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[RELEASE] NetfliXBMC - Unofficial Netflix Add-on (Win/OSX/Linux) - Thread 2
(2015-03-27, 19:20)phunkkify Wrote:
(2015-03-27, 07:57)timewasted Wrote:
(2015-03-25, 22:41)phunkkify Wrote: I'd love to watch Netflix in XBMC, but I can't get the plugin to work.

- OSX Yosemite
- XBMC 13.2
- Multiple profiles in Netflix
- Installed Chrome Launcher

The screen on which I should be able to select a profile stays blank with only a title saying "Who's watching?".

What I've tried:
- Updating the chooseProfile() method; the fix provided here doesn't help though.
- Installing the addons (Chrome Launcher and Netflixbmc) on a different system that runs Kodi 14.1, but no luck.
- I'm not sure if I should do anything about the Chrome Launcher configuration.

Side questions to hopefully solve this issue:
- How can I be sure that my Chrome Launcher works?
- Where can I find addon specific log messages? Simply enable debugging and tail ~/Library/Logs/kodi.log?

Thanks in advance for any help :-)

Open this file:


Go to line 789 and change this:

match = re.compile('"decodedName":"(.+?)".+?guid":"(.+?)".+?experience":"(.+?)"', re.DOTALL).findall(content)

to this:

match = re.compile('"firstName":"(.+?)".+?guid":"(.+?)".+?experience":"(.+?)"', re.DOTALL).findall(content)

Once you change decodedName to firstName, the profile selection screen works again.

My line 789 reads this:
ok = True

And the string "decodedName" can't be found in the entire default.py file..

To be precise:
- Have a clean plugin with an unchanged chooseProfile() method
- I'm editing
~/Library/Application\ Support/Kodi/addons/plugin.video.netflixbmc-1.3.4/default.py

Even when applying the change in the chooseProfile method the line numbers don't match, plus I get a script error in Kodi (and XBMC).

Any advice?

Are you sure you are using a version of plugin from http://www.alelec.net/kodi/repository.alelec.zip

I just made the change myself in this plugin and the decodedName is definately there
(2015-03-28, 06:54)insertnamehere Wrote:
(2015-03-28, 04:08)JasonPell Wrote:
(2015-03-28, 03:12)scarecrow420 Wrote: Now that netflix is launched in Australia im looking for a way to integrate it into Kodi. I havent seen any mention in this thread specifically about Australian netflix but should it all work OK? I plan to give it a shot

Yep should just work as the website is actually the same

I'm using NetfliXBMC with an Australian account and have had problems.

For example, if you try to list seasons of an "Australian Netflix Only" TV Show, the error described by Cr0wl3r above occurs. That is:
Quote:..\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\plugin.video.netflixbmc\default.p​y", line 1119, in <module>
listSeasons(name, url, thumb)
..\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\plugin.video.netflixbmc\default.p​y", line 431, in listSeasons

This error occurs in default.py:getSeriesInfo method. This method forms a Netflix API query that includes a country code.
The country code is retrieved from settings and is defaulted to US.
Netflix then returns empty XML because the US does not show this series. If you change the country code to AU everything works.

To fix the problem I added the "language" line to settings.xml:
Quote: <category label="30202">
<setting id="username" type="text" label="30101" default=""/>
<setting id="password" type="text" option="hidden" label="30102" default="" />
<setting id="language" type="text" label="30128" default="en-AU"/>

This settings change will allow you to modify the language to "en-AU" so Australian content is available.

This worked for me, however, you may want to change the language line default to en-US for general release, but JasonPell may suggest a better way to do this.


Ideally we should be getting the locale from netflix itself. I noticed it was in the login after

In the source of the page in http://www.netflix.com/WiHome, I found:

netflix.StoreGeoLocation( 'AU', 'en' );

So that would avoid having to have a setting. I will take a look at it as well as the better call Saul issue.
Quote:Ideally we should be getting the locale from netflix itself. I noticed it was in the login after

In the source of the page in http://www.netflix.com/WiHome, I found:

netflix.StoreGeoLocation( 'AU', 'en' );

So that would avoid having to have a setting. I will take a look at it as well as the better call Saul issue.

Yeah, that would be best, as long as that would work ok with a vpn or dns.
Ok, so the "better call Saul" issue seems to be related to the country code issue. I have tested my fix and I can load AU content, and I switched to GB and could load Better Call Saul.

I have pushed a commit to my github and I will raise a MR as well.


You can download a zip with the updated code


If some folks can test this and make sure I have not broken anything that would be great. The fix was to get hold of the geo country code, rather than the locale which in the case of US registered accounts that are viewing non US content causes issues. If you switch regions, you will have to force a relogin by either waiting for a timeout or clearing your Netflixbmc cache, so that the country code is refreshed.
That's it.
I changed the language setting of settings.xml from en-US to de-DE and know it's working for me.

