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Aeon Nox 3.0: Movie Extras/Bonus Features - How to add them to your setup.
I got my first batch of bonus features loaded up for Avatar. Looks great!

However - it was a pain to try and determine what .mpls in the blu-ray structure i needed to use! I'm wondering if you have any tips to help determine what .mpls corresponds to which content?
As is, I used a combination of Handbrake, amazon.com, and samples encoded by handbrake to determine if I was picking the right playlist. You seem to have done this a few times, so I'm hoping you maybe have a better workflow... I tried to use AnotherEac3toGui to preview the m2ts streams, but was not having any luck in the preview window. I'd only get the audio.

It would be the same process for DVDs too, except poking through .vob lists or whatever.
It's a little bit frustrating, but I'm patient!
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I haven't tried any of this with Blu-Rays (no BR drive, yet Sad), but when ripping DVDs I use VLC to play my DVD and check which title is playing in order to determine which titles to rip. [edit]I use MakeMKV to rip, incidentally.[/edit]

Deano316: I have this set up in Nox 2.x. What differences are there in moving to Nox 3.x? Admittedly I didn't watch the entire video, but as first glance the only difference I noticed was that Bonus Features can be a sub-item of Movies, whereas before they had to be a completely separate top-level item.

Also, how fastidious are you with the show and episode NFOs? Do you put in a custom description for each extra? That seems like a lot of work: impressive, but tedious :S
(2012-05-18, 20:38)thrak76 Wrote: You seem to have done this a few times, so I'm hoping you maybe have a better workflow...

Patience is indeed a virtue when it comes to Bonus Features. I've only ripped from DVDs so if there's some stuff I don't want I use file size as a guide, the smallest files are usually surplus to requirements. Once I have them ripped, It's similar to Kaburke's method. Play the DVD and match the files. I'd love to have an easier method for you but right now I don't have one. What I would suggest however, once you've fine tuned it, is sharing your method with others. Maybe a tutorial of your own Wink

(2012-05-18, 23:10)kaburke Wrote: I have this set up in Nox 2.x. What differences are there in moving to Nox 3.x?

Sub-menus, the views are different. A bunch of improvements, too many to mention here. As far as Bonus Features goes though, you may not notice a massive difference. But I would say it's definitely worth the upgrade.

Quote:Also, how fastidious are you with the show and episode NFOs? Do you put in a custom description for each extra? That seems like a lot of work: impressive, but tedious Confused

You don't want to know Rofl I usually check Amazon first, sometimes they'll have a breakdown of the Bonus Features in the reviews section. If not copy it off the box, or write your own. I will say though, remember that the descriptions are purely for your benefit. They're not being submitted so can be as brief or as long as you want. I'm a stickler for the finished product, so custom description every time for me I'm afraid Confused

There is currently no online scraper for Bonus Features, so unfortunately it can be a long process to get your setup how you want it. There is something quite satisfying though about having a truly unique setup IMHO. Maybe if the moderators don't object, .NFOs might be something we're allowed to share here. Would sure help speed up the process for everyone.

I hope this doesn't discourage anyone from trying to add Bonus Features to their setup, it really is attainable by all.
Your dedication to the NFOs is impressive. A rough outline of my method:
  1. Play DVD in VLC, taking note of the titles of the extras and main movies I want to rip.
  2. Rip with MakeMKV, setting the metadata title of each DVD title I'm ripping. I also name the folder into which I am ripping the files in MakeMKV.
    I rip into a file structure that looks like:
    |--<Movie Title>
       |  |--<Extra1_Title>.mkv
       |  |--<Extra2_Title>.mkv
       |  |--<Extra3_Title>.mkv
    So, for example:
    |--Brother Bear
       |  |--Bear_Legends_t02.mkv
       |  |--Fishing_Song_t03.mkv
       |  |--Look_Through_My_Eyes_t04.mkv
    The file names are generated by MakeMKV, based on the title I gave to each file.
  3. I then use Media Centre Master to scrape the movie data.
    After this step, the file structure looks like (continuing with the Brother Bear example):
    |--Brother Bear (2003)
       |  |--Bear_Legends_t02.mkv
       |  |--Fishing_Song_t03.mkv
       |  |--Look_Through_My_Eyes_t04.mkv
       |--Brother Bear (2003).mkv
       |--Brother Bear (2003).nfo
       |--Brother Bear (2003).tbn
       |--Brother Bear (2003)-fanart.jpg
  4. Next, I check fanart.tv for movie logos. When I was doing this the vast majority of my movies didn't have logos, so I had to make them. I haven't checked in a while, but I'd guess the movie DB at fanart has filled out since then.
    After this step, the file structure looks like (continuing with the Brother Bear example):
    |--Brother Bear (2003)
       |  |--Bear_Legends_t02.mkv
       |  |--Fishing_Song_t03.mkv
       |  |--Look_Through_My_Eyes_t04.mkv
       |--Brother Bear (2003).mkv
       |--Brother Bear (2003).nfo
       |--Brother Bear (2003).tbn
       |--Brother Bear (2003)-fanart.jpg
  5. I then run a programme I wrote that cleans up the file structure, and generates the NFO files for the Bonus Features TV show. The programme bases the series' and episodes' NFO files on the movie NFO, and sets the description to "A movie extra for <movie title>." It also creates a TV show NFO base on the movie.
    After this step, the file structure looks like (continuing with the Brother Bear example):
    |--Brother Bear (2003)
       |  |--fanart1.jpg
       |  |--fanart2.jpg
       |  |--fanart2.jpg
       |  |--thumb1.jpg
       |  |--thumb2.jpg
       |  |--thumb3.jpg
       |--Brother Bear (2003).mkv
       |--Brother Bear (2003).nfo
       |--Brother Bear (2003).tbn
       |--Brother Bear (2003)-fanart.jpg

    Movie Extras
    |--Brother Bear (2003)
       |--Brother Bear (2003)
       |  |--0x01.Bear Legends.mkv
       |  |--0x01.Bear Legends.nfo
       |  |--0x02.FishingSong.mkv
       |  |--0x02.FishingSong.nfo
       |  |--0x03.Look Through My Eyes.mkv
       |  |--0x03.Look Through My Eyes.nfo
       |  |--disc.png
       |  |--fanart.png
       |  |--logo.png
       |  |--fanart1.jpg
       |  |--fanart2.jpg
       |  |--fanart2.jpg
       |  |--thumb1.jpg
       |  |--thumb2.jpg
       |  |--thumb3.jpg
  6. I start XBMC and update my movie and tv show libraries.
  7. Set the art to display for movie sets, using the XBMC interface.
  8. Finally, I use my programme to scan the MySQL DB and associate all movies with the appropriate TV Series.
And that about does it. If I had had to hand-roll each extra's NFO file, I think I would have gone mad; though, admittedly, the end result would have been great.

