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ODROID-C1 from Hardkernel is a $35 Development Board powered by AMLogic S805
Ok, thanks.

Will you provide regular oe builds in future and where you will publish them?
Doing weekly updates at the moment and adding features till Kodi 15.2 is stable, then the occasional bit of bug busting before starting again on Kodi 16.0 Jarvis.
OpenELEC is Here:

The advantage the C1+ has is that many flavours of Linux runs on it, one being Ubuntu. And there is a lot of common code and drivers used, so progress tends to be reasonably quick to troubleshoot any underlying systems problems.


Just received my C1+ and I'm really struggling to get a remote to work. If I plug in an official MCE RC6 remote only the up, down, left, right and stop buttons work. I've copied over my old remote.xml into userdata/keymaps and that hasn't helped

If I try using the internal receiver with supplied remote, and run ir-keytable it returns an error of 'Couldn't find any node at /sys/class/rc/rc*' as if the device isn't working?

I'm a bit stuck!



Just a quick update, I've just tried the previous 5.0,7 release from zalaare. No issues with the mce remote with the external receiver, and no issues with the internal receiver and the original remote. Unfortunately there's no 59.94/29.97/23.976 framerate options. Any suggestions on what could be causing the remote issues in the 15.2 release?


Is this the HardKernel remote control ?
I bet you have a very specific MCE R6 OpenELEC problem > which i can do nothing about and have only just read myself.

I suggest you use the C1's inbuilt IR receiver and program the remote using Lirc if its not a HardKernel remote. Instructions are in the ODROID thread.
It would be better continuing this conversation on this topic in that thread.

The OpenELEC issue is here:

Also make sure you are using the current version which has a working version of Lirc.
OpenELEC-Odroid-C1-15.1.wrxtasy.3.tar file

I just received my C1+ yesterday as well. Using the Inteset 4-in-1 remote with Flirc dongle. Works well, other a few keys I have yet to figure out. I am using the 5.07 image as well. My video disappears from the screen ever so often, for a few seconds. Resolution/graphics issue from TV or what?
That is a very old version with many Kernel problems.

As stated above use the current version from this thread and all your issues will be sorted: (use the new sd card image)

Is it possible to update the version without losing your configuration of addons and settings?
Yes just try the .tar version first and if you still have video issues, then go into Programs > OpenELEC configuration and you can do a backup in there to save it to the SD card and then transfer it to a PC.

Then flash the SD image and reimport the backup.


Thanks for the reply. I'm using the latest version of the image (only downloaded this morning). Unfortunately the internal IR receiver does not work at all with the latest image. If I run ir-keytable it returns an error of 'Couldn't find any node at /sys/class/rc/rc*' as if the device isn't installed? I don't have that problem with the previous 5.0.7 release - the internal ir receiver works great.

I've also noticed that there is only one evmap file in etc/eventlircd folder of the latest image. 5.0.7 contains many evmap files - perhaps this could point to the problem getting keypresses on the mce external remote recognised. Have tried to copy these across from the old install to the new but it is read only. Can't get the squashfs tools to install so I'm completely stuck - 7 hours and beaten.

Also only have a 4gb microsd to hand so can't even try the android version. Frustrating day!


There has been a new update since then and i can assure you ir-keytable does work. I've tested it thoroughly. I'm even using it now. Lirc is working and the IR receiver works.

I'll have a look at evmap too. I suspect there may be something missing.


Yes, just checked my version, and updated (you've been busy, thank you!). ir-keytable now works for the internal receiver. No response from the hardkernal remote, but guess I have some configuring to do.


Success !
I thought the HardKernel remote would have worked, anyway copy just the Hardkernel's Remote Configuration file from here:

Put that in a lircd.conf file in location /storage/.config and reboot and you should be good to go.


Thanks for your help, and the time you are putting in with these builds. Unfortunately I get a hundred or so skipped frames a minute with this build. These are with standard 1080p h.264 scene releases with a variety of audio formats (ac3, DTS, mp3). Device is set to sync refresh to display, and it makes no difference if I have sync playback to refresh.

Thanks again.

Added OE 15.1 image to C1 box. Still had video blinking off on same TV. Connected to another TV and no issues. Must be the TV settings? Any ideas?
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