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sergiocos Wrote:I see the lack of mouse support as a feature, a motivation to spend ~20$ for a remote and to see what a media center is (not a media player, that's for sure).
Even without a remote, you guys still have a keyboard, right?

Fully agree with that

nfusion2011 Wrote:You need to check your attitude as you are stating the obvious.

I did try another skin, confluence, the default one, with mouse support. The default one has mouse support, so when changing to a custom scene, I was expecting an upgrade, not a downgrade with features (mouse support) removed.

Its not so much as the 1 hour that I lost, its the fact that such a basic, and core funfamental feature was removed.

Have no words for this...
Are you kiddin us? Is this your real opinion??
Can't believe it.

You should really think about using an HTPC software / OS. REALLY.
Wow, I can't believe this is still going on.

I realize, and understand what everyone is saying.

#1 Aeon did not have mouse support... got it!
#2 Aeon mpq2 is an "enhancement" of Aeon, still without mouse support... got it!

Now, your turn:

Place yourselfs into the shoes of someone that's new:

#1 You just installed XBMC and it came with Confluence, a skin that works with a mouse. (So don't kid me about how XBMC isn't designed for a mouse, that may have been the case in 2000, but it sure works fine with a mouse now).

#2 Now understand that most people understand the concept of SKINS as a Different Look. So when I changed from Confluence to Aeon, I was expecting a different look, I was not expecting to lose my features that were already working in Confluence (ie: mouse support). I realize that the "original" aeon never had it, but quite frankly, I don't care about the original aeon and what it was designed for, and what features it had. I wasn't even aware of the "original aeon" until you guys pointed it out. As far as I was concerned, my XBMC became much prettier with Aeon MQ2, but practically unuseable.

#3 instead of defending how it was, once upon a time (ie: aeon never had mouse support, was designed without mouse support, etc). This scoped navigation may have worked in the past (and may still currently work for supposedly the majority of people), but it can never hurt to have an improvement to the skin to support mouse navigation.

Does adding mouse naviagation take away in any way from your remote? No. Does adding it help users like me who exclusively use a mouse? Yes.

My feedback isn't invalid... The skin is certainly pretty, its awesome but unfortunately for my case its unseable, which is why I made the comment to atleast bring it up to par to the existing DEFAULT skin's navigation.

I mean, when I right click my win7 desktop and change the wallpaper, I don't suddenly expect Windows to remove my internet access do I? If I change out of Windows Aero, I don't suddenly expect Windows to disable my recycling bin do I? So why on earth is everyone assuming that I should have expected to lose mouse support when changing skins. Skins are there for different looks; period.

Once again, I apologize for my original comment, but I'm certainly not going to apologize to all the arrogant people here who just assume that as a new user I should fully be as experienced and knowledgeable as they are, and know the difference between Aeon and Aeon Mq2 and Aeon XXX and what skin was based on which one.

To the creator: My feedback still stands, the skin is very pretty, but consider adding mouse support in the future (even though the base skin wasn't designed for it), if you want to expand the userbase to other users than users who just use a remote.

Thank you
TomPiXX Wrote:Have no words for this...
Are you kiddin us? Is this your real opinion??
Can't believe it.

Why are you so perplexed by that?

The default skins are usually "simple" so Fresh/new users can get acquainted with the program. Once acquainted, they try different skins for different looks/enhancements, etc. It is highly unlikely that a new skin would not have features the default one already had, which is what happened in this switch.
@nfusion2011: Obviously, this isn't the right place for you. You have other alternatives, such as paying to fullfill all your whims, coding yourself, or try another of the available skins. This is ours, and we're happy to have it. We've been good without you, and your ways. Leave your "kind" request, and wait for an answer (if Marcos finds the time to dedicate an answer for it). Otherwise, just click a couple of levels up, to find another section of the forum.
supertom44 Wrote:Are you talking about the use of an extrafanart folder?

Like some other skins when you have an item selected the fanart displays a slide show of images from the extrafanart folder.

Marcos, is there any chance of getting extrafanart functionality added? I think it would be a really cool added feature! Keep up the great work!
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nfusion2011 Wrote:Once again, I apologize for my original comment, but I'm certainly not going to apologize to all the arrogant people here who just assume that as a new user I should fully be as experienced and knowledgeable as they are, and know the difference between Aeon and Aeon Mq2 and Aeon XXX and what skin was based on which one.

OK, I lied, so here is another reply to you!

No one here was initailly arrogant toward you! from the start you were told that your post was worded badly and sounded like you were making demands!Secondly you were also told the same information in the Aeon Nox thread, that the Aeon skins do not support a mouse and to look elsewhere, yet you came back here again defending your OP. Finally you have also been told at least once in another tread that you have a bad attitude! Can you see a pattern here? Perhaps you need to step back an have a long hard think about how you word your posts! or perhaps nearly every other member in these forums is wrong and we all arrogant rather than yourself!

Please do not reply to this post! Please just take it onboard!
Damn, I haven't read this thread for 3-4 days and trying to get caught up. Is there a way to block this moron nfusions posts so I don't have to waste so much time!!!
huttdes Wrote:Is there a way to block this moron nfusions posts so I don't have to waste so much time!!!

huttdes Wrote:Damn, I haven't read this thread for 3-4 days and trying to get caught up. Is there a way to block this moron nfusions posts so I don't have to waste so much time!!!
Stupid question but i just need to check something.

I am using advanced launcher and when i go into its config menu (for example making it scan for files) it will crash out.

It works fine with other skins.

I checked with dev and he says the only thing he can think of is
"The only xml skin part that Advanced Launcher refer to is the DialogSelect.xml file."
Is anyone else having or not having this issue?

huttdes Wrote:Is there a way to block this moron nfusions posts so I don't have to waste so much time!!!

Just click User CP at the top, then "edit ignore list" in the left column. Poof! Headache gone. Smile
This version is only compatible with XBMC Dharma 10.1

Dharma 10.1 and later like pre 11.0 ?
Version skin 2.7.1 is only compatible com XBMC Dharma 10.1.
In next version 2.8.0 be a new mode of performance, that will be compatible with pre-11, however, all current modes of performance, will continue without compatibility with pre-11 (eden).
Version 2.8.0 is still being developed to be used with stable XBMC Dharma 10.1, this is the focus.
MediaBrazil forum Website - Youtube Channel
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Hope I'm OK following up a question from the 7th.

I've managed to somehow stop the icons showing up in genres. I've exhausted trying different formats in the option screens so am thinking its best to completely remove the skin and start again. Given that the skin did freeze one time and reset itself for some unknown reason and then removed ALL of my settings (backdrops, personalised home menus, sub menus etc) and returned the skin back to its default state, this wont lose me much.

I've swapped skins and then uninstalled several times but this doesn't seem to have removed it completely.

Do I need to so something special to 'wipe clean' or is what I am doing right but in the wrong way?

Many thanks Andy
Been using Dharma pre 11 (all betas, as soon as a new comes out I upgrade it) and it works perfectly. The only issue I found is that needed to rebuild the animated backgrounds for the menu (using the OpenGL release). Once rebuilt, everything worked perfectly, meaning EVERYTHING.

As a side note, I still need to find out a way to use the Fanart on the Album Views for Music... will start touching the code and sharing the results, but wanted to avoid this, due I have Aeon MQ on auto update too, and want to keep it that way. We'll see.

Also, +1 to the request for Advanced Launcher's alternate views and Youtube (and others) wide options!
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