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Proposed changes for skin v2.0
same here player.showinfo still not working unless something else is active on screen.
sure u know allready but just in case Smile
the listcontrol/thumnailpanel ani dosnt work on windowopen
they popup directly before ani starts except in myprograms
there is seems to work fine.

and thanks for all the work u put in to this Smile
more stuff added:

2 new dialogs: dialogmediasource.xml and dialognetworksetup.xml.

these will be compulsory for 2.0, see pm3 for their implementation. i'm after any additional ideas you guys have for these 2 windows - let's make adding media sources as easy as we can.

i'm now into bug bashing mode.

fullscreen issue should now be fixed (wow, that code needs a cleanup...) as should a number of other bugs i noticed.

please test todays build + post any bugs/issues you find including the xml files you are using.

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Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.

sorry if i missed it but did you impliment a way to execute a command and a python script using the same button?
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
no, and i won't be adding such a function for the reasons i have already spelled out.
Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
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(jmarshall @ feb. 13 2006,18:49 Wrote:no, and i won't be adding such a function for the reasons i have already spelled out.
unfortunately that kills any hope of doing some really cool script integrations and keeps python something that will not truely integrate and "extend" the core functionality... only something that sits beside it and must be used separately.

i cannot understand your resistance to it. i don't even think you'd need to add more the 4-5 lines of code to make it work.


xbmc coder that will create a patch for me and others to extend core functionality to enable launching python scripts with a built-in xbmc control.

reward... donation you require it and enduring gratitude.

if you are interested please pm me or email affini <@at@> gmail.com
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
looking at that xml i am noticing some repeated code. how about allowing a control to specify a parent id. the control would inherit the parent's visibility / animation / other and the position would be an offset of the parent's position.

this would make moving/animating something like the seek bar much easier, or can this already be done with control groups?

2 problems updating to v1.99: buttonscroller and multiimage...

keep in mind, everything was working perfectly in the 1.85 skin on build 02/06/2006.


i've just tried to update to v1.99 in xbmc build 02/12/2006 and seem to have lost the text display on my buttons.

the buttons do trigger properly (of course i'm blindly choosing them not knowing what button it is actually on).

i have changed nothing on in the buttonscroller except to update to the newer methods like <onclick>. i did change the animation but also tried without ani too... same results.

with log set to 0, no errors occur.

here's the main portion of the control...
Quote:    <controlgroup id="1">
           <description>main menu button scroller</description>
      <visible>![player.hasaudio + system.idletime(60)]</visible>
      <!--<animation effect="fade" time="1000">visiblechange</animation>
      <animation effect="slide" time="500" startx="-150" starty="150" accleration="1">visiblechange</animation>-->

multiimage is not working on the buttonscroller at all, though i suspect once the the control shows up properly it will.

but, i do have it working on several buttons at the bottom of the screen with the exception of one. the only difference between it and the buttons that work is the id & navigation (of course)... the problem child is 98 (power). my other buttons ids 911 (my custom help) and 99 (script submenu) both work fine.

thanks for looking into this.

I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
@ dialognetworksetup: is there a possibility to edit delete network locations?

@ bug bashing

-> my weather: location switching doesn't work

-> dialogvideoinfo: plot view

> no possibility to get back from togglebuttons [everywhere else the move off works fine]

-> settings -> appearence -> wrong resolution is shown after switching [in my home screen left top the right os shown]

-> dialogalbuminfo: doesn't work at all

Quote:14-02-2006 12:07:01 debug current m_vecpathhistory:
14-02-2006 12:07:01 debug   00.[]
14-02-2006 12:07:01 debug   01.[f:\eigene_musik\alben]
14-02-2006 12:07:01 debug   02.[f:\eigene_musik\alben\aerosmith]
14-02-2006 12:07:02 info loading skin file: dialogcontextmenu.xml
14-02-2006 12:07:02 debug cplayercorefactor::getplayers(f:\eigene_musik\alben\aerosmith\ultimate aerosmith hits)
14-02-2006 12:07:03 info loading skin file: dialogprogress.xml
--> crash

-> dialogmediasource: path button

> if the path entry is too long the label overlaps the browsebutton
> wrong label [%s] is shown in my files

-> xlink hosting

after hosting a private arena the labels disappear

Image     Image

cheers ceomr

ps: jm thanks for your great work

add: not skin related ->> script  [e-mail]

Quote:14-02-2006 12:24:34 debug loadlibrarya('zlib.pyd')
14-02-2006 12:24:34 warning kernel32.dll fake function disablethreadlibrarycalls called
14-02-2006 12:24:34 debug loadlibrary('zlib.pyd') returning: 0x101c7c0
14-02-2006 12:24:34 debug zlib.pyd!getprocaddress(0x101c7c0, 'initzlib') => 0x1202210
14-02-2006 12:24:34 info -->python initialized<--
14-02-2006 12:24:34 info
14-02-2006 12:24:34 debug loadlibrarya('_sre.pyd')
14-02-2006 12:24:34 warning kernel32.dll fake function disablethreadlibrarycalls called
14-02-2006 12:24:34 debug loadlibrary('_sre.pyd') returning: 0xb40a40
14-02-2006 12:24:34 debug _sre.pyd!getprocaddress(0xb40a40, 'init_sre') => 0x121a120
14-02-2006 12:24:34 debug loadlibrarya('_ssl.pyd')
14-02-2006 12:24:34 warning kernel32.dll fake function disablethreadlibrarycalls called
14-02-2006 12:24:34 debug loadlibrary('_ssl.pyd') returning: 0xb608a0
14-02-2006 12:24:34 debug _ssl.pyd!getprocaddress(0xb608a0, 'init_ssl') => 0x1621aa0
14-02-2006 12:24:35 debug activating window id: 13000
14-02-2006 12:24:35 info loading skin file: dialogprogress.xml
14-02-2006 12:24:36 info es wurden
14-02-2006 12:24:36 info
14-02-2006 12:24:36 info 6
14-02-2006 12:24:36 info
14-02-2006 12:24:36 info  neue nachrichten empfangen
14-02-2006 12:24:36 info
--> crash

don't forget the rss issue, i tested it with the latest build and it also happends in pm3, somehow it starts in the middle of the screen, maybe something wrong with the start position.
smokehead: i have no issue with the rss feed at all - it starts where it's supposed to.


videoinfo dialog is fixed (no doubt applies elsewhere as well).

weather spin control is fixed.

not sure to do about the path button in the mediasource window as yet. this is a general problem with button controls - sometimes the text should be truncated to the button width but other times it shouldn't be. i'm not really sure of a good generic solution for this - perhaps a <textwidth> attribute will need to be added. any other suggetions?

albuminfo dialog is fixed.

files string in dialogmediasource is fixed.

dialogkaihost is also fixed.

the email script doesn't crash anymore, either.

affini: please supply the entire xml file and i'll get right on to it.


Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.

:agree: all :fixed:

great work thanks ceomr
(jmarshall @ feb. 14 2006,20:35 Wrote:affini: please supply the entire xml file and i'll get right on to it.

thanks for looking at this!

grab xml here
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
(jmarshall @ feb. 15 2006,04:35 Wrote:smokehead: i have no issue with the rss feed at all - it starts where it's supposed to.
you'r right.. i found a typo in my xboxmediacenter.xml.. (1st rss link ) changed it and now the start positions is correct.. sorry for wasting your time Sad

another question: when in home you can open window(56) by pressing "black" button, and "back" for closing it again.. why not close with "black" aswell ??

quick thing for pmiii... weather.xml 16x9 most of the labels are set to buttons? these need to be changed. mainly because its wrong and secondly because multiline will not function correctly.

i.e. <type>button</type> change to <type>label</type>

then multiline works Smile in fact i think 4:3 is suffering from the same problem.
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Proposed changes for skin v2.00