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Maraschino (formerly HTPC Frontend) - a summary web interface for your XBMC HTPC
I looked at the setup files and found that all it was doing was moving the files in those folders (I manually downloaded the zips) and copied the flask folder out of the Flask-0.8 folder (it has other files and folders but we only need the flask folder) I then extract and copied the extflask folder from the dist folder. After that I copied the jsonrpclib folder to the maraschino root folder. Now I could be 100% wrong on this all, like I said I have never played with cherrypy (but I have done web dev before and work in IT so I a little idea of whats going on).

The thing I am stuck on now is can I tell cherrypy to use flask and json with out them being system variables. If we are able to tell cherrypy to look to ./ for dependencies it should be all set. The best part (if it works that way) is then you are able to package it all up, no install necessary (Like SB, CP, HP and sabNZB - which all use cherrypy)

Edit: After looking at it, I think I may need to tweak the python package that is used for SB and such, I will let you know what I find out. easy_install is a functionof Python to install modules, I thought these were used for cherrypy and not the core of Python.
HTPC: Acer Revo 3610 (openELEC 3.0.2) with Aeon Nox (4)
NAS: unRAID 5rc12a on an Intel 3GHz Core2Duo with 4GB of RAM and 5 2TB WD EARS Green Drives
Running: SickBeard, CouchPotato v2, Headphones, Maraschino, Plex and SimplePlugins
FreeBSD is going to be hard work for the minute until 8.1. Not sure about unRAID.

I planned on having a FreeBSD box running everything, but it looks like the best way is to have a super low powered Nettop running Ubuntu Headless and all this stuff on it. Seems to be the most economic way of having things run, rather than having your NAS always working. You can pick up low powered Nettops for $80. Still trying to work out which one I'm going to add, but with the fast development cycle of XBMC and it's respective addons, I'd say it would be best to go this route than hoping for a BSD plugin.
My ultimate goal is to eventually have my FreeNAS machine run everything from SAB, SB, MG, HTPC FE, so that I can relieve my corei7 workstation from doing all of that then transfering all downloads over the network to the FreeNAS machine.
Anything in pipeline for supporting MySQL databases MrK?

Mines not being found by Maraschino anymore since I switched to a central database.
Maraschino - Web based HTPC Organiser. Keep track of all your web based programs all in one place.
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I run a mysql database no problems, might be a setting somewhere
Rumik Wrote:If you could make it as user friendly for Windows users as possible, that would be great Big Grin I just can't get this to work - something to do with CherryPy - but I don't know how to set it up with Apache.

Cheers Big Grin

In my mind it should be as easy to install as possible. Preferably adding all dependencies to it as well so it would be a matter of download and run. But this is up to MrK to decide.
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Just so you all know, I am really close to getting this working on unRAID, I just can't figure out where to put the #!*$ sqlAlchemy extension. Other than that I think I have it. I will have an updated Dep package that will have python and all the other needed parts.
HTPC: Acer Revo 3610 (openELEC 3.0.2) with Aeon Nox (4)
NAS: unRAID 5rc12a on an Intel 3GHz Core2Duo with 4GB of RAM and 5 2TB WD EARS Green Drives
Running: SickBeard, CouchPotato v2, Headphones, Maraschino, Plex and SimplePlugins
does this work with python under windows?
i get commenad line output "restarting with reloder"
and what about the init.d in windows?
Malexx Wrote:does this work with python under windows?
i get commenad line output "restarting with reloder"
and what about the init.d in windows?

Check post 211 that I created with a setup guide for running this on Windows. Ignore the init.d file, if you want to make it auto-run on Windows, either setup a scheduled task or create a batch file to call it from the startup folder.
HTPC 1: 64-bit Quad Core 3.4GHz Athlon X4 / 16GB DDR3 / (8) 2TB / 42" Vizio / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
HTPC 2: 64-bit Quad Core 2.0GHz / 8GB DDR3 / 1TB / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
My Personal Blog - NewsDemon | Text size doesn't seem to be working anymore for signatures?
thx for answer,this was the first i tried but it doenst work for me,i just get a command prompt open up,thats it.
using the apache methode doesnt work either .....
Malexx Wrote:thx for answer,this was the first i tried but it doenst work for me,i just get a command prompt open up,thats it.
using the apache methode doesnt work either .....

When you complete the instructions and finally run Maraschino (cherrypy), the command prompt that opens should appear empty. It's running, it's just doesn't output information in that window, open up your web browser and go to either http://localhost:7000 or http://systemip:7000 (replace systemip with the correct one).
HTPC 1: 64-bit Quad Core 3.4GHz Athlon X4 / 16GB DDR3 / (8) 2TB / 42" Vizio / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
HTPC 2: 64-bit Quad Core 2.0GHz / 8GB DDR3 / 1TB / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
My Personal Blog - NewsDemon | Text size doesn't seem to be working anymore for signatures?
ahhhh ok now even me got it,well thanks for patience.

some more questions Smile
how to add disc ?i always keep keeping invalid path and is there just recently added episodes,not movies?
thanks in advance
Malexx Wrote:ahhhh ok now even me got it,well thanks for patience.

some more questions Smile
how to add disc ?i always keep keeping invalid path and is there just recently added episodes,not movies?
thanks in advance

I'm not sure what you mean by "how to add disc?", if you can explain that more I might be able to help. As far as the Recent Movies, that's something that is being worked on and you are correct, only Recent Episodes are available (for now).
HTPC 1: 64-bit Quad Core 3.4GHz Athlon X4 / 16GB DDR3 / (8) 2TB / 42" Vizio / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
HTPC 2: 64-bit Quad Core 2.0GHz / 8GB DDR3 / 1TB / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
My Personal Blog - NewsDemon | Text size doesn't seem to be working anymore for signatures?
Well, I have made progress, I no longer get any errors about dependencies although I am not 100% I have the extension in the right place. The error I am getting now is about orm.
Quote:ImportError: cannot import name orm
so yeah, I am stuck and I am going to take a short break.
HTPC: Acer Revo 3610 (openELEC 3.0.2) with Aeon Nox (4)
NAS: unRAID 5rc12a on an Intel 3GHz Core2Duo with 4GB of RAM and 5 2TB WD EARS Green Drives
Running: SickBeard, CouchPotato v2, Headphones, Maraschino, Plex and SimplePlugins
ok i explained bad.I mean the Option to add Hdd Discs.If i add them like c:\ c:/or c: or c it just wont work.
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Maraschino (formerly HTPC Frontend) - a summary web interface for your XBMC HTPC4