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[Release] Backup (formerly XBMC Backup)
I've seen this issue with Dropbox a few times now. Their official documentation says it will take files up to 150MB, but for whatever reason it seems like their python module stalls out on files far less than that size. In practice I've done files as large as 40MB but anything larger seems to hang up. It is definitely a problem with their API as the call to "dropboxclient.put_file(destination_name,file_handle,overwrite(true/false))". After this dropbox takes care of all the transferring and if it stalls out the issue is either a) on them or b) something went wrong on the internet tubes and dropped it. Either way there isn't a lot I can do, sorry.

I've toyed with the idea of excluding the packages directory from the backup list, as this really isn't necessary. If you're backing up all the addons, do you really need their original files? Doing this might solve your problem.
(2013-03-15, 15:19)robweber Wrote: If you're backing up all the addons, do you really need their original files? Doing this might solve your problem.

That is a good idea, I think I don't need to backup everything. Have you tried to file a ticket for the dropbox developer?

I haven't write a XBMC-Addon yet, but would't it be possible to put some timeout around the upload of every file?
Just wondering if someone can clarify the backup addon for me.

Are there difference in the backups from Frodo and Eden?...are they interchangeable or a least upgradable from Eden to Frodo?
Are backups created on one platform ok to use on another. Mac to PC to Crystalbuntu to Raspbmc, etc, etc.

Here is why I ask...
My setups...
I currently have running Eden: ATV2, (2x) ATV1, MacBook, 2 PCs
I currently have running Frodo: (2x) Raspberry Pi, Pivos, Macbook.

What works:
I backup up the ATV2 running Eden and restored to Pivos running Frodo...works.
I restored to ATV 1 (Cystalbuntu) using one either the ATV2 (Eden) or Pivos (Frodo) backup...not sure which one I actually used and its works.

Whats failing:
Tried restore my second ATV1 with backups from all 3 working system...all failed.
Reloaded the ATV fresh...all 3 attempts to restore still failed.
It takes no time to restore, doesn't appear to do it, and no errors.

What should I look out for..
...and more importantly, what works with what?

(2013-03-15, 21:43)audio.addicted Wrote: EDIT:
I haven't write a XBMC-Addon yet, but would't it be possible to put some timeout around the upload of every file?

I suppose that would be possible, the process to actually copy the file would have to spawn in some type of worker thread so it could be monitored and then a callback registered for when it completes. this way if it doesn't complete in X amount of time you could kill the thread. The xbmc vfs module, which does all other file IO except in the case of dropbox, is a lot smarter and will return if something interrupts the copy. So this type of fix would really only benefit the dropbox system. still, not an unreasonable request, I'll add it to the issue tracker on github.

(2013-03-16, 21:42)jgeorge Wrote: Just wondering if someone can clarify the backup addon for me.

Are there difference in the backups from Frodo and Eden?...are they interchangeable or a least upgradable from Eden to Frodo?
Are backups created on one platform ok to use on another. Mac to PC to Crystalbuntu to Raspbmc, etc, etc.

Here is why I ask...
My setups...
I currently have running Eden: ATV2, (2x) ATV1, MacBook, 2 PCs
I currently have running Frodo: (2x) Raspberry Pi, Pivos, Macbook.

What works:
I backup up the ATV2 running Eden and restored to Pivos running Frodo...works.
I restored to ATV 1 (Cystalbuntu) using one either the ATV2 (Eden) or Pivos (Frodo) backup...not sure which one I actually used and its works.

Whats failing:
Tried restore my second ATV1 with backups from all 3 working system...all failed.
Reloaded the ATV fresh...all 3 attempts to restore still failed.
It takes no time to restore, doesn't appear to do it, and no errors.

What should I look out for..
...and more importantly, what works with what?


Only the config files and maybe the addon data directories are really interchangeable between Frodo and Eden. You can restore Eden data to a Frodo system, but you may encounter some issues. Your databases will not be compatible, but this is OK. Frodo will take the Eden database and upgrade it after a reboot. Almost all of your addons will also not be compatible, and will most likely require you to update them to their Frodo editions anyway. You are better off just not restoring the addons from any of your backups if they are from Eden and you are now going to Frodo. I would also not restore the Thumbnails/Fanart directories as Frodo uses a different system for caching these files and will need to rebuild (ie redownload) all the artwork anyway.

Regarding what you are trying with your ATV1, it should work. According to your own tests it is working on one of your ATV devices so the restore system is doing its job, there is apparently just some issue with that one device. I guess what is your definition of "failure". Does the addon truly fail or does it complete and you just don't notice anything different? Keep in mind you'll have to reboot your device for things like the database and sources to take affect. If it truly doesn't seem to be working post a debug log after running the restore.
Thanks for the info.

The failure is...that nothing has changed (even after reboot) and it seems to restore in like 3 secs flat, where as the backup took minutes to create and restore previously.
I will recreate my setup on the second ATV 1 again and send it to the first ATV 1 after I wipe it. (trying in reverse sequence and direct ATV-to-ATV).

What about compatibility across different hardware platforms if they are running same XBMC version (Eden to Eden ...or Frodo to Frodo)?
Any problems?

