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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs
(2013-06-06, 01:54)corpgator Wrote: A couple things, why doesn't RCB scrape the year for any of my games? It just says not available. Also, how do I get it to download artwork other than boxcovers? As of now, that is all it downloads and then it displays that as the background.

By the way, I looked at a lot of front ends: Hyperspin, Gameex, etc, and in the end, nothing beats XBMC + RCB for ease of use and stability.

I had issues with scraping as well, I found that downloading art packs manually (emumovies.com and hyperspin.fe) then puttin them in the correct folders, then using gamedesc txt files locally to scrape works way better.

It takes the years from the gamedesc file, and your art. Doing that is how I got my setup to work finally, with video previews too Smile

As for my other post about X Y above, I sorted it out Smile
(2013-03-12, 22:56)LAW-Mastermind Wrote: Hey malte, i have got a problem i'm using rcb 2.0.3 with frodo
Problem is, in solo mode when xbmc starts again no addon works at all
When is use non solo mode, xbmc doesn't go back to fullscreen

I've been having the same (fullscreen) problem. Whenever I launch an emulator (Jnes) and XBMC goes to power saving mode, XBMC doesn't go back to full screen, meaning I have to press Alt-enter.
Any ideas?
Anyone know a clever way to delete art from the art packs for roms I don't have? I could do it manually, but it's too much of a chore.

Oh, and when RCB extracts a game from .7z or .zip, where does it put it? Does it delete it immediately after it's done? I'd rather it leave it there until I say delete it since I'm going to be playing it several times and would rather not have it constantly extracting and writing to my drive.
(2013-06-05, 15:30)Ghostdivision Wrote: Also question for malte i am noticing whenever I am in rcb scripts cannot go off. So if i leave my pc on rcb and have library auto update go off or i also use the scheduler to automate cdart program, it does not seem to work. It works fine outside rcb, but whenever your in rcb no automated script seem to work properly. THe log shows it launches but then does nothing. If your outside rcb the scripts work fineHuh?

Hopefully when malte has some time he can take a look at this.

I am wondering if no automated script works when in rcb because rcb itself is a script? I dont know if xbmc can run multiple scripts at the same time?

Again whenever i leave rcb open and have library auto update addon run or any other addon script, it launches in the log but then does not initiate, only when your in rcb. If im not in rcb everything runs and executes fine.

The big problem though is I schedule a reboot in early mornings of my htpc, whenever the reboot script is issued it also launches but then freezes xbmc, and its quite annoying and this only happens when i leave xbmc sitting in rcb with rcb open. Here is a debug log but nothing much helpful here. And again when im not in rcb when these scripts run or any addon scripts run, they run and initiate fine. This is the last thing the debug log produces as i awaken to a frozen xbmc whenever i leave rcb open.

22:12:35 T:4008 NOTICE: [service.scheduler] - Mode triggered: custom2
22:12:35 T:4008 NOTICE: [service.scheduler] - Built-in Function: Reboot
22:12:35 T:3884 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnQuit from xbmc
22:12:35 T:3884 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnQuit
Hey guys, I'm needing a bit of assistance. Basically I believe I've set up RCB like I should and it scrapes information fine. What I'm running into is when I launch a ROM it minimizes the XBMC window like it's about to do something, but then brings it right back up without ever launching anything. An example if that would help - I am using the ZSNES emu with parameter -m -c "%ROM%" and ROM file mask *.zip because I like to keep my ROMs in zip files. I also have it set to unzip .ZIP files and have toggled the option for Popen just to see if that would help but it doesn't. Again it just acts like its about to launch, minimizes XBMC, then reopens it and nothing ever happens. Any help would be great!
(2013-06-07, 00:20)corpgator Wrote: Anyone know a clever way to delete art from the art packs for roms I don't have? I could do it manually, but it's too much of a chore.

Oh, and when RCB extracts a game from .7z or .zip, where does it put it? Does it delete it immediately after it's done? I'd rather it leave it there until I say delete it since I'm going to be playing it several times and would rather not have it constantly extracting and writing to my drive.

Put this in a text file with a batch extension

@echo off
for %%f in ("C:\test2\*.jpg","C:\test2\*.png") do (
if NOT exist "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.zip" (if NOT exist "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.rar" (
del "%%~ff"

Change path accordingly Smile

If you need to see the files that are being deleted for any reason use this one instead

@echo off
for %%f in ("C:\test2\*.jpg","C:\test2\*.png") do (
if NOT exist "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.zip" (if NOT exist "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.rar" (
del "%%~ff" in echo "%%~ff"
(2013-06-08, 18:11)NewYears1978 Wrote:
(2013-06-07, 00:20)corpgator Wrote: Anyone know a clever way to delete art from the art packs for roms I don't have? I could do it manually, but it's too much of a chore.

Oh, and when RCB extracts a game from .7z or .zip, where does it put it? Does it delete it immediately after it's done? I'd rather it leave it there until I say delete it since I'm going to be playing it several times and would rather not have it constantly extracting and writing to my drive.

Put this in a text file with a batch extension

@echo off
for %%f in ("C:\test2\*.jpg","C:\test2\*.png") do (
if NOT exist "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.zip" (if NOT exist "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.rar" (
del "%%~ff"

Change path accordingly Smile

If you need to see the files that are being deleted for any reason use this one instead

@echo off
for %%f in ("C:\test2\*.jpg","C:\test2\*.png") do (
if NOT exist "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.zip" (if NOT exist "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.rar" (
del "%%~ff" in echo "%%~ff"

I like this. I'd be very interested in knowing what other batch tricks you have.
(2013-06-07, 00:20)corpgator Wrote: Oh, and when RCB extracts a game from .7z or .zip, where does it put it? Does it delete it immediately after it's done? I'd rather it leave it there until I say delete it since I'm going to be playing it several times and would rather not have it constantly extracting and writing to my drive.

Missed this question in my above post..I believe it is here


As for deleting them I think it is supposed to but unsure..I have not tested.
Ok, so I'm absolutely loving RCB. I'm currently using the Transparency! skin and the views for RCB are great. I have one question that I can't seem to find an answer to on the forums, though.

Is there a way to set a collection as a submenu on the home menu? Like, browse to the main menu and select Games>SNES and have it display my SNES collection within RCB? I'd like to do this for all my collections (PSX, SNES, NES, etc.) and I can't quite seem to find out how.

Is it a matter of setting the collection as a favorite? The only favorite option I can find is the favorite *within* RCB which XBMC doesn't seem to recognize outside of RCB.
Thanks for all of the help. I've found that there simply isn't good artwork out there except from thegamesdb.net, but it doesn't download. All I get is box front and back on initial scrape. I then have to either go game by game or do delete games only from remove collection. After that, I import the games with interactive and disable all trackers but thegamedb and it gets the rest of the artwork.

It's quicker than going to the site and searching game by game, but does anyone know why it doesn't just pick them up on its own?
(2013-06-08, 20:34)sudopinion Wrote:
(2013-06-08, 18:11)NewYears1978 Wrote:
(2013-06-07, 00:20)corpgator Wrote: Anyone know a clever way to delete art from the art packs for roms I don't have? I could do it manually, but it's too much of a chore.

Oh, and when RCB extracts a game from .7z or .zip, where does it put it? Does it delete it immediately after it's done? I'd rather it leave it there until I say delete it since I'm going to be playing it several times and would rather not have it constantly extracting and writing to my drive.

Put this in a text file with a batch extension

@echo off
for %%f in ("C:\test2\*.jpg","C:\test2\*.png") do (
if NOT exist "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.zip" (if NOT exist "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.rar" (
del "%%~ff"

Change path accordingly Smile

If you need to see the files that are being deleted for any reason use this one instead

@echo off
for %%f in ("C:\test2\*.jpg","C:\test2\*.png") do (
if NOT exist "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.zip" (if NOT exist "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.rar" (
del "%%~ff" in echo "%%~ff"

I like this. I'd be very interested in knowing what other batch tricks you have.

The only other one I have is for getting rid of foreign games. Some people like to keep whole collections but personally I don't need anything that isn't USA... So I use this to solve that

for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /a-d * ^| find /v /i "USA"') do del "%%F"

It simply removes any file without USA in the name...but you could change USA if you wanted to use it for other parameters..

(2013-06-09, 18:56)corpgator Wrote: Thanks for all of the help. I've found that there simply isn't good artwork out there except from thegamesdb.net, but it doesn't download. All I get is box front and back on initial scrape. I then have to either go game by game or do delete games only from remove collection. After that, I import the games with interactive and disable all trackers but thegamedb and it gets the rest of the artwork.

It's quicker than going to the site and searching game by game, but does anyone know why it doesn't just pick them up on its own?

You're welcome and I think using favorites is the solution to your other question..this is something I was going to look into but hadn't yet because I only had one collection done..but yeah it is a pain to have to go into filter and change..rather just go directly into that collection...favorite should work I think.

Edit: So I looked and the favorites here are not XBMC favorites..it only adds games to favorites inside RCB which if you select favorites in the filters will show only those..so that won't work...so unless there is a command line that you can run RCB with ..there may not be a way to do this (without using Advanced launcher instead of RCB)

So Question to anyone or RCB Devs/mods:

Is there a way to run RCB with set filters? Command line in Advanced Launcher for instance that might start with SNES filter ? I looked through all the docs and did not see a way to do this..but surely it's possible?
i dont understand mame. I have tried using tricks as suggested in this forum. i have tried creating the ini file, putting it in the main directory of mame32. i cannot getit to scan at all. help please?
I still can't figure out how to UNCACHE images and rescrape them..without having to delete the whole collection and reimport it.

Sometimes it works, most the time not. I tried rescraping one game, all games, using local artwork option, I made sure in options was set to rescrape already imported games..but it doesn't work.

This is a real pain if I Need to add or change one image I have to redo the whole collection, resetup the configs and all...

Usually deleting the tetxtures.db file works but the last few times that hasn't worked..is there a way around this?
RomCollection name="MAME" id="16"><useBuiltinEmulator>False</useBuiltinEmulator><gameclient/><emulatorCmd>C:\Program Files\MAME32\mame.exe</emulatorCmd><emulatorParams>-inipath "C:\Program Files\MAME32\ini" "%ROM%"</emulatorParams><romPath>C:\Program Files\MAME32\roms\*.zip</romPath><saveStatePath/><saveStateParams/><mediaPath type="boxfront">C:\Program Files\MAME32\roms\boxfront\%GAME%.*</mediaPath><mediaPath type="action">C:\Program Files\MAME32\roms\action\%GAME%.*</mediaPath><mediaPath type="title">C:\Program Files\MAME32\roms\title\%GAME%.*</mediaPath><mediaPath type="cabinet">C:\Program Files\MAME32\roms\cabinet\%GAME%.*</mediaPath><mediaPath type="marquee">C:\Program Files\MAME32\roms\marquee\%GAME%.*</mediaPath><preCmd/><postCmd/><useEmuSolo>False</useEmuSolo><usePopen>False</usePopen><ignoreOnScan>False</ignoreOnScan><allowUpdate>True</allowUpdate><autoplayVideoMain>True</autoplayVideoMain><autoplayVideoInfo>True</autoplayVideoInfo><useFoldernameAsGamename>False</useFoldernameAsGamename><maxFolderDepth>99</maxFolderDepth><doNotExtractZipFiles>True</doNotExtractZipFiles><diskPrefix>_Disk</diskPrefix><imagePlacingMain>gameinfomamecabinet</imagePlacingMain><imagePlacingInfo>gameinfosmall</imagePlacingInfo><scraper name="maws.mameworld.info" replaceValueString="" replaceKeyString=""/></RomCollection></RomCollections>-<FileTypes>-<FileType name="boxfront" id="1"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="boxback" id="2"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="cartridge" id="3"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="screenshot" id="4"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="fanart" id="5"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="action" id="6"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="title" id="7"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="3dbox" id="8"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="romcollection" id="9"><type>image</type><parent>romcollection</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="developer" id="10"><type>image</type><parent>developer</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="publisher" id="11"><type>image</type><parent>publisher</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="gameplay" id="12"><type>video</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="cabinet" id="13"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="marquee" id="14"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType></FileTypes>-<ImagePlacing>-<fileTypeFor name="gameinfobig"><fileTypeForGameList>boxfront</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>screenshot</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>title</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>action</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameListSelected>boxfront</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>screenshot</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>title</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>action</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>fanart</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>boxfront</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>screenshot</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>title</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>action</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoBig>screenshot</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoBig><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoBig>boxfront</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoBig><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoBig>action</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoBig><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoBig>title</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoBig><fileTypeForMainView1>publisher</fileTypeForMainView1><fileTypeForMainView2>romcollection</fileTypeForMainView2><fileTypeForMainView3>developer</fileTypeForMainView3></fileTypeFor>-<fileTypeFor