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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs
i figured, shakes head. sorry
You have to paste it right out of the file it looks like you copied it from the thread and pasted it in the code box.. Smile

The file is formatted, the one you put on forums isn't.
lol, ugh.
Im sorry, Im trying. I jsut want to try to get these things into my collection
RomCollection name="MAME" id="16"><useBuiltinEmulator>False</useBuiltinEmulator><gameclient/><emulatorCmd>C:\Program Files\MAME32\mame.exe</emulatorCmd><emulatorParams>-inipath "C:\Program Files\MAME32\ini" "%ROM%"</emulatorParams><romPath>C:\Program Files\MAME32\roms\*.zip</romPath><saveStatePath/><saveStateParams/><mediaPath type="boxfront">C:\Program Files\MAME32\roms\boxfront\%GAME%.*</mediaPath><mediaPath type="action">C:\Program Files\MAME32\roms\action\%GAME%.*</mediaPath><mediaPath type="title">C:\Program Files\MAME32\roms\title\%GAME%.*</mediaPath><mediaPath type="cabinet">C:\Program Files\MAME32\roms\cabinet\%GAME%.*</mediaPath><mediaPath type="marquee">C:\Program Files\MAME32\roms\marquee\%GAME%.*</mediaPath><preCmd/><postCmd/><useEmuSolo>False</useEmuSolo><usePopen>False</usePopen><ignoreOnScan>False</ignoreOnScan><allowUpdate>True</allowUpdate><autoplayVideoMain>True</autoplayVideoMain><autoplayVideoInfo>True</autoplayVideoInfo><useFoldernameAsGamename>False</useFoldernameAsGamename><maxFolderDepth>99</maxFolderDepth><doNotExtractZipFiles>True</doNotExtractZipFiles><diskPrefix>_Disk</diskPrefix><imagePlacingMain>gameinfomamecabinet</imagePlacingMain><imagePlacingInfo>gameinfosmall</imagePlacingInfo><scraper name="maws.mameworld.info" replaceValueString="" replaceKeyString=""/></RomCollection></RomCollections>-<FileTypes>-<FileType name="boxfront" id="1"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="boxback" id="2"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="cartridge" id="3"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="screenshot" id="4"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="fanart" id="5"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="action" id="6"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="title" id="7"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="3dbox" id="8"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="romcollection" id="9"><type>image</type><parent>romcollection</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="developer" id="10"><type>image</type><parent>developer</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="publisher" id="11"><type>image</type><parent>publisher</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="gameplay" id="12"><type>video</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="cabinet" id="13"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType>-<FileType name="marquee" id="14"><type>image</type><parent>game</parent></FileType></FileTypes>-<ImagePlacing>-<fileTypeFor name="gameinfobig"><fileTypeForGameList>boxfront</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>screenshot</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>title</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>action</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameListSelected>boxfront</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>screenshot</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>title</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>action</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>fanart</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>boxfront</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>screenshot</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>title</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>action</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoBig>screenshot</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoBig><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoBig>boxfront</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoBig><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoBig>action</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoBig><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoBig>title</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoBig><fileTypeForMainView1>publisher</fileTypeForMainView1><fileTypeForMainView2>romcollection</fileTypeForMainView2><fileTypeForMainView3>developer</fileTypeForMainView3></fileTypeFor>-<fileTypeFor name="gameinfosmall"><fileTypeForGameList>boxfront</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>screenshot</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>title</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>action</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameListSelected>boxfront</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>screenshot</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>title</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>action</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>fanart</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>boxfront</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>screenshot</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>title</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>action</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft>screenshot</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft>action</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft>title</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperRight>boxfront</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperRight><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLowerLeft>cartridge</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLowerLeft><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLowerRight>boxback</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLowerRight><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLowerRight>title</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLowerRight><fileTypeForMainView1>publisher</fileTypeForMainView1><fileTypeForMainView2>romcollection</fileTypeForMainView2><fileTypeForMainView3>developer</fileTypeForMainView3></fileTypeFor>-<fileTypeFor name="gameinfomamemarquee"><fileTypeForGameList>marquee</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>boxfront</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>title</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameListSelected>marquee</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>boxfront</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>title</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>boxfront</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>title</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>action</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLeft>cabinet</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLeft><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperRight>title</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperRight><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLowerRight>action</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLowerRight><fileTypeForMainView1>publisher</fileTypeForMainView1><fileTypeForMainView2>romcollection</fileTypeForMainView2><fileTypeForMainView3>developer</fileTypeForMainView3></fileTypeFor>-<fileTypeFor name="gameinfomamecabinet"><fileTypeForGameList>cabinet</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>boxfront</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameList>title</fileTypeForGameList><fileTypeForGameListSelected>cabinet</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>boxfront</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForGameListSelected>title</fileTypeForGameListSelected><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>boxfront</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>title</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewBackground>action</fileTypeForMainViewBackground><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft>title</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperRight>action</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoUpperRight><fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLower>marquee</fileTypeForMainViewGameInfoLower><fileTypeForMainView1>publisher</fileTypeForMainView1><fileTypeForMainView2>romcollection</fileTypeForMainView2><fileTypeForMainView3>developer</fileTypeForMainView3></fileTypeFor></ImagePlacing>-<Scrapers>-<Site name="local nfo" searchGameByCRC="False" descFilePerGame="True"><Scraper source="nfo" parseInstruction="00 - local nfo.xml"/></Site>-<Site name="thegamesdb.net" searchGameByCRC="False" descFilePerGame="True"><Scraper source="http://thegamesdb.net/api/GetGame.php?name=%GAME%&platform=%PLATFORM%" parseInstruction="02 - thegamesdb.xml"/></Site>-<Site name="giantbomb.com" searchGameByCRC="False" descFilePerGame="True"><Scraper source="http://api.giantbomb.com/search/?api_key=%GIANTBOMBAPIKey%&query=%GAME%&resources=game&field_list=api_detail_url,name&format=xml" parseInstruction="03.01 - giantbomb - search.xml" returnUrl="true"/><Scraper source="1" parseInstruction="03.02 - giantbomb - detail.xml"/></Site>-<Site name="mobygames.com" searchGameByCRC="False" descFilePerGame="True"><Scraper source="http://www.mobygames.com/search/quick?game=%GAME%&p=%PLATFORM%" parseInstruction="04.01 - mobygames - gamesearch.xml" returnUrl="true"/><Scraper source="1" parseInstruction="04.02 - mobygames - details.xml"/><Scraper source="1" parseInstruction="04.03 - mobygames - coverlink.xml" returnUrl="true"/><Scraper source="2" parseInstruction="04.04 - mobygames - coverart.xml"/><Scraper source="1" parseInstruction="04.05 - mobygames - screenshotlink.xml" returnUrl="true"/><Scraper source="3" parseInstruction="04.06 - mobygames - screenoriglink.xml" returnUrl="true"/><Scraper source="4" parseInstruction="04.07 - mobygames - screenshots.xml"/></Site>-<Site name="archive.vg" searchGameByCRC="False" descFilePerGame="True"><Scraper source="http://api.archive.vg/2.0/Archive.search/%ARCHIVEAPIKEY%/%GAME%" parseInstruction="05.01 - archive - search.xml" returnUrl="true" encoding="iso-8859-1"/><Scraper source="1" parseInstruction="05.02 - archive - detail.xml" encoding="iso-8859-1"/></Site>-<Site name="maws.mameworld.info" searchGameByCRC="False" descFilePerGame="True"><Scraper source="http://maws.mameworld.info/maws/romset/%GAME%" parseInstruction="06 - maws.xml" encoding="iso-8859-1"/></Site></Scrapers></config>

please tell me that is correct, that is right from the config xml
Aw man Sad for some reason your file is already unformatted. (Are you using notepad or a better program like notepad++)?

It's really hard to read that way..lol..I don't know anything about MAME myself yet..I haven't got that far yet..so far I have only finished NES and SNES... Sad but I thought someone else might be more inclined to help if they could read it. Maybe I will try to do my MAME stuff next
that is from the config xml, the only way i could get it up was through a browser, that is how it is read from the browser. The only emulators i cant get to work are gameboy, i can get color to work, dont konw why the one, not the other and mame. all the other ones i have been able to get to work. those two are just beng a pain. i have tried the methods used by others on this forum, still no luck with mame. i jsut put that in hopes that someone could help because usually they ask for that knd of stuff, plus it was brought up in that that part of the thread that was talking about mame

To do mame you need to follow this : https://code.google.com/p/romcollectionb...AMEOffline

I've done everything it said, including emumovies and now have MAME in XBMC. The only downside I have is trying to sort out the artwork, some are cabinets some are screenshots but other than that it works fine when I select a game and returns to XBMC when I exit the game fine without issue.

Hope this helps with your MAME collection.

(2013-06-06, 18:59)NewYears1978 Wrote:
(2013-06-06, 01:54)corpgator Wrote: A couple things, why doesn't RCB scrape the year for any of my games? It just says not available. Also, how do I get it to download artwork other than boxcovers? As of now, that is all it downloads and then it displays that as the background.

By the way, I looked at a lot of front ends: Hyperspin, Gameex, etc, and in the end, nothing beats XBMC + RCB for ease of use and stability.

I had issues with scraping as well, I found that downloading art packs manually (emumovies.com and hyperspin.fe) then puttin them in the correct folders, then using gamedesc txt files locally to scrape works way better.

It takes the years from the gamedesc file, and your art. Doing that is how I got my setup to work finally, with video previews too Smile

As for my other post about X Y above, I sorted it out Smile

Guys, I'm having the problem as well now with the release year. I'm adding a new collection, but it never downloads the release year in the nfo files. Is this a new bug in RCB?
NewYears, what do you mean with the gamedesc.txt files? Are you talking about having RCB generate the seperate nfo files from the collection, and then afterwards doing a local scrape of these files? Do you mean that RCB does add the release year in the nfo files, but doesn't display it on screen when scraping from the net? I would really like to be able to create complete nfo files per game, like I did with my other collections. I will post a debug log later.

Thanks for trying to help.

There are some premade text files on the wiki that have all the games information already in them...including years. Then when you import you pick local or offline scraping instead. Itwill ask you to point to the text file and then it will ask you to point to a parser (both included in the zip on the wiki) and it will pull all the data from there.

This is how I do all my roms now. I also download my images myself rather than let the scrapers do it. It's much more accurate and faster..and works...I could never get the scrapers to work too well.

See here:


And so you know, when you import this way, RCB will create an NFO file for each game based on the gamedesc.txt file.

Also, I remember this was a bit confusing for me at first to figure out, so I will try to post a little guide, I am at work so I can't be 100% sure I can remember all the steps but it is something like this:

1. Choose add new collection (as normal)
2. Choose game and artwork are available locally
3. Choose the system type (NES, SNES, Etc)
4. Choose the emulator path
5. Choose the rom path
6. Add Art paths (it will give you a list of art and after each one ask you if you want to add another)
7. Choose all games from one file (it will ask you)
8. Choose the appropriate txt file from the download which is Here - So if you are doing NES, pick NES.txt
9. Choose the parser, which is the file in the above zip named Parser.xml (can't remember exact name)

On the next screen if you dont want to reimport all your existing collection make sure on the to to pick just the one you are doing (NES for example) then hit import.

Keep in mind as I said I manually get all my art from hyperspin.fe or emumovies.com and then make my own for missing or edits...so if you want to scrape the gamedesc but still download art..not sure how that will work..maybe by using the offline scraper + the online scraper (using the custom scrapers box on the last screen above where I said to hit import..choose the NES scraper you just made and then also some others)

Hope this makes sense I am so tired I cannot think straight today.

Also, all rom collections aren't available in the gamedesc files..but many of them are as you can see from the link.
Thank you NewYear. You made my day!
I'm also a member of Hyperspin and Emumovies, and I use RCB only to scrape the nfo files. But it seems there is a bug in the latest version. Also, 'publisher' is not downloaded.
Anyway, I will use the wiki txt files!

Big cheers NewYear
Any time. I too was using Hyperspin and I had made a custom theme that looked more like classy XBMC instead of an arcade. But in the end I found that I liked using RCB better so that's why I now download the art from those places..stick them where they go, then scrape with text files. Works great, here's how my XBMC and RCB collection looks so far:

(The shots are a little outdated but wife is on the HTPC right now so I can't take shots)

Menus (all menus TV, movies, games have images like this)

Then in RCB:

Pressing up brings the info panel and also the preview video (from emumovies)

One thing I am trying to figure out is how to include multiple revisoins of the same game. No intro sets all have like Rev 1 or Rev a and all that...but RCB only takes one of them and it's usually not the one you would want (the latest revision). I went through manually deleting the regular games that had revisions but that was a huge pain. I wonder if there's a solution to that..

I just remembered you had already seen my pics a few pages back Wink
thank you mickeyd, the offline scraping seems to have done the tirick. mame is onw in rcb. now if i can just getgameboy to scrape with virtualboy without justbeing able to scrape gameboy color only. if i could get regular gameboy to scrape as well. thank you again for yur suggestion.
o, i got it to work, for some reason it seem to have stopped at e though, i cant get the whole collection in rcb. anybody have any ideas as to what this problem coud be?
(2013-06-13, 03:17)NewYears1978 Wrote: One thing I am trying to figure out is how to include multiple revisoins of the same game. No intro sets all have like Rev 1 or Rev a and all that...but RCB only takes one of them and it's usually not the one you would want (the latest revision). I went through manually deleting the regular games that had revisions but that was a huge pain. I wonder if there's a solution to that..

I just remembered you had already seen my pics a few pages back Wink

Looks like a really nice set up.

NewYear, I have the solution to your problem, but forgot the name. I have the program documented at home. I will let you know when I'm back from work.

Malte, if you are reading this, I would really appreciate it if you have a look at the scraping issue. The offline scraping is an ok solution but the txt file do not always contain all games from the rom sets.

Reading everything, just don't have the time to go into details. I hope I will be back next week and will look into this.

Thanks Malte
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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs20