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OH and good idea from loungesounds; MQ change the Default DISC image (grey) into the old vinyl one, or make the option available to change default disc image like you did with the watched FLAGS, at lease that way people without disc.png or cdart.png won't have a boring ugly grey spinning disc to look at. THIS WOULD ADD TO A ALREADY AMAZING SKIN.
Great skin, really loving it!

One problem I have is when in multiplex view in Rom Collection Browser, the thumbs for the SNES games (which are horizontal) are stretched to vertical and it doesn't look nice. Is there any way I can force it to keep the aspect ratio? I'm not afraid of rooting around in code, I even had a look at it but didn't know which value to change and I'm hesitant to do trial and error. Thanks!
This skin is epic. One request though, would you be able to create a custom skin for PseudoTV?
Living Room | Openelec | ASRock H77 Pro4-M MoBo | 8GB DDR RAM | Intel i5 Processor | Arctic
Man Room | Windows 7 x64 | ASRock H77 Pro4-M MoBo | 8GB DDR RAM | Intel i5 Processor | Arctic
Roaming | iPad 2 | Re-Touched Skin
Storage | WD MyCloud 3TB
There is no MQ5 folder in my addons folder. Where would this be. Thanks
(2013-10-22, 15:48)tuareg Wrote: There is no MQ5 folder in my addons folder. Where would this be. Thanks

If you're on Windows the path is:

My fanart.tv & themoviedb.org accounts.

Have just tried this and noticed that if you create a thumb for a favourite item that points to a playlist, the thumb is not displayed. This was the same with Ace.

These display correctly
<favourite name="Classic Rock Lounge" thumb="http://static.rad.io/images/broadcasts/10380_4_1.png">PlayMedia(&quot;plugin://plugin.audio.radio_de/station/10380&quot;)</favourite>
    <favourite name="Video Add-ons" thumb="DefaultAddonVideo.png">ActivateWindow(10025,&quot;addons://sources/video/&quot;)</favourite>
    <favourite name="Yorkshire Coast Radio.strm" thumb="http://cml.sad.ukrd.com/image/226086.png">PlayMedia(&quot;/home/xbmc/Yorkshire Coast Radio.strm&quot;)</favourite>
    <favourite name="Vault - Greatest Hits" thumb="smb://HS-DHGL925/share/Music/Def Leppard - Vault - Greatest Hits (1995) 320 Kbps/Folder.jpg">ActivateWindow(10502,&quot;musicdb://2/1130/635/?artistid=1130&quot;)</favourite>

These do not.
<favourite name="sarah&apos;s funky 80&apos;s" thumb="smb://">ActivateWindow(10502,&quot;special://profile/playlists/music/sarah.xsp&quot;)</favourite>
    <favourite name="ggg.m3u" thumb="smb://">ActivateWindow(10502,&quot;special://profile/playlists/music/ggg.m3u&quot;)</favourite>

The second two DO display correctly in confluence, but not in Ace or MQ5 (same code ?)
You can do this:

Go to Favourites Menu, press C on item an Choose Thumbnail.

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XBMC Brazilian Community Forum
By making a donation, please do not post in the forum, send me an email or PM, thank you.
Thanks for your prompt reply, and for sharing your remarkable skinning ability with the community.
In customization, can I tell it where my fanart is when I select use multiple images under music options? If not....where is the fanart database it creates? I have a c:\AlbumArt\ sub directory I would like to use.....possible? OR Do I misunderstand? is this a slideshow during music playback?
MQ5 is so awesome!!! Anyone tried it out on an ATV2 yet? Curious to know if that box can handle it.

Couple minor requests, if the opportunity arises to add these in:

- Info view during video playback - Can an option to display time remaining instead of time elapsed be added?
- Pause during video mode. Can there be an option to not only hide the word PAUSED but also the heads-up display? It would be nice to have a very minimal info or no info at all option for when content is paused.
- Live TV - Currently the widget tray shows only upcoming recordings, can a toggle be added to show recent recordings?

Thanks again, even without any changes the skin is the best one I have ever used. Can't imagine ever wanting any more than this. Great job, such an amazing accomplishment.
(2013-10-21, 09:52)saitoh183 Wrote: Im testing out MQ5 RC3 and i dont know if this is normal but it seems that the skin is constantly sending queries to the video DB and everything that is not TV/Movie section, opens very slowly (Youtube addon took 3mins to show menues on screen) It s doing queries because the watched/unwatched for movies shows numbers and after a few seconds goes blank, then the numbers come back after a few minutes.


Is it normal for script.randomandlastitems to run as soon as i start flipping menus?I leave xbmc on all the time (screensaver dim 3min). When im not using it,the scripts stops eventually and i only see EPG updates (which is normal) in log. But as soon as i come back and flip menus, the script.randomandlastitems starts up and stuff take long to open. But once open, going back out and in again goes normal. Also when we deactivate the widget for a playlist menu( ie: Anime), does script.randomandlastitems run for that menu anyways?

Here is my log if it can help: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=73835

If my replies help you, please click on my reputation Image below :) thanks :)
(2013-10-22, 23:23)iblong Wrote: In customization, can I tell it where my fanart is when I select use multiple images under music options? If not....where is the fanart database it creates? I have a c:\AlbumArt\ sub directory I would like to use.....possible? OR Do I misunderstand? is this a slideshow during music playback?

Yes, using multiple images will let you choose a folder where the images you wish to show are stored.
My fanart.tv & themoviedb.org accounts.

if i make a own/new menu/entrypoint how can i reorder it to another location.
i've made a unseen playlist that shows me all unseee movies in my collection and i would like to have it after the movie's entry.
LibreElec Kodi | Aeon MQ ?
TRaSH, when use main menu customization, you have option replace, first empty position where you desire put new item, follow replace with new item, get previous item and realocate in new place, done. All items is possible change position in menu or submenu using replace function.
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