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This is a pretty long thread now, so excuse me if this has been answered. But are there any plans to group recordings like MythTV frontend has? So instead of seeing 4-5 or more of the latest episodes of a show you only see the latest that you haven't watched. And as soon as you watched that one, the next will be visible.
I think it makes a less cluttered recording view.
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Posts: 158
It would be beneficial if we have one click recording without a prompt yes or no. Press it twice it records series recording and third time to cancel.
There has been a lot of discussion about series recording I am not a programer so I am probable wrong here but why does back end need to support series recording the reason I say this is when you can record directly from timeline for example 5 days in advance can't xbmc keeps a record of the show and when that show comes up again it issues a record notification. I assume when I am interacting with the timeline the data is passed to xbmc and processed in xbmc and when a recording is issued it passes it to the back end.
If I am totally wrong I will be quiet however you are doing great work and hopefully the ffmpeg developers can get working to speed up channel changes.
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the different backends have heaps of series options though that XBMC doesnt necessarily have. Eg our backend pvr.wmc hooks into Windows Media Center and when setting up a series recording you can specify pre/post padding for just that series, whether you want reruns or only "new" shows to be included, which day/s it should allow the recording to be on, which channel/s it should allow the series to be recorded from,l how many shows to keep for the series (including unlimited) and things like that. Also those backens already have logic in them in how to detect/match shows from the same series, and it's not only based on simplistic "string matching" of show title etc. Also XBMC is a front end client, so if XBMC was doing all the logic and continual scheduling of upcomign shows in a series what happens if the user goes on holidays and doesnt have XBMC running etc?
It should definitely be left up to the backend to actually manage the series recording however I do think that XBMC should have builtin support for "series recordings" - the UI/keybinds/commands should be there to schedule a series recording, the UI should display them separately, be able to show "upcoming episodes" etc. All of these things would send commands to the XBMC pvr addon which would send the appropriate backend commands etc, as we do now for everything else
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yo guysv7may bd latr tomorroe
Posts: 3,735
@scarecrow420: that's how any folder in XBMC works. You can't set a custom icon for a random folder in the Files section either. What use case would require a custom thumbnail for a folder anyway? The only case I can think of is for a folder containing a TV show, but in that case it'd be better to add that path to the library itself.
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1,The option to switch to channel when your program is about to start. At the moment all I can do is set a recording. If i select switch to channel it turns over to that channel as expected. Not very usefull if your timer is scheduled for a program in 3 days time.
2, 5 minutes before a program is scheduled on timer, a pop up window, with the options to cancel show, record show or switch to channel.
3, Option to cancel current operation by tuner if you want to switch channels and only have 1 tuner. At the moment you have to go to timer and cancel recording or delete.
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yo guysv7may bd latr tomorroe
Posts: 3,735
Why not just use the library?
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If the intention is to use the Videos Library why does XBMC PVR/LiveTV section have a Recordings screen at all then?!
The use case is all users of XBMC PVR who want to view their recordings, from the LiveTV->Recordings area. It already supports hierarchical folders but doesn't have the ability to set the folder images. As krusty says, setting the image on the "Show" folder would look a lot nicer. We have the images in the backend, but nowhere to put them on the front end. The recordings on the backend are a flat folder structure and we "virtualise" the heirarchical structure for presentation to XBMC so in order to scan them into XBMC library they would need to be physically moved/renamed into alternative physical folder structure etc. That's alot of complexity for PVR users who want to schedule recordings and watch those recordings from XBMC PVR section, but would like to see folder icons reflective of the given show