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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs
in my /usr/lib/xbmc/addons/script.module.pysqlite/ folder I have a lib folder that is empty should those files be placed in the lib folder or in the root of script.module.pysqlite



EDIT: I just wget your zip file then unzipped contents to /usr/lib/xbmc/addons/script.module.pysqlite/lib

Sorry, just checked back bmfrostys try and error with this problem. It must look like this:


Will update the wiki again.
cool I now have those 3 files in the correct location, took a bit of work being a n00b and all using putty but I did get it done

As much as I hate to say it, I think a file mode might start as a branch that could then be merged once the bugs are worked out.

Do sources.xml like this:

      <default>NES Roms</default>
        <name>SNES Roms</name>
        <name>NES Roms</name>
And do consoles.xml (maybe config.xml?) like this:
            <emulatorCmd>zsnes -m "%ROM%"</emulatorCmd>
            <emulatorCmd>mednafen -fs 1 "%ROM%"</emulatorCmd>

As I said, I think that it simplifies things a lot until someone designs scrapers for this. I'm not sure what level of integration this can have with XBMC, but it would be nice if I could replace Pictures with Emulation. I'm also pretty sure that this could be designed without databases involved - simplifying installation.


And yes, I think this could all be done in XBMC settings. I think it would be minimal, and I think that if I had any sort of aptitude towards python (or programming in general) I'd try and do it as a weekend hack. Maybe it could start as something with hand edited xml files first with a configuration editor added later.
Subtitles - Serious Business
Not sure, if a branch is really needed. This script is not that big that I can't change basic functionality without keeping the main line intact. On the coding side I am still a one man show so I don't disturb anyone with messing up the trunkSmile

The sources.xml will be the way to go I think. It is already like this in the file browser code that VictorV provided some weeks ago.

Some minimum scraping functionality will be needed with this way also. Otherwise you will end up with a flat list of launchable games. Not very appealing. At least searching for one default icon should be done I think.

But I have to check all this in detail after version 0.6 is out. Just testing and fixing the last bugs atm. All new features have to wait until this is done. Does not mean that it is too early to think about it.
malte Wrote:Some minimum scraping functionality will be needed with this way also. Otherwise you will end up with a flat list of launchable games. Not very appealing. At least searching for one default icon should be done I think.
Could look in the same directory as the roms for .jpg/gif/png/ico files of the same name. Although I'd prefer if it didn't check in the zips. That can be time consuming on large directories with slow processors like my atom.
Subtitles - Serious Business
whoa is me....

im having trouble with my config.xml file Sad

I currently have only mednafen installed and im having trouble filling out the config.xml
its installed to /usr/games/mednafen
thats as far as I get I have no idea what to fill out.

for now i'd be happy just having my games in file list with out photos or anything. as I don't have any of that I guess i'll have to get them manually

flomaster Wrote:whoa is me....
good to see you're not giving upSmile

Quote:im having trouble with my config.xml file

I currently have only mednafen installed and im having trouble filling out the config.xml
its installed to /usr/games/mednafen
thats as far as I get I have no idea what to fill out.

I guess your emuCmd has to be something like this:
/usr/games/mednafen -fs 1 "%ROM%"

You can also pass a lot of more arguments to mednafen selecting screen resolution, sounddriver and more. Depends on your system what parameters to use.

Quote:for now i'd be happy just having my games in file list with out photos or anything. as I don't have any of that I guess i'll have to get them manually

Uhh, this won't look niceSmile. RCB is not designed for a non-image scenario.

Additionally, your current version (0.5.4 I guess) does not really support this minimal configuration. I did not test it myself but I think you may get errors when you try to import games without a valid mediaPath in your config.xml.

If you want to try it you can go with the newest version 0.6.1 that is available at my projects site: http://romcollectionbrowser.googlecode.c...0.6.1c.zip. I did not fully test it until now but all basic functions are tested and work with Camelot and Dharma. It is not available in the Repo so you have to download it manually and install it via zip file (in Dharma).

With this new version you can do a minimal configuration (will not look better than in 0.5.x but is easier to configure):

            <emulatorCmd>/usr/games/mednafen -fs 1 "%ROM%"</emulatorCmd>                  

Documentation for the new version is almost complete now. I tried to split up the configuration process. So if you have this minimal configuration up and running you can just follow the instructions to add images or game description (you still have to get them on your own).

You find the docs here: http://code.google.com/p/romcollectionbr..._and_media
right now I have
/1tb/Games/NES/all zips in here

should each game be in its own separate folder like I have my movies and tv shows?

maybe I'll just start out small with a few games and not have all the NES games in the folder i use until I get all the extras sorted out.

Quote:right now I have
/1tb/Games/NES/all zips in here

should each game be in its own separate folder like I have my movies and tv shows?

use /1tb/Games/NES/*.zip as romPath. You don't have to put them in separate folders.

Quote:maybe I'll just start out small with a few games and not have all the NES games in the folder i use until I get all the extras sorted out.

If you don't like to move around your files you can use /1tb/Games/NES/A*.zip. This will only import all roms starting with A.
I will download 0.6.1c tonight and give it a whirl. With any luck I'll be able to give you some good feedback and have all of my emulation running. Once I do so, I'll provide a working config.xml for a 10.4 ubuntu - at least as far as emulator strings are concerned.

I have some ideas for dealing with proper aspect ratio scaling in mednafen, and it mostly just a bunch of math. I'm going to try and work on it a bit, and then I'll get you some snippets that could eventually be introduced to scale to specific aspect ratios. Because of the different output resolutions that mednafen has it will probably have to be on a per system basis. Hopefully mednafen 0.9.0 addresses aspect ratios and will make any work I do for this unneeded.
Subtitles - Serious Business
malte Wrote:If you don't like to move around your files you can use /1tb/Games/NES/A*.zip. This will only import all roms starting with A.
Do multiple rompaths in a single collection work?
Subtitles - Serious Business
17:20:23 T:1288 M:2338201600  NOTICE: Starting XBMC, Platform: Windows 7, 32-bit build 7600. Built on Jun 30 2010 (SVN:31520, compiler 1600)

17:20:51 T:3480 M:2241916928  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:20:51 T:3480 M:2241581056   ERROR: Error Type: exceptions.ImportError
17:20:51 T:3480 M:2241581056   ERROR: Error Contents: No module named pysqlite2
17:20:51 T:3480 M:2241519616   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\default.py", line 30, in ?
                                                import gui
                                              File "C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\resources\lib\gui.py", line 7, in ?
                                                from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
                                            ImportError: No module named pysqlite2

How do I get this pysqlite2 thing? I saw this post:


But have no idea how to apply that to a Windows 7 install. Thanks in advance!
get a newer build.
Newer build of what, XBMC?

I installed the latest DSPlayer build from here:

[DSPlayer] Lastest release: build 31520 (! 2010/06/30 !)

What else can I do?
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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs20