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Sick Beard - Automatic TV Show Episode download/sort/rename, nfo/tbn maker & TV Guide
(2012-11-25, 23:47)Dignam Wrote: How do i set a category in sickbeard? I dont see anywhere to do that. I guess I assumed sickbeard automatically labeled everything as *tv* category.
It is under "Search Settings" -> "NZB Search", the last entry "SABnzbd Category
Category for downloads to go into (eg. TV)" is the one you're looking for.

Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

(2012-11-25, 23:57)HenryFord Wrote:
(2012-11-25, 23:47)Dignam Wrote: How do i set a category in sickbeard? I dont see anywhere to do that. I guess I assumed sickbeard automatically labeled everything as *tv* category.
It is under "Search Settings" -> "NZB Search", the last entry "SABnzbd Category
Category for downloads to go into (eg. TV)" is the one you're looking for.

Ah ok! I had nzb method set to blackhole, was told that was the easiest way to set it up. I will give it a try now and see what happens. Appreciate the help.

Appears I am going to have to delete all the NZB's currently loaded into sab and I guess maybe even reload my shows so it re-sends them all over with the proper category. Gonna try 1 first and make sure all works!

Ok making progress. I added a new show and everything worked as it should for the most part. The files got moved to the NAS like they should after the download. In my TV directory on the NAS it created 2 new folders. The first was nice clean "Show Name" the 2nd was the exact name of the file downloaded "show.name.s01.blah.blah" The first folder ended up with the fanart and folder images, and the show.nfo. The 2nd had all of the season 1 episodes in it, and they did not get re-named or get proper .nfos created for them.
XBMC System:
Windows 7, E8400, 2GB Ram, 8800GTS, 12.3 “Frodo”, Aeon Nox 4.1.9

Gaming Rig:
Windows 7, i72600k, 8GB Ram, Radeon HD 6950 2 GB, 128GB SSD.
(2012-11-26, 07:22)Dignam Wrote: Ah ok! I had nzb method set to blackhole, was told that was the easiest way to set it up. I will give it a try now and see what happens. Appreciate the help.
You can do that too! If you want to set a category this way, you can create a folder "tv" under the folder which is scanned by sabnzbd.
So, for example, if your blackhole directory is "D:\Downloads", you can create a directory "D:\Downloads\TV" and then setup sickbeard to place the nzbs in that folder. The files then should be added to sabnzbd in the category "tv" (for reference: http://wiki.sabnzbd.org/configure-folders-0-7 - see the footnotes)

Quote:Appears I am going to have to delete all the NZB's currently loaded into sab and I guess maybe even reload my shows so it re-sends them all over with the proper category. Gonna try 1 first and make sure all works!
You could just set the category manually, sab should use the pp-script in that case as well.

Quote:Ok making progress. I added a new show and everything worked as it should for the most part. The files got moved to the NAS like they should after the download. In my TV directory on the NAS it created 2 new folders. The first was nice clean "Show Name" the 2nd was the exact name of the file downloaded "show.name.s01.blah.blah" The first folder ended up with the fanart and folder images, and the show.nfo. The 2nd had all of the season 1 episodes in it, and they did not get re-named or get proper .nfos created for them.
Now this seems very odd. Can you post your logfile (preferably debug) of that process?
If you do not find it, you can do the following:
Move the whole folder away from the NAS to a separate location. Then use sickbeard's "Manual Post-Process" to scan the folder again. Post the results you get (for example on pastebin.org)
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

I have a main PC in the living room, with XBMC 12 installed and a NAS attached which I have set as shared.

I have mapped the shared drive onto my laptop (which has XBMC 11, Sickbeard, TheRenamer, etc). All working fine (although obviously slower than when the NAS was plugged direct into my laptop). But, Sickbeard does not seem to see the mapped drive.
is there a download link ala in github for the developmental branch? for some reason it will only clone the main branch for me.. having issues with the developmental branch..
(2012-11-26, 16:00)gman3042 Wrote: is there a download link ala in github for the developmental branch? for some reason it will only clone the main branch for me.. having issues with the developmental branch..
If you want to clone _only_ the development branch:
git clone -b development https://github.com/midgetspy/Sick-Beard.git
If you want to clone everything (with all branches):
git clone https://github.com/midgetspy/Sick-Beard.git
This will download all branches! Switch the branch by typing:
git checkout development

As to the download link:
No, you'll always download the master-branch.
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

(2012-11-26, 12:01)HenryFord Wrote: You could just set the category manually, sab should use the pp-script in that case as well.

Totally overlooked that I could just set the category in the Q.

(2012-11-26, 12:01)HenryFord Wrote: Now this seems very odd. Can you post your logfile (preferably debug) of that process? 
If you do not find it, you can do the following: 
Move the whole folder away from the NAS to a separate location. Then use sickbeard's "Manual Post-Process" to scan the folder again. Post the results you get (for example on pastebin.org)

When I moved it and then did the manual PP it worked as it should except for creating the season folder, just dumped all the episodes in the show level.

The 2nd season just finished, it did the same as the first.Nothing at all shows up in the info log, here is what the debug log in SB says after it did the PP.


It is actually just spamming that over and over, I keep looking at the debug log and its just more of the same every few seconds.

When I do the manual PP, it shows up in the info log and works (outside of creating the season folder).

If i look at the completed d/l in SAB it has a view script log button, pressing that shows me this:


Seems to me that it isnt really trying to post process it after SAB finishes it, it is just moving it then stopping.
XBMC System:
Windows 7, E8400, 2GB Ram, 8800GTS, 12.3 “Frodo”, Aeon Nox 4.1.9

Gaming Rig:
Windows 7, i72600k, 8GB Ram, Radeon HD 6950 2 GB, 128GB SSD.
(2012-11-26, 22:35)Dignam Wrote: When I moved it and then did the manual PP it worked as it should except for creating the season folder, just dumped all the episodes in the show level.
Are you sure you set it to add season folders?
You can check under Post-Processing -> Naming.
There you'll find the option to setup the naming.
If you want to have for example
season X/episode name - SxEx.ext

you can setup the custom naming scheme to:
Season %0S/%EN - S%0SE%0E

Now, the log shows that something is def. off with the script settings. You probably did something wrong here...
An example script-log, how it should look like, can be found here:

Now... did you actually configure the pp-script correctly? Do you have python in your path (Don't know if that has anything to do with that...)?

Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

Thanks got the folders working properly now.

Not sure about the config. My autoProcessTV.cfg looks like this:


Oh and thanks for all the support so far! Learning this stuff slowly, appreciate it.

I did not touch web root or ssl. No idea what you mean regarding python.
XBMC System:
Windows 7, E8400, 2GB Ram, 8800GTS, 12.3 “Frodo”, Aeon Nox 4.1.9

Gaming Rig:
Windows 7, i72600k, 8GB Ram, Radeon HD 6950 2 GB, 128GB SSD.
(2012-11-27, 02:09)Dignam Wrote: Not sure about the config. My autoProcessTV.cfg looks like this:

Looks like that is wrong, isn't it? You have to use the port sickbeard is running on, seeing that the result is "location.href = "http://localhost:8080/sabnzbd"" I assume you have sabnzbd running on that port.

Quote:Oh and thanks for all the support so far! Learning this stuff slowly, appreciate it.
No problem Smile Glad to help!
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

hmm guess it is a problem in the autoprocesstv.cfg I tried changing some things in it but dont really know what im doing, just getting different errors.
XBMC System:
Windows 7, E8400, 2GB Ram, 8800GTS, 12.3 “Frodo”, Aeon Nox 4.1.9

Gaming Rig:
Windows 7, i72600k, 8GB Ram, Radeon HD 6950 2 GB, 128GB SSD.
(2012-11-27, 13:16)Dignam Wrote: hmm guess it is a problem in the autoprocesstv.cfg I tried changing some things in it but dont really know what im doing, just getting different errors.
In the autoprocesstv.cfg you should simply have to edit the line "host" and "port":
If sickbeard is running on the same machine as sab, "localhost" is fine.
The port however should be the one used by sickbeard.
If you, for example, access sickbeard in the browser via "http://localhost:8181", you have to enter "8181" in the port-segment of the cfg and localhost in the hostname-segment.

If you entered the correct values for that and still get errors, please post them.
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

Well it is setup correct then, which brings it back to the original problem.

This is the script log from SAB after it finishes the download:

XBMC System:
Windows 7, E8400, 2GB Ram, 8800GTS, 12.3 “Frodo”, Aeon Nox 4.1.9

Gaming Rig:
Windows 7, i72600k, 8GB Ram, Radeon HD 6950 2 GB, 128GB SSD.
(2012-11-27, 21:21)Dignam Wrote: This is the script log from SAB after it finishes the download:
Just tested this on my machine:
You definetly setup the wrong port. Do NOT enter sabnzbd's port but sickbeard's port.
The result you get is when you set it up to use sabnzbd's port instead of sickbeard's. Tested this multiple times.

Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

IT WORKS! It all functions exactly as it should now thanks so much for being patient with a noob! On to my next project figuring out the emulators/roms.
XBMC System:
Windows 7, E8400, 2GB Ram, 8800GTS, 12.3 “Frodo”, Aeon Nox 4.1.9

Gaming Rig:
Windows 7, i72600k, 8GB Ram, Radeon HD 6950 2 GB, 128GB SSD.
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Sick Beard - Automatic TV Show Episode download/sort/rename, nfo/tbn maker & TV Guide16