Is there any chance of including "time" information in the Info overlay progress bar?
Currently we have this:
but in order to view any time-related information (other than the ending time), you need to click over to the Metadata tab (which shows
some additional information), or press Pause which shows all time items (and then some):
Pressing Pause to discover the current chapter, current timestamp, overall duration or remaining time seems a little counter intuitive as this information should (IMHO) be visible front and center on the main Info overlay, in a similar format to the Pause Progress bar if possible.
I realise there might be space issues, but it would make the Info overlay more useful right off the bat - currently the Plot tab is pretty, but somewhat useless as I don't usually need the plot information for something I'm watching, whereas knowing the time details (how long is this?, when does this rubbish end? etc.) is usually something I check more often.