Incidentally, my programme also handles movies sets, and I end up with a slightly different folder structure then Deano316. After ripping, running Media Centre Master, and visiting fanart.tv, I have (using a couple of Bond movies as an example):
|--Dr. No (1962)
|  |--extras
|  |  |--Inside_Dr._No_t02.mkv
|  |  |--The_Guns_of_James_bond_t03.mkv
|  |--background.jpg
|  |--background1.jpg
|  |--disc.png
|  |--Dr. No (1962).mkv
|  |--Dr. No (1962).nfo
|  |--Dr. No (1962).tbn
|  |--Dr. No (1962)-fanart.jpg
|  |--folder.jpg
|  |--logo.png
|  |--movie.xml
|--Live and Let Die (1973)
   |  |--Roger_Moore_as_James_bond_t02.mkv
   |  |--Inside_Live_and_Let_Die_t03.mkv
   |--Live and Let Die (1973).mkv
   |--Live and Let Die (1973).nfo
   |--Live and Let Die (1973).tbn
   |--Live and Let Die (1973)-fanart.jpg
After running my programme I end up with:
|--Dr. No (1962)
|  |--extrafanart
|  |  |--fanart1.jpg
|  |  |--fanart2.jpg
|  |--extrathumbs
|  |  |--thumb1.jpg
|  |  |--thumb2.jpg
|  |--disc.png
|  |--Dr. No (1962).mkv
|  |--Dr. No (1962).nfo
|  |--Dr. No (1962).tbn
|  |--Dr. No (1962)-fanart.jpg
|  |--folder.jpg
|  |--logo.png
|  |--movie.xml
|--Live and Let Die (1973)
   |  |--fanart1.jpg
   |  |--fanart2.jpg
   |  |--thumb1.jpg
   |  |--thumb2.jpg
   |--Live and Let Die (1973).mkv
   |--Live and Let Die (1973).nfo
   |--Live and Let Die (1973).tbn
   |--Live and Let Die (1973)-fanart.jpg
Movie Extras
   |--Dr. No (1962)
   |  |--1x01.Inside Dr. No.mkv
   |  |--1x01.Inside Dr. No.nfo
   |  |--1x02.The Guns of James Bond.mkv
   |  |--1x02.The Guns of James Bond.nfo
   |  |--fanart.jpg
   |  |--logo.png
   |--Live and Let Die (1973)
   |  |--8x01.Roger Moore as James Bond.mkv
   |  |--8x01.Roger Moore as James Bond.nfo
   |  |--8x02.Inside Live and Let Die.mkv
   |  |--8x02.Inside Live and Let Die.nfo
   |  |--fanart.jpg
   |  |--logo.png
The season number is derived from the order of the movies in the set (for example, Live and Let Die is the 8th Bond movie).
Kaburke, you're method is FAR more organised than mine. Very impressive!! Initially I did this as a test and never really thought to change my method. Wrote a program as well eh!? Excellent work! Cool I'm completely out of storage at the moment, but as soon as I get some more I will give your method a try to see if it works for me. Great tutorial, clear and straightforward. You're now a part of the solution my friend Wink
(2012-05-19, 09:08)kaburke Wrote: I then run a programme I wrote that cleans up the file structure, and generates the NFO files for the Bonus Features TV show. The programme bases the series' and episodes' NFO files on the movie NFO, and sets the description to "A movie extra for <movie title>." It also creates a TV show NFO base on the movie.

The season number is derived from the order of the movies in the set (for example, Live and Let Die is the 8th Bond movie).

I don't suppose you could post up the program you wrote? Big Grin

I'd also love to see your Bond extras nfos for an example. I have these movies in queue for the extras treatment too!
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The programme I wrote is very crude; I just threw it together to help with my specific work flow. You're free, however, to give it a try:
Installer: http://qconsulting.ca/xbmc/Movie%20Organizer-0.1.exe
Source Code: http://qconsulting.ca/xbmc/MovieTools%200.1.rar

I've cleaned it up somewhat, but it is still just a mash up of functionality. It is hardly a thing of beauty, nor is the code well organized, or even commented. The programme is licensed under the GPL v3, so feel free to modify it.

The installer installs the programme, as well as a couple of Readme files. I suggest reading them both; the programme isn't very intuitive. My apologies, but, like the programme, the readmes were hastily put together and so aren't the most polished of documents.

Two Three big things to note:
  1. Because I wrote this to support how I was ripping my movies, this programme is only really useful if you follow the same methodiology I used.
  2. The programme requires that MKVToolnix is installed.
  3. The programme must be run as administrator.
Feel free ask questions and post bug reports, but keep in mind that this was never meant to be a publicly released piece of software. For now, I don't really intend to provide any long-term development or support for this tool. Go ahead and use the programme, and ask for help if you need it, I will be glad to oblige, but requests to make major changes to the software, or to make it work with other programmes, will likely go ignored.

I'd be happy to share my Bond extras NFO files, but given that they were generated by this programme I'm not sure they would add much. However, if it isn't against any rules, I can post them if you like.
Thanks kaburke! That's very kind of you. I'll take a look at it over the next few days and see how it can work for me.

So it sounds like this is a good tool for a new rip then, eh? So far, all I've been doing is adding to movies that I already have ripped.
Are you ripping all content (including extras) to one folder, and then letting the utility sort things out?
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It could work for existing rips as well. The only difference between a new rip and an existing rip is time, after all. As long as the file structure is in the correct format, my programme won't care when they were ripped.

For example, let us say you already have a bunch of movies, like:
|--Brother Bear (2003)
|   |--Brother Bear (2003).mkv
|   |--Brother Bear (2003).nfo
|   |--Brother Bear (2003).tbn
|   |--Brother Bear (2003)-fanart.jpg
|   |--folder.jpg
|--<other movies>
You would first rip the extras for your movies into an extras sub folder of your movie folder, like:
|--Brother Bear (2003)
|   |--extras
|   |  |--Bear_Legends_t02.mkv
|   |  |--Fishing_Song_t03.mkv
|   |  |--Look_Through_My_Eyes_t04.mkv
|   |--Brother Bear (2003).mkv
|   |--Brother Bear (2003).nfo
|   |--Brother Bear (2003).tbn
|   |--Brother Bear (2003)-fanart.jpg
|   |--folder.jpg
|--<other movies>
Next, you would run Media Center Master to get all the info and art work:
|--Brother Bear (2003)
|   |--extras
|   |  |--Bear_Legends_t02.mkv
|   |  |--Fishing_Song_t03.mkv
|   |  |--Look_Through_My_Eyes_t04.mkv
|   |--background.jpg
|   |--background1.jpg
|   |--background2.jpg
|   |--background3.jpg
|   |--Brother Bear (2003).mkv
|   |--Brother Bear (2003).nfo
|   |--Brother Bear (2003).tbn
|   |--Brother Bear (2003)-fanart.jpg
|   |--folder.jpg
|   |--movie.xml
|--<other movies>
[edit]Optionally, at this point you would grab the artwork from fanart.tv[edit]
Then you would run my programme which would reorganize the artwork and extras.

I hope that answers your question. Let me know if you need further clarification.
Here's something that I'm wondering.

I also have the Alien Anthology, so I'll use that as an example.

I wonder if it's possible to link a movie to an individual season? I ask because, once all the Alien movies are linked to the "tvshow" that is the anthology bonus material, then the movies show up in all seasons view, and also trailing the seasons at the second level (as we know, and Deano pointed out). I find this a little cumbersome and would love to see the movie show up in its' respective season level. Alien the movie shows up in the Alien "tvshow" bonus features at the end of the episode list, instead of only in the all seasons view... Does this make sense? I guess this kind of relates to Deano's idea of using season logos as well (which would be useful in actual tvshows - Spartacus comes to mind).

I desire this because I, and many of you, have multiple moviesets. Of course I may be just dreaming, cause after all, we're kind of using the skin in an unintentional (but awesome) way to begin with.
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XBMC only supports associating movies with a TV Series; we can't associate a movie with a specific season.

Unfortunately, as we are using the system in a non-conventional way, we are limited in what we can do. For example, I would love to be able to jump from a movie in the Movies library to the associated TV Series (so we can jump from a movie to its extras), but that's not yet possible. Hopefully, someday, movie extras will be officially supported in some capacity.
As Kaburke already stated not possible ATM but if enough interest is generated, over time we might get a bit more support for Bonus Features from the devs. Movie sets were eventually integrated into XBMC, so you never know.......
Yeah, I figured that it wasn't possible, but this may be a good thread for brainstorming, too! I like kaburke's idea of jumping from the movie to the extras too.
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Can right-click menu items be added via scripts or skins? If so, it should be simple enough to add a "Go to extras" item.
(2012-05-21, 20:47)kaburke Wrote: Can right-click menu items be added via scripts or skins? If so, it should be simple enough to add a "Go to extras" item.

yes, possible.
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Aeon Nox 3.0: Movie Extras/Bonus Features - How to add them to your setup.2