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Marcos. Is there a way to turn off info bubble from the wall view in videos. Please help. Thanks Smile
The Transforminators HD Movie Trailer
- from the creators of Terminator and Transformers -
BDPNA Wrote:I stole this from another thread. It would be awesome if Aeon MQ2 handled TV like this:


Not sure what you are asking for here as unless I am missing something this is how it does use/create the files now. This the default naming convention for your artwork that is held in the same folder as your series.
Wanilton Wrote:The info is wrong, yes you do,
Side Menu , set USED FIXED LIST, set ON

Hey! When did this option appear? Huh

EDIT: RC103 fixed the showcase in video menu bug. Thanks Marcos!
That I know of, only these 2 minor cosmetic errors persist... http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?p=7...post749749
Hardware: Intel Core i7 4.2 GHz (OC) + NVidia GeForce FX 250 + Corsair 6 GB DDR3 RAM (1600 MHz) + Thermalright True Copper heat sink + Noctua fans (x3)
Software: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit + XBMC Pre-Eden + Aeon MQ 3

Hardware: Acer Aspire Revo 3700 + OCZ Vertex SSD
Software: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit + XBMC Pre-Eden + Aeon MQ 3
MarcosQui Wrote:Version 2.7.1 revision 103 available.

Fix - Black screen using Fanart Splitter.
Fix - Black screen using Weather Backdrop based on current conditions. (only in Window MyWeather)
Fix - ShowCase and Multiplex no selectable for Video Files.
Fix - Flag Watched for Multiplex Landscape.

The upgrade should be done by the Updater:

Add-ons> setup> enable automatic skin updates.

Restart XBMC and wait approx 1 minute.

Ajedi, I'll fix that soon.


Great ! Thanks !

chadskies Wrote:I updated to 2.7.1 and 'Use Media Cases' does not work for 'low list and 'list'. Works for every other view type that has the option to use media cases. Can anyone else confirm this possible bug ?

Were you able to verify this or is it just my issue ?
diemos Wrote:Marcos. Is there a way to turn off info bubble from the wall view in videos. Please help. Thanks Smile

Side Tab > Choose Display Mode > Off
chippie Wrote:Not sure what you are asking for here as unless I am missing something this is how it does use/create the files now. This the default naming convention for your artwork that is held in the same folder as your series.

Right now, if I am viewing a TV series in landscape view using Aeon MQ2, and I have a folder.jpg, banner.jpg, and landscape.jpg, MQ2 is using folder.jpg to display its icons and not landscape.jpg.

If I delete folder.jpg, landscape.jpg does not get used and you just get blank icons.

I'd rather have landscape.jpg get used (if present) but still have folder.jpg pulled up when I hit fullscreen info view.

But I'd like to see a row of landscape.jpg images across the bottom in landscape view for TV shows.
MarcosQui, gotta say, awesome skin. Am Loving it!

I asked about a week ago about a feature request, but, not sure if you saw it, or are interested in it.

Just wondering if you had any thoughts on adding support for advanced launcher? As you can see by the link, there are a few skins that support advanced launcher, in reguards to proper image sizes, and description of games.

Thanks for your time.
wouterdt Wrote:What sorting option do you use for the list? (it's in the menu on the left).

Ok, then I found the way to sort the files. Thanks.. That was just an noob thing.

But what about the way that it is on dvds?
Eks. Airwolf e1 e2 and e3 is all one one disc, still it shows up as one and one..

Is there a way to fix this?
Petter :-)
Many thanks for all the effort YOU all do! THANKS! :-)
nVidia Shield TV (2015), Samsung QE75Q70R and Yamaha RX-V767
I love this skin so much! Big Grin ♥ ♥ ♥
Top notch work Marcos, really good, it's so much faster now in the last few versions. This speed increase should definitely be held on to in the future also, maybe increased even more if possible. Smile

Anyone has some good tips for me how/where to get clearart/logo's? I'm new to that function, so I don't know yet how to use it. Is there an addon?
^^extra pannel>get clear art/tv logos mate...

hi just some help please i cant get any artist information to scrape is there any settings for this i have tried all music and last fm album thumbnails are fine but no backdrops or artist icons are showning upHuh
I can't click the Get Logo/Clearart in the extra panel, that's why I asked Smile
It just skips it. The top one I can click is Turn On TV Tunes
then you need to download and extract the add on pack on the fiirst page in to add ons folder
Ace! Thanks for the heads up in the right direction, missed that bit Smile
no problem mateLaugh
Another option is the manually download the clearArt and Logos from fanart.tv and then put them in the TV shows folder named logo.jpg and clearart.jpg
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