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That would be a setting with artist slideshow rather than MQ4.

I'll have a look when I get home to see if you can change it.

You could just get rid of it all together if not though.
Yeah I figured that would be a frodo setting rather than a skin setting.
I like the smaller thumbnails that appear but the full screen ones just seem a little to fast and distracting as they change too quick. Would be nice to be able to slow that down. I'll have a further look in the settings but I don't think it can be done
Do some of them go full screen then? Mine only show as per the photo below...


If there is a setting to change it, it will be in the artist slideshow settings.
Yeah mine looks exactly the same, although i dont have the cool cdart ( blue cd cover )
By fullscreen, i mean that large background image. It switches between 3 - 4 images, but if there was a way to slow this down to say, 10 - 15 seconds or so.
Oh, you must have extra fanart activated?
Yeah i think that may be why im getting a few images as a slideshow
The skin controls how fast that changes then. I'm not sure how to make it slower, I don't think there is an option to do it.

I don't know if you want the CDart or not, but if you do it's pretty easy to set up.
Have you ever had any problems with your library not updating since upgrading to Frodo? I have the add on enabled but any new tv shows that have been downloaded are not showing up in XBMC.
The files are there if I browse the tv folder but XBMC don't seem to be seeing them
No can't say I have. Has your source been set with that scraper?
Sorry I'm unsure what you mean?
I use media center master to grab the needed files and moves the files into their folder.
ie, the walking dead - season 1
I can see earlier episodes but not the newest one

It's the way I've always did it but since frodo , xbmc doesn't seem to see them.
Am I missing something, is there something I have to set up? I wouldn't have thought so but thought I'd ask
Are the new movies you have showing?

What I mean is that the settings for your TV source may have changed during the upgrade.

If you go to the files menu, highlight your source for TV and press c. Then choose edit source. Select OK and on the second screen that comes up just make sure that the source type is set to TV shows and the scraper you have enabled is the one it is set up to use.
Yeah it's still set as tvshows.
The thing is , if I click on that, and go into one of the tv shows that I'm having the problem with, I can see that new episode, but if I come back out of that, go into tv shows on the main menu, that episode isn't there.
Very strange
Its because its not being scraped to your library.

Is your system set up to update the library on start up, maybe that option was changed during the update? Try pressing the 'update library' button on the sub menu under TV shows and see if it scrapes them in for you.
Just tried the update library option, still not bringing them in. I also have a button on my remote to do just that, still nothing. I'm lost.
Hmm... when you checked the source settings did it have the right scrapper selected? The TVDB for example?

The other thing to try is to go into your TV source and find one of the episodes that's not showing up. Then press the i button to get into the information screen and it should try to scrape that episode. If it lets you into that screen without trying to scrape choose the reload button.
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[RELEASE] Aeon MQ 456