Thank you guys
(2015-03-28, 12:11)insertnamehere Wrote:
Quote:Ideally we should be getting the locale from netflix itself. I noticed it was in the login after

In the source of the page in http://www.netflix.com/WiHome, I found:

netflix.StoreGeoLocation( 'AU', 'en' );

So that would avoid having to have a setting. I will take a look at it as well as the better call Saul issue.

Yeah, that would be best, as long as that would work ok with a vpn or dns.

Of course it works for DNS. No idea about VPN.
(2015-03-28, 11:56)JasonPell Wrote:
(2015-03-27, 19:20)phunkkify Wrote:
(2015-03-27, 07:57)timewasted Wrote: Open this file:


Go to line 789 and change this:

match = re.compile('"decodedName":"(.+?)".+?guid":"(.+?)".+?experience":"(.+?)"', re.DOTALL).findall(content)

to this:

match = re.compile('"firstName":"(.+?)".+?guid":"(.+?)".+?experience":"(.+?)"', re.DOTALL).findall(content)

Once you change decodedName to firstName, the profile selection screen works again.

My line 789 reads this:
ok = True

And the string "decodedName" can't be found in the entire default.py file..

To be precise:
- Have a clean plugin with an unchanged chooseProfile() method
- I'm editing
~/Library/Application\ Support/Kodi/addons/plugin.video.netflixbmc-1.3.4/default.py

Even when applying the change in the chooseProfile method the line numbers don't match, plus I get a script error in Kodi (and XBMC).

Any advice?

Are you sure you are using a version of plugin from http://www.alelec.net/kodi/repository.alelec.zip

I just made the change myself in this plugin and the decodedName is definately there

YES! That was it, I was using a different version of the plugin! Thank you so much!
Hey guys i have this all working. It took a long long time as i had to re-install my whole server again from a bad update. But i used most of the install tutorials here. Still using the xbox remote. The Netflixbmc seems to be compatible straight away when I added xdotool so no configuring for me. Only a couple questions left .

1. Is it possible to trick the plugin to which region we are in without a dns service. I can get a different region with a chrome extension when using chrome but obviously when you use the plug in the extension is not is use. I could jump on a unblocking dns in the future but wondering if it was possible through use of a modded plugin and extension.

2. Is there a way to keep navigation sounds on kodi without losing sound in Netflix yet? read the whole thread but did not see a solution.

Thanks for the awesome plug-in and support!
Not aware of why sound would not work in netflix if using navigation.

Also what chrome plugin are you using. My understanding was that Netflix geo was more sophisticated than checking http headers.
I haven't got sound in Netflix via chrome at all. I have audio going via HDMI to my tv. On Linux - Ubuntu precise. Kodi 14.2.
If I have helped you or increased your knowledge, click the 'thumbs up' button to give thanks :) (People with less than 20 posts won't see the "thumbs up" button.)
(2015-03-29, 00:20)nickr Wrote: I haven't got sound in Netflix via chrome at all. I have audio going via HDMI to my tv. On Linux - Ubuntu precise. Kodi 14.2.

so not a netflixbmc issue but more a Netflix on linux issue.
More likely a problem with where chrome sends its audio by default. Just need a pointer to whether this should be fixed by passing some parameter to chrome, or by setting an alsa default via asound.conf.
If I have helped you or increased your knowledge, click the 'thumbs up' button to give thanks :) (People with less than 20 posts won't see the "thumbs up" button.)
Running Kodi on a 4GB Mac mini running OS X Snow Leopard. When it's in full-screen mode, Chrome launches, but in the background and never comes to the front. I didn't see any settings that would address this, but I very well may have missed something.
(2015-03-29, 00:42)nickr Wrote: More likely a problem with where chrome sends its audio by default. Just need a pointer to whether this should be fixed by passing some parameter to chrome, or by setting an alsa default via asound.conf.

Both this thread and old one have reports of issues and solutions with audio. Suggest you try some of those to get chrome working The chrome launcher has option of using a custom script so if you need to pass custom options you can. I also use hdmi and had no issues on either 12.04 or now 14.04 so I can't really help directly
(2015-03-29, 01:08)oakertood Wrote: Running Kodi on a 4GB Mac mini running OS X Snow Leopard. When it's in full-screen mode, Chrome launches, but in the background and never comes to the front. I didn't see any settings that would address this, but I very well may have missed something.

I auggest a search of both this and old thread as I think this issue has come up before
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[RELEASE] NetfliXBMC - Unofficial Netflix Add-on (Win/OSX/Linux) - Thread 217