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Watched/unwatched flag
(mercuryinc @ oct. 08 2005,18:17 Wrote:i'm probably not going to be able to add persanolized watched/unwatched this weekend, but it something i also want so i'll keep it in mind.

i like your global bookmark idea, however i see two problems. 1 its outside the scope of this particular project (but it would also be cool to personolize the bookmarks).  and 2 if you give your xbox permission to write and change files on your server its possible that the xbox could also delete them.  i also keep my video's on the network, and my wife usualy hits the wrong buttons Smile i always come up with video's missing so i disabled the video deleting in the title screen. (hopefully you can relateSmile)

i'm hopinig that if they like they way i've got the patch this weekend they'll put it in the cvs soon
about global bookmarks: i know it is unrelated to this product, it is just simillar in concept - watched/unwatched is on a file scope and the bookmark in inside file scope. i can certanly relate to point 2 :-)))

is there any legal way i could get the binaries of the patched files, so i can give my wife a present (and to myself because now she call me every time and asks: which lost have i looked last time? :-(

another idea: would it be possible for xbmc to remember the position of the cursor in a folder? that way i could also see what i watched in series? but your method is already better than this, although i haven't tested it...

i looked for the compiler... way to expensive to compile the fix. i would have to buy 2 compilers :-(
(jerry2 @ oct. 08 2005,20:27 Wrote:[quote=mercuryinc,oct. 08 2005,18:17]is there any legal way i could get the binaries of the patched files, so i can give my wife a present (and to myself because now she call me every time and asks: which lost have i looked last time? :-(
well you could compile yourself with the very easy solution from http://johnypcguru.home.mchsi.com/

yes you need to get the xbox sdk en visual studio yourself,but it's possible even for noob's. you will have to wait or diy instead of complaining Smile !

tip: use a vmware pc, i have it all set up in a virtual pc, i only use it to compile xbmc, fast and it keeps my normal windows clean.

good luck

mercuryinc: it didn't make it in new build?
i finished the new patch sunday morning around 4am, and tested it all day yesterday. i'll be submitting it when i get home today. hopefully it meets with the dev's expectations.
keep checking the board, i'll keep you posted as to when the patch is available, and when/if it gets into the cvs.
alright then, as promised, the patch has been uploaded (if you havn't figured out how to build yet jerry, then hopefully this revision will make it to the cvs).

here is the info, i'll be emailing kraqh3d (so check your mail if your reading this) to see what he thinks.

this patch was built using the 2005-10-08 cvs, but will probably be forward compatable until another database change is made, and backword compatable (most likely) clear back to the 2005-09-14 release. (but just stick with 2005-10-08, its safer)

alright, i gave it a second shot, this should take care of some of the stuff kraqh3d wanted me to take care of. and its a bit more user friendly. (the sql statments have also been revised to make it a little faster)

there is one button on each of the video pages (accept playlist and files) that shows "all videos", "watched" or "unwatched". the setting is global, i.e. if you are in title view with unwatched set and move to actor view, only actors in unwatched movies will be listed, if you then switch actor view to be watched, then the title view will show watched video's, and so on and so forth.
what do you think about the color coding (or mini-icon) idea? i'd prefer have a method like that so i did not need to change the view just to know what was already watched.
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
i'm not entirely apposed to the idea, but i put this together so i didn't have to fish through what i have already seen, to find what i havn't. i suppose i could look into when the all videos is selected it color codes a line around the icon or something like that (or an overlay). now that we have time to think amongst ourselves we think its not such a bad idea. i like it, i'll see what i can come up with. (next revision of course) Smile
cool... i was thinking something very simple like an underline for the text... you could have different colors for if/when you impliment it for multiple people. this way you could be able to show if multiple people have watched it all at once.
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
there's an interesting thought affini. i think that would be a nice compliment to what he's got here. it would be nice to just have new unplayed media display a nice contrasting color or something, and have this throughout xbmc so applied to all sections. yep, that would be a cool feature to compliment this project. i'd really like to see this pulled into the library view when it finally gets created for videos, but until then this should be good. Smile

(affini @ oct. 11 2005,06:08 Wrote:mercuryinc,
what do you think about the color coding (or mini-icon) idea? i'd prefer have a method like that so i did not need to change the view just to know what was already watched.
i think this implementation would be best! not needed to change view and multiple family members friendly.
(mercuryinc @ oct. 11 2005,03:36 Wrote:alright then, as promised, the patch has been uploaded (if you havn't figured out how to build yet jerry, then hopefully this revision will make it to the cvs).

here is the info, i'll be emailing kraqh3d (so check your mail if your reading this) to see what he thinks.

this patch was built using the 2005-10-08 cvs, but will probably be forward compatable until another database change is made, and backword compatable (most likely) clear back to the 2005-09-14 release. (but just stick with 2005-10-08, its safer)

alright, i gave it a second shot, this should take care of some of the stuff kraqh3d wanted me to take care of. and its a bit more user friendly. (the sql statments have also been revised to make it a little faster)

there is one button on each of the video pages (accept playlist and files) that shows "all videos", "watched" or "unwatched".  the setting is global, i.e. if you are in title view with unwatched set and move to actor view, only actors in unwatched movies will be listed, if you then switch actor view to be watched, then the title view will show watched video's, and so on and so forth.
i have figured out how to do it, but the cost for developent tools are too big :-( just for this one compilation.
just an fyi jerry2, you can usualy find the development tools in some of the same places you find the xbmc build. thats probably all the direction i can give you on this board.

los93sol: can you give me a handle on what you mean by "library view"? if you describe it, it might be something i can handle.

what i've actualy been thinking about doing is adding the ability to create "catagories". so basicaly the all/watched/unwatched would always be there, but if you were to add, say a "wife" section and a "child" section, then those would be on the same button and when the wife goes to her section she'll see movies she's put in there (same effect as multiple users, but i don't have to manage user login). color coding or overlay at that point would be a problem since the info for multiple users would come from the db and the marker saying weather a movie is watched or not would have to be in cimdbmovie. so unless you guys have some sugestions the all videos setting will probably just show if it is marked as watched or not.
i kind of like the idea of a small overlay that looks like a checkbox for watched movies and an uncheckedbox for unwatched. (ideas? comments? let me know)
(mercuryinc @ oct. 11 2005,15:25 Wrote:just an fyi jerry2, you can usualy find the development tools in some of the same places you find the xbmc build. thats probably all the direction i can give you on this board.

los93sol: can you give me a handle on what you mean by "library view"?  if you describe it, it might be something i can handle.

what i've actualy been thinking about doing is adding the ability to create "catagories".  so basicaly the all/watched/unwatched would always be there, but if you were to add, say a "wife" section and a "child" section, then those would be on the same button and when the wife goes to her section she'll see movies she's put in there (same effect as multiple users, but i don't have to manage user login).  color coding or overlay at that point would be a problem since the info for multiple users would come from the db and the marker saying weather a movie is watched or not would have to be in cimdbmovie. so unless you guys have some sugestions the all videos setting will probably just show if it is marked as watched or not.
i kind of like the idea of a small overlay that looks like a checkbox for watched movies and an uncheckedbox for unwatched.  (ideas? comments? let me know)
yes overlay with checkbox would be great, also the categories list. so one can hide dirty movies from his wife :thumbsup: haha
@MercuryInc, (and everyone else),
i just integrated your patch into cvs. very nice.

i made a few minor changes to it, to keep it inline with some future plans. i actually added bwatched to cimdbmovie. this can be useful later on. (with some changes to list/thumb controls we can be update this later so the view can change without having to requery, by only changing which items are to be visible.)

i also made the all/watched/unwatched status a per-window setting. so title can be left in unwatched, and genres could be left in all.

and since overlays dont exist as yet, i added a little visual identifier when in "all videos" view -- the title will have [w] on the end to mark its been watched. if its too distracting it can be removed.

** edit ** i also left in your "edit title" context menu option. Smile

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awsome, this is way cool. i'm downloading the cvs now, and hope to be able to show the overlays within the next couple of day.

(thanks for leaving the edit title in, i wasn't trying to sneak it in or anything, it just happend to be in the same fileSmile)

i prefered having the all/watched/unwatched status a global setting, but i'll make a setting so users can select that and put it in the my video section later (not a major concern) (if anyone else has an opinion on this let us know)

thanks man. i'm way exited about this
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