There shouldn't be any hardware specific issues. The files that are being moved around are all files that any type of xbmc platform should be able to read. Just make sure you are setting the backup locations and restore point features correctly. I know in the Eden version of this software the setup was quite different and often confusing for doing the restore process.
Been a few weeks since I've had time to do any coding, but I figured it was about time to get the new version out the door so I fixed up the last few bits and merged it all together this morning.

I've tested this in my home setup with success, but I'll hold off pushing to the repo for a day or two in case anyone here wants to test and report back. As usual please pull from git https://github.com/robweber/xbmcbackup. Updates for this version include:

1) The long awaited custom directories feature
2) A fix for the troublesome "this addon deleting all my stuff" issue when not using a dedicated backup directory
3) fixes to the scheduler to make it a little more resource efficient

I added the following disclaimer to the README file but thing it's also worth posting here:

WHEN UPDATING TO 0.3.6 OR ABOVE - To fix the very real problem of deleting non xbmc backup files during the backup rotation a simple check for an xbmcbackup.val file is done on each directory to ensure it was created by this addon. To make your old archives compatible with this feature simply create an empty xbmcbackup.val file and put it in each backup archive folder. The easiest way is to create a backup with the new addon and copy the xbmcbackup.val file to your other directories.
I am really confused. I spent ages a few days ago trying to find a common share that would be recognised by all of my XBMC clients. I finally found a place on my NAS. Now, I need to restore the backup as my SD card went south. I have re-started XBMC and have successfully set the backup folder. I can see the previous backups. However, no I am trying to restore and all I get is a window with the heading "XBMC Backup -- Backup Folder Name". I have connected to the NAS folder with SMB and NFS but get the same result. Any guidance gratefully received!

What version of the addon did you use when creating your backups? If in doubt please read the disclaimer in red one post above yours. The xbmcbackup.val file needs to be present in the backup archive in order for it to show up in the Folder Name list. If you are unsure what this structure should look like you should have

smb://host/share/backups/ - this is what you set in the addon settings
    20130408/ - example backup directory
            xbmcbackup.val - validation file
    20130407/ - another folder

If you do not have an xbmcbackup.val file (because the archive was created with an old version of the addon) simply create a blank text file and give it that name. If all of this still doesn't allow your restore points to show up in the restore window please upload a debug log. Usually paths not being set right are why this isn't working.
(2013-04-08, 23:04)robweber Wrote: What version of the addon did you use when creating your backups? If in doubt please read the disclaimer in red one post above yours. The xbmcbackup.val file needs to be present in the backup archive in order for it to show up in the Folder Name list. If you are unsure what this structure should look like you should have

smb://host/share/backups/ - this is what you set in the addon settings
    20130408/ - example backup directory
            xbmcbackup.val - validation file
    20130407/ - another folder

If you do not have an xbmcbackup.val file (because the archive was created with an old version of the addon) simply create a blank text file and give it that name. If all of this still doesn't allow your restore points to show up in the restore window please upload a debug log. Usually paths not being set right are why this isn't working.
Thanks Rob.

Not being au-fait with scripts etc, I think this will take me a while to get my head round!Huh Still, one thing I can report is that the backups were made with V 0.3.6. Also, each of the backup files contain only two top-level folders - Users and Addons. Will I be able to restore from these if i create the .val file?

UPDATE: Found the files and set off a restore. Can't see anything happening though - no progress bar. Is this correct?

UPDATE: Left it running overnight and the restore has been successful - another error on my part, the previous version was 0.3.3! That'll teach me to pay more attention to detail! Thanks again for your help

Glad you got it to work for you. There should be a progress bar on backups as well as restores. Depending on the size of your database, fanart, number of addons, etc it could move rather slow. Even the initial "file gathering" process could take a while if there are a lot of folders and files to index. I've also noticed that if you have a lot of skins the backups and restores can take some time, even on a fast network connection, as the skin texture files could be quite large.
(2013-04-09, 15:16)robweber Wrote: Glad you got it to work for you. There should be a progress bar on backups as well as restores. Depending on the size of your database, fanart, number of addons, etc it could move rather slow. Even the initial "file gathering" process could take a while if there are a lot of folders and files to index. I've also noticed that if you have a lot of skins the backups and restores can take some time, even on a fast network connection, as the skin texture files could be quite large.

There are progress bars on all the versions in my house (PC, ATV, iPad etc) appart from the XBMC running on my Raspberry PI under Openelec, so not sure whose issue this is!
(2013-04-09, 15:47)pdes Wrote: There are progress bars on all the versions in my house (PC, ATV, iPad etc) appart from the XBMC running on my Raspberry PI under Openelec, so not sure whose issue this is!

That is odd. What is the skin and version of OpenELEC you are using? I have an RPi, I'd like to test this out.
Sorry if this is a duplicate but I can't see my response!

I am using Confluence and the Openelec image is r13551.
OK, so I'm a total noob and I have read through 33 pages of messages on this thread and still don't know how to start 'Backup' manually.

I'm using v.03.7 on XMBC 12.1 running under Win7U. Skin is Confluence.

Every thing I have tried just brings up the info screen or config screen. So, how can I start a MANUAL backup?

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[Release] Backup (formerly XBMC Backup)10