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Feature Requests
(2013-11-30, 22:49)spinnaker Wrote: I don't know of any free WTV editors but VideoRedo is a very nice tool. A bit pricy at $95 for wtv editing.

If it is just a block of time that you want to trim then consider MCE Buddy. It will trim a block of time off of all files. You get the added bonus of trimming commercials. Krusty got the hierarchy recordings working which is a wonderful feature but I am beginning to wonder how much I will be using it. MCE Buddy uses a tool called Comskip to trim commercials and it does an excellent job of trimming. Some shows are just about perfect. I am getting lazy watching TV not even having to press the 30 second skip button. If I get voice command for xbmc working I will never move. Smile

As far as setting recordings, I will probably continue to use the native WMC client for setting up recordings.

I could just use the ceton android app to do my scheduling. That works for me. There will be times that wife and kids will want to do a quick record though, which causes me to wish for easier recording. I'll just have to see how much they complain I guess Smile right now she keeps hitting the guide button which causes wmc to open Sad

I'll have to look into mcebuddy again. I played around with the comskip alternatives some time ago but something was just flaky that I don't remember right now. I think the last one I used was dvrmstoolbox. If I remember right it would not always trim the commercials or I lost 5.1 audio. I just cloned my os hard drive so I plan on playing around some more.
My only request is that you hook up with Lunatixz and get this rolling with PseudoTV Live... then our journey to the Dark Side would be complete.
(2013-11-30, 22:32)krustyreturns Wrote:
(2013-11-30, 18:43)bandook Wrote: For recording.

I'm still trying to figure out how to get the record button mapped on my MCE remote in xbmc. I'll figure it out I just have a complex(mess) of my button maps with event ghost. Anyways I would like to be able to toggle record functions with each press.
1. Record show
2. Record series
3. Clear recordings for the show

This is the way wmc does it. Not that wmc does everything perfect but I can't think of a better way of doing it. Or is this how the server is currently doing it but I'm just not seeing it because the button is not mapped?

And I am liking the way that you handle recording of shows I've been watching and decide to record after watching for some time. It is already smoother than wmc. However in a scenario that I have been watching TV on one channel for say over an hour, then 15 minutes in a new show I press record. Xbmc will record the show I'm watching, but pad the beginning with the one hour of content that is in the buffer, right? Is there going to be a way to post process the show to trim off that first hour? Maybe code in something that looks at the EPG and figures out that I only need the content from the show that was on while I pressed record, so it trims off everything prior to that and saves that?


I don't think its mapping issue, ifaik xbmc only has the basic record command and no other types of record commands.

I actually didn't know wmc did this. Are you thinking you want this behavior while you are watching a live-tv show, or when you are viewing something in the guide? We might be able to implement it with live-tv, but I'm pretty sure xbmc won't give us access to these commands when viewing the guide.

I think there is a low level tool that comes in wmc that can be used to trim a wtv file after recording has stopped. I haven't had a chance to experiment with it yet, but I would like to get to this eventually too. I believe there are free tools out there that you can use to trim the wtv file in the interim.

Here's how I was able to map my record button to work on the MCE Remote:
change <q>queue</q> to <q>XBMC.PlayerControl(Record)</q> in your keymap Under "Global"
: Google TV | Kodi 20.0 | Samsung 50"                         \  Movies: 2734

Master Bedroom: Google TV | Kodi 20.0 | Samsung 43"     \  Music: Artist 220 |  Albums 1001 | Songs 106995
TheaterGoogle TV | Kodi  20.0 | Samsung 75"                    \  TV Shows: 62 |  Seasons 218 | Episodes 3858
(2013-11-30, 23:02)bandook Wrote: Which reminds me when xbmc pops up the record menu, the options are blanked out. Where the two options are that should say 1. Record 2. Series record, there is nothing there. But when you move down to where the series record is the options show up. I can post a screenshot if I confused you.

This is getting off topic for this feature thread, but I had this problem once on my linux client. I fixed it by blowing away the old version of pvr.wmc on the client and reinstalling
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
Is there anyway it can save the metadata to the recording? So they are recognized in "Tv Shows".

I know it's a long shot. But is there any chance it can stream the Netflix plugin from WMC?
(2013-12-01, 23:52)BigB42078 Wrote: Is there anyway it can save the metadata to the recording? So they are recognized in "Tv Shows".

I know it's a long shot. But is there any chance it can stream the Netflix plugin from WMC?

If you mean save the recording's wtv metadata to something that xbmc will use, yes that's possible - at least I have played with something similar before. It doesn't work great though because the wmc guide does not give the season and episode numbers for tv-shows (which is annoying because the fields are there, but always empty). There are third party solutions for it though, google 'wtv renamer' (or some such).

I don't think we can do the netflix stream thing.
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
Feature Request Please

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Thanks a bunch
Feature Request
- WMC Server as a service
Android, Android, Android... If I could run this on my Ouya I could finally get my big-ass HTPC out of the livingroom.
(2013-12-07, 08:51)breezytm Wrote: Feature Request
- WMC Server as a service

I was able to do this using the windows resource toolkit but it would be great to see this done natively.
(2013-12-07, 19:35)locoguano Wrote: Android, Android, Android

We want Android too. It is on the list (as I'm sure you've seen in the wiki). We "just" need a volunteer with the skills and appropriate devel environment to do the builds.

(2013-12-07, 08:51)breezytm Wrote: WMC Server as a service

I can confirm this is on our list. (At least to be seriously looked at.)
The XBMC team, plug-in devs, skinners, etc. do this for us for FREE in their spare time because they want to. Think about that for a second before you start bitching...
How about an auto update feature for the server?
Or at least a button or an auto check that lets you know you are running an older version, maybe optional to notify or not?
AutoUpdate is definitely something we plan to do, just comes down to priority/time.

Run As Service - as mentioned earlier in this thread, I put in place a basic implementation that will allow advanced users to run ServerWMC as a service. This now in the build that krusty has just released. There are no bells and whistles, and a couple of manual installation steps, but it's working OK. Hopefully this gives those who were desperate for this, "something" for now. I've posted details in the Wiki updates thread for TechLife to get up on the wiki. Check the thread if you cant wait for the wiki. Be aware of the limitations and follow the instructions completely.

Android - yes we would love to have it working on android. There probably arent many/any code changes required as our client side is quite simple really (most of the work is done in the backend). The big impediment is setting up a development environment - it sounds like a real pain, apparently only a 64bit ubuntu build is reccomended and you have to get NDK, SDK etc all sorted out. I currently have a VM running debian, so I can make sure our stuff will compile for linux and OSX etc, but I am far from a linux expert. Then you need a device to test it on as well and I only have a HTC One, older phones like HTC One XL, or a really old TF101 transformer tablet. To be honest I dont even know if Androiud XBMC is meant to work on these devices or if it's more for the TV/media center type devices. If someone wants to donate me a android TV stick, or Ouya, I might be more inclined to spend time/effort grappling with it! :p

The invitation is always open to anybody with any skill, or even just determination, to lend a hand and try and get android going!
pvr.wmc TV addon and ServerWMC Backend Development Team
Hello folks,

I posted this in the wrong spot a while ago. I am a software engineer with a lot of experience programming on the windows platform but very little on that of Linux. I would be happy to offer a hand in any way I can. I am very family with the .Net platform, more in VB than C#(haven't done much since engeineering school) but I can do it. My specially is writing back-end high perfmance eTrading systems so I could help with hosting the app core in a windows service.

Anyway, thanks for the project, I have enjoyed it thus far. BTW, I am running OpenELEC with the PVR.WMC addon against the 1098 build of ServerWMC and have had very few issues.
Krusty replied to you in the wiki thread:

(2013-12-10, 01:35)krustyreturns Wrote: You're hired. Welcome aboard.

Serverwmc is written in c# and scarecrow and I do our best to move most of the functionality there. I need your email or a your bitbucket account login to give you access to the server code. You can PM me either.

Welcome aboard. I'm sure we'll be talking a lot more soon. =)
The XBMC team, plug-in devs, skinners, etc. do this for us for FREE in their spare time because they want to. Think about that for a second before you start bitching...
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