name="gameinfosmall"><fileTypeForGameList>boxfront</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>screenshot</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>title</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>action</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameListSelected>boxfront</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>screenshot</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>title</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>action</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>fanart</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>boxfront</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>screenshot</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>title</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>action</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft>screenshot</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft>action</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft>title</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperRight>boxfront</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperRight><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLowerLeft>cartridge</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLowerLeft><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLowerRight>boxback</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLowerRight><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLowerRight>title</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLowerRight><fileTypeForMainView1>publisher</fileTypeForMainView1><fileTypeForMainView2>romcollection</fileTypeForMainView2><fileTypeForMainView3>developer</fileTypeForMainView3></fileTypeFor>-<fileTypeFor name="gameinfomamemarquee"><fileTypeForGameList>marquee</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>boxfront</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>title</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameListSelected>marquee</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>boxfront</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>title</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>boxfront</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>title</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>action</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLeft>cabinet</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLeft><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperRight>title</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperRight><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLowerRight>action</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLowerRight><fileTypeForMainView1>publisher</fileTypeForMainView1><fileTypeForMainView2>romcollection</fileTypeForMainView2><fileTypeForMainView3>developer</fileTypeForMainView3></fileTypeFor>-<fileTypeFor name="gameinfomamecabinet"><fileTypeForGameList>cabinet</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>boxfront</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>title</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameListSelected>cabinet</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>boxfront</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>title</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>boxfront</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>title</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>action</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft>title</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperRight>action</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperRight><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLower>marquee</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLower><fileTypeForMainView1>publisher</fileTypeForMainView1><fileTypeForMainView2>romcollection</fileTypeForMainView2><fileTypeForMainView3>developer</fileTypeForMainView3></fileTypeFor></ImagePlacing>-<Scrapers>-<Site name="local nfo" searchGameByCRC="False" descFilePerGame="True"><Scraper source="nfo" parseInstruction="00 - local nfo.xml"/></Site>-<Site name="thegamesdb.net" searchGameByCRC="False" descFilePerGame="True"><Scraper source="http://thegamesdb.net/api/GetGame.php?name=%GAME%&platform=%PLATFORM%" parseInstruction="02 - thegamesdb.xml"/></Site>-<Site name="giantbomb.com" searchGameByCRC="False" descFilePerGame="True"><Scraper source="http://api.giantbomb.com/search/?api_key=%GIANTBOMBAPIKey%&query=%GAME%&resources=game&field_list=api_detail_url,name&format=xml" parseInstruction="03.01 - giantbomb - search.xml" returnUrl="true"/><Scraper source="1" parseInstruction="03.02 - giantbomb - detail.xml"/></Site>-<Site name="mobygames.com" searchGameByCRC="False" descFilePerGame="True"><Scraper source="http://www.mobygames.com/search/quick?game=%GAME%&p=%PLATFORM%" parseInstruction="04.01 - mobygames - gamesearch.xml" returnUrl="true"/><Scraper source="1" parseInstruction="04.02 - mobygames - details.xml"/><Scraper source="1" parseInstruction="04.03 - mobygames - coverlink.xml" returnUrl="true"/><Scraper source="2" parseInstruction="04.04 - mobygames - coverart.xml"/><Scraper source="1" parseInstruction="04.05 - mobygames - screenshotlink.xml" returnUrl="true"/><Scraper source="3" parseInstruction="04.06 - mobygames - screenoriglink.xml" returnUrl="true"/><Scraper source="4" parseInstruction="04.07 - mobygames - screenshots.xml"/></Site>-<Site name="archive.vg" searchGameByCRC="False" descFilePerGame="True"><Scraper source="http://api.archive.vg/2.0/Archive.search/%ARCHIVEAPIKEY%/%GAME%" parseInstruction="05.01 - archive - search.xml" returnUrl="true" encoding="iso-8859-1"/><Scraper source="1" parseInstruction="05.02 - archive - detail.xml" encoding="iso-8859-1"/></Site>-<Site name="maws.mameworld.info" searchGameByCRC="False" descFilePerGame="True"><Scraper source="http://maws.mameworld.info/maws/romset/%GAME%" parseInstruction="06 - maws.xml" encoding="iso-8859-1"/></Site></Scrapers></config>
that is in the app data area, thats what it looks like,C:\Program Files\mame32\mame.exe ---createconfig
rompath C:\Program files\MAME32\roms
samplepath samples
artpath artwork

that is what is in the ini file, if anybody could tell me how i am setting it up wrong, any help would be appreciated.
Try repasting that inside [ code ] [ /code ] (without the spaces) tags so it will be readable
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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs20