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Release Universal Scraper for Music Artists
Since last.fm changed their policies - see here: http://www.lastfm.de/group/Last.fm+Web+S.../_/2216689 - i've had problems to scrape my music library, since i have a mixture of pop, rock and metal in my library.

Now, a lot of the metal artists in my library don't have any metadata at all (biography or thumb).
Would it be possible to use two scrapers or somehow integrate the Encyclopaedia Metallum scraper to get more results?
Could you please, or please tell me how do I, add "Norwegian" as prefered language in the Artist/Album scraper?
and please add TheAudioDB.com on the other db selections?
(2013-11-03, 01:30)LastDance Wrote: Could you please, or please tell me how do I, add "Norwegian" as prefered language in the Artist/Album scraper?
and please add TheAudioDB.com on the other db selections?

I just spoke with Olympia on IRC, he's going to add the extra languages in the next update including Norwegian Wink
The update now suport Norwegian language! Great! Tanx for fast respond Wink
@olympia next time you update the add-on could you include this forum link in the addon.xml file please?
Have been running xbmc for some time and although movies and tv shows are tagged fine just getting to us the music library (I always used file mode).

Everything is scraped but I noticed no "i" behind Cannonball Adderley. Under artist info I have extra info (years active, styles, moods, died) but no biography and no picture. In theaudiodb.com I see a bio though. Checked settings and universal artist scraper is set to get bio from theaudiodb.com in EN ehivh is fine. Why is it not picking this up? I have changed some settings back and forth so it asks me to refresh all info but still nothing in bio.
Post an XBMC debug file and we can see the search string its using.

The entry on TheAudioDB is here:


The log is here. http://www.xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=85533
I found the entry indeed, so not sure why I don't get the bio

In the log I go to music, artist, where I see Cannonball Adderley without an i, I open it and see no bio. Go back to file mode to folder music\canonball adderley\somethin' else and scan it to library.

Then back to music, artist, artist info, also rescan all artists but stll no bio

*note: also have a folder music\canonball adderley- somethin' else, also didnt work
I don't know why, but when i scan to new artists i don't get bio artists or album info, is there a fix to this?
Put some more details here and a log.

I seem to be having an issue?

Artist Duran Duran, previously scraped some months ago.


If I now reload this artist or any other artist I lose information.


XBMC Log file - Whilst selecting to Reload the artist Duran Duran

Is this the relevant section in the log file?

11:00:46 T:140227407505152   DEBUG: FindArtist: Searching for 'Duran Duran' using Universal Artist Scraper scraper (file: '/storage/.xbmc/addons/metadata.artists.universal', content: 'artists', version: '3.4.0')
11:00:46 T:140227407505152   DEBUG: scraper: CreateArtistSearchUrl returned <url>http://search.musicbrainz.org/ws/2/artist/?fmt=xml&query=artist:"Duran%20Duran"&limit=100</url>
11:00:46 T:140227407505152   DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x662b670) http://search.musicbrainz.org/ws/2/artist/?fmt=xml&query=artist:"Duran%20Duran"&limit=100
11:00:46 T:140227407505152    INFO: easy_aquire - Created session to http://search.musicbrainz.org
11:00:47 T:140227407505152   DEBUG: scraper: GetArtistSearchResults returned <results sorted="yes"><entity><title>Duran Duran Duran</title><genre>Breakcore artist</genre><url cache="mb-cc4dac19-a654-4893-bcaf-39c55ce8d681-artist.xml">http://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/artist/cc4dac19-a654-4893-bcaf-39c55ce8d681?inc=url-rels</url></entity><entity><title>Duran Duran</title><genre></genre><url cache="mb-1a1cd7f3-e5df-4eca-bae2-2757c9e656b5-artist.xml">http://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/artist/1a1cd7f3-e5df-4eca-bae2-2757c9e656b5?inc=url-rels</url></entity></results>
11:00:47 T:140227407505152   DEBUG: Thread CMusicInfoScraper 140227407505152 terminating

Please advise

Thank you.
on the Cannonball Adderley issue, noticed in Aeon Nox a small up arrow when in artist view, it has a refresh option. Now the artist details are filled with an aerosmith bio....

In log below this was already the case. Yet went back in and pressed refresh again and still aerosmth
(2013-11-17, 12:01)kees667 Wrote: Put some more details here and a log.

Don't worry it was due to the fact that theaudiodb was down, now it's working fine.

Yeh sorry about that TADB was indeed down.

If anyone has issues with the site please post on the facebook page and I will usually notice it quickly and reset IIS.
I can also confirm it working again. I have a question do the Styles, Genre, Moods come from TheAudioDB or Last.fm or somewhere?


EDIT: Seems if the Sub-Genre field is populated on TheAudioDB.com site then that genre will appear when you reload an artist who has a missing genre etc. However if only the Main-Genre field is populated on TheAudioDB.com site and the Sub-Genre field is blank then no genre is loaded in to XBMC.

Moods and Styles must come from somewhere else, can't see them on TheAudioDB.
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Universal Scraper for Music Artists9