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Night Release Thread

If you use git I just added that code block and image that one guy recommended:

Quote:<control type="image">
<description>dtsma Image</description>
<visible>substring(ListItem.AudioCodec,dtsma) + substring(ListItem.AudioChannels,8)</visible>

Check out The Carmichael - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Night - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Unfinished - A Skin For XBMC
Thanks so much man!
mcborzu Wrote:Update 5/31/2010
-Started fixing some of my strings, now the library views should translate a little better
-Changed up the behavior of Recently added, and now has fanart support...Thx psike/Ronie
-Believe I fixed problem of the TV view "Fanart" being disabled by default
-Now home menu items "Scripts, Programs, Favourites" are disabled by default until enabled
-Horizontal Home now has all submenus, and lowered font size a little
-Added Global clock option. Setings->Skin->General Options*

*Will add global clock to music tomorrow
*Pre-merge versions do not have fanart for Recently added

**Both git and main download up to date

There was an issue with the default disabling of the three menu options. I already had them disabled so they are now reversed. To have them show I have to have them selected, reverse of what it's supposed to do.

No biggie, just thought I'd let you know.
i've just noticed that there's no background texture with debug info dialog in scripts.
mcborzu Wrote:Update 5/28/2010
-added disable/re-enable plot for Fanart and 3d Landscape
-Change Music info to fade after 10 seconds when using Visualization
-added option for custom music or photos during fullscreen music playback

**both git and main download up to date

Couple notes on new Music Fullscreen Playback options:
1. Those sub options will only show if "Use Fanart instead of Visualization" is checked
2. They will also only show if you have set custom backdrops for music or photos on Home

Thanks for the update. I'll be updating soon.
Is the night view not in the latest version or am i missing something?
Which view in particular? Screenshot - This link should have an image of every TV/Movie view

Check out The Carmichael - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Night - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Unfinished - A Skin For XBMC
wow...apparently the coffee had not kicked in yet. I meant to say is the dark view for landscape not in the current version.
it is, the read the thread Wink

it might be deactivated in your option.
I just git cloned a fresh copy, all views were available...

Check out The Carmichael - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Night - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Unfinished - A Skin For XBMC
Grabbed yesterday's update. This skin is looking better & better!

To me the only thing still that looks "off" a bit is the grey/silver/blue skinning for the bottom toolbar. Kind of doesn't flow w/ the rest of the design yet.

Still & all, this is my current favorite!Wink
Nvidia ShieldTV (2017)+Nexus
Update 6/2/2010
-Added 3dBanner view with a fanart option
-Fixed some Music Fullscreen and Music Visualisation issues
-Added the logo downloading script under Movie/TV options, thx ppic!!
-changed the cycling of views, before Fanart was last now it's after Landscape. Now WallPanel after Wall etc...




The new Logo Script is included in the skin, no need for users to download it. It is located in Settings->Skin->Movie/TV options

Check out The Carmichael - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Night - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Unfinished - A Skin For XBMC
This skin becomes perfect day by day ... I am just waiting for the new xbmc stable and official build and then this will be my fav. Skin. Keep up your hard and good job.
i would have liked to have a different library view for music than the jukebox.. any plans for something more classic?

This is my favourite skin together with ellipsis, and upcoming fusion looks pretty damn awesome too
In the new 3dbanner view, all of the banners just come up blank. I am using the ones scraped from thetvdb internally. Any idea what's going on. I am using a pre-merge version of XBMC.
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Night Release Thread2