WIP Web-based XBMC Database Manager - HTML/JS/PHP - Updated 2012-07-26
Instead of Zend you may want to have a look at

There's also
Don't bother with the framework bullshit. It'll just slow you down. You're doing a great job and you'll learn a lot as time goes on. Sure there's going to be refactoring as the project gets bigger but the fun stuff is learning what you did wrong.

Jumping into a framework just for the sake of using a "framework" is a big mistake in my opinion.
ajayrockrock Wrote:Don't bother with the framework bullshit. It'll just slow you down. You're doing a great job and you'll learn a lot as time goes on. Sure there's going to be refactoring as the project gets bigger but the fun stuff is learning what you did wrong.

Jumping into a framework just for the sake of using a "framework" is a big mistake in my opinion.

I have taken a look at Zend and just started looking into CodeIgniter and I must say that some things will be much easier with a framework, especially data management.

I also like the MVC concept and I'm not sure how to implement it myself.

I'm not sure though how the "dynamic content rendering" (js to output content into a div) will fit into a framework.

It's not a given that a framework is needed for this project but I'll try to port the codebase to CI and see how that turns out.
ajayrockrock Wrote:Don't bother with the framework bullshit. It'll just slow you down. You're doing a great job and you'll learn a lot as time goes on. Sure there's going to be refactoring as the project gets bigger but the fun stuff is learning what you did wrong.

Jumping into a framework just for the sake of using a "framework" is a big mistake in my opinion.

So this is your opinion. Depends all on the use-case: If you want to learn something and do everything yourself (to learn it) then using a FrameWork is not the best choice. But you'll never find a project that made it out of the kiddy-shoes without going professional in development. And part of this is using other wise-guys knowledge and not waste your time implementing every-day stuff the oneandahalfmillionth time again.

So: Stating out that using a FrameWork will slow you down is bullshit.

My opinion Wink
  • Coded in CodeIgniter
  • Episode view
  • Login functionality (different options when logged in and not logged in)
  • Minor and major changes, don't remember all :p

I felt it was time to update the project a bit. I am now using the CodeIgniter framework. Some minor changes has been made to existing functions and some major changes has been made to incorporate new functions.
The code is far from ready but now there's a working alpha again :p

The code is a mess here and there but I learn as I go and will clean up and make it more slimlined in the future.

The config might need a bit of tweaking before this works on your install. I have the code in a folder in home, symlink to this folder from /var/www/ and a vhost setup in apache. Until I have fixed some kind of installer the configuration will reflect this setup.

The login uses a sqlite3 database, all it contains right now is one user: Guest. The password is 'Guest'. Of course this is something you really should change. The password is md5 hashed.
The sqlite db will hold the local settings as well as soon as I get the time to fix some kind of control over the settings Big Grin

I'm sure there's lots I have forgotten Rolleyes
  • Settings page, currently: xbmc database connection (WARNING! no error handling yet)
  • (Untested) support for other database types (mysql, mysqli, mssql, postgre)

I have been working on the settings page. A logged in user can access the page and change the XBMC database settings (host, username, etc).
No error checking upon connect though, will add it when I have time for it. If settings are wrong the movies/shows pages will be blank at the time being.

No checks as of yet to see that a user is logged in when accessing the settings functions.

EDIT: fixed login check when trying to access settings. Added option to delete movies.
please support editing / adding info for music library too!!
CPU:- AMD FX 4100 Motherboard: Gigabyte 78LMT-S2 RAM:-4GB Graphics: AMD HD 7750 1GB DDR5 PSU: IBALL 500W Display: DELL S2240M Storage: 1TB
bandelguy Wrote:please support editing / adding info for music library too!!

The plan is to support the music library as well.
I just haven't gotten that far yet :p

I will first get the settings page complete and make it easier to install.
After that I take things as they come, I haven't looked at the music db yet so I don't know how much work it will be Eek
I installed this y-day. Looks very promising indeed!! I've also been wanting this for a while Smile.

It rendered the pages a bit of when I logged in as Guest. Probably a css glitch with the extra button on top of en movie list (didn't pinpoint the source of the glitch).

Thank you very much for your effort!
Hi everyone,

just for my understanding what is the difference between you project vicious and this one (http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=106980)

Maybe you two can join your forces? Maybe together with XWMM? To make "TEH webbased Database Editor"
Philips TV with Kodi 20.2 with IPTV --- Orbsmart 500 Android 21 alpha/beta as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
mr_minning Wrote:I installed this y-day. Looks very promising indeed!! I've also been wanting this for a while Smile.

It rendered the pages a bit of when I logged in as Guest. Probably a css glitch with the extra button on top of en movie list (didn't pinpoint the source of the glitch).

Thank you very much for your effort!

Yes it's probably due to the css styling. I have only tested it under firefox so far.

p0504 Wrote:Hi everyone,

just for my understanding what is the difference between you project vicious and this one (http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=106980)


I haven't looked at the code on this project yet but will do as soon as I have the time!
When I started out there wasn't any code available for download and the project looked like it was dead.
The main difference, as far as I can tell, is that my aim is that the code should be platform independent.

Solo0815 Wrote:Maybe you two can join your forces? Maybe together with XWMM? To make "TEH webbased Database Editor"

It looks like Media-Manager-for-NAS-for-XBMC has gotten a bit further, maybe I will make a fork of it or just get some inspiration and continue on my code. Wink
This project might actually be what I;ve been searching for... Smile

Anybody can throw a few screenshots?

Never mind my last post.. the screenshots on the first post did not show up on internet explorer 6 but on my Firefox at home I can see them!

I don't suppose anyone would know if this is possible to get working on IIS 7? I guess its something to do with the symbolic links, but so far, I cannot find a fix for it on a windows based PC without installing another webserver..

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Web-based XBMC Database Manager - HTML/JS/PHP - Updated 2012-07-260