boots ok then, or after a couple more tries.

Never done it on the Acer Revo running exact same openelec
if db is on mysql and network is not up very early in kodi startup you will see yiur symptoms. Maybe pvr starts later in kodi startup and network is up then but not when the database connection is tried. Anyway this isn't really an issue for this thread. If the problem persists after you set wait for network, open a thread with logs.
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Thanks Nickr, are you talking about these issues:

Tried it again, setting 10s max wait.

Reboot, get:
"Failed to start WPA supplicant"
"Failed to start SMB daemon"

Loads of OKs, then:

"Failed to start xorg. Is your GPU supported?"

Or the lack of library appearing?
I was talking about the library.
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I have the Asus M004U set up with standalone Openelec 5.0. When I imported my library from another Kodi installation on a Windows 7 computer, some movies did not show posters/fanart, though they were in the library being imported and referenced in the videodb.xml. I tried manually fixing a number of movies, then exported a library from the Chromebox, deleted the videos db and reimported it as a test, but the same art was missing again. The movies are on several shares on two NASes, but there seems to be some missing from each, so I don't see a pattern there either. Anyone else have this issue?
(2015-01-11, 01:15)Eureka Wrote: I have the Asus M004U set up with standalone Openelec 5.0. When I imported my library from another Kodi installation on a Windows 7 computer, some movies did not show posters/fanart, though they were in the library being imported and referenced in the videodb.xml. I tried manually fixing a number of movies, then exported a library from the Chromebox, deleted the videos db and reimported it as a test, but the same art was missing again. The movies are on several shares on two NASes, but there seems to be some missing from each, so I don't see a pattern there either. Anyone else have this issue?
This really has nothing to do with the fact that your new client is a chromebox, nor with matt's install script. Please start a new thread, thanks.
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I'm stuck here it says booting from hard disk.. It happened afterPress 6 to create the OpenELEC install media on the 2nd Jump Drive.

Press the Escape key [ESC]at the boot menu and then select the Jump Drive from the list to install OpenELEC
Pressing Escape more than once will skip the boot menu forcing the ChromeBox to attempt to boot from the hard disk (instead of the Jump Drive).

Please help!!. Unsure what to do next?
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ChromeBox Kodi E-Z Setup Script (LibreELEC/Linux+Kodi) [2017/02/21]37