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Linux Debian 8.0 Jessie on RaspBerry Pi 2, how to get Kodi running and how to compile it?
thanks m_o_d, but that image is the one that i have used for my RPi2 already. It provides integration of firmware with Debian Jessie such that it works, but it has a few weaknesses. First, the image does not include the package wpasupplicant which is needed to configure a WLAN internet access. I had to copy the corresponding package and its dependencies (3 other packages) on USB and transfer it to my RPi2. Then it was not so hard to get WLAN working. Furthermore it was necessary to update the firmware to get to a level that is suitable for using /opt/vc directories for the compilers and tools. Also, sound driver was not configured at all, no ALSA, module snd_bcm2835 had to be loaded manually. Apart from that it was easily possible to bootstrap a Debian 8.0 Jessie system. Still it would be nice to have the complete knowledge on how to setup firmware together with proper kernel and distro.Then setting up from a standard Debian distro or any other would not require having excelling and superior man-in-the-middle...
I wonder whether you might find archlinux a better base? Very up to date packages,
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Thomas are you looking for clean image with debian?or do you looking for HTPC image?

I myself now create iso image for raspberry pi 2b, containing packages:
* kde with kdm (minimal)
* kodi 15.x with tvheadend and CEC support

as soon as I can compile kodi, will share a script / image
@nickr: this Archlinux seems to be tailored to Intel and AMD platforms. Otherwise i feel more committed towards Debian. The first Linux i used regularly was SUSE. For very long time i used to buy the most recent versions. Then i switched to Debian. Debian folllows a strict polcy of only including truly open source software without any strange licencing conditions. Furthermore, it is well maintained and suitable for all tasks. I think it has the most complete collection of available software.

@m_o_d; i was also already trying to compile Kodi 15. I wanted to have Debain distro for general usage as print and file server and maybe also for hosting a web server for private use and (web) programming. As for its capabilites, to me RPi2 was a welcome way to get comfortable again with at least one Linux computer in our home network of Win Vistaq, Win 7, Win 8 and some Android devices. I was thinking for longer time about this investment. MediaCenter and Media server would be another nice application. Hosting also different media content sites in a Kodi installation would be nice for a home enterteinment center. If you compile Kodi successfully based on the image you referred me to in your last post, please inform me about how you did it maybe with some short README. If i have some time i would also like to make my own perfect image for my RPi2 installation and compile Kodi by myself. You can also find some info about resources for compiling Kodi in this thread.
I think that i want to build something what you want to do. What i'm doing is creating raspberry HTPC clients for my family. The client will use external media source using sshfs, sshfs, nfs maybe upnp (you can choose what you want, My choice was sshfs). That way i can share my media library with my family.

Regarding the compilation of kodi, I have a script that executes kodi updates for x86 machines. at the moment I change the script that it could build kodi on RPi2 platform.

When I'm done share the script and image
@m_o_d: I use Samba for simple filesharing. For UPnP you can use Kodi and include your media library in it, be it pictures, videos or music. If you want to do native compilation of Kodi on RPi2 you need to specify CXXFlags and CFLAGS variables on the command line containing the path to the firmware libraries and includes (usually /opt/vc/lib,...). Alos you have to choose proper compiler switches for RaspBerry Pi platform. Such info is contained in the README.s of the xbmc repository on git README.linux and README.Raspberrypi. There is also listed a set of library depndencies which you maybe have to check one by one. I did that and it took me approximately half an hour to check all of them by hand. If you install the native xbmc package that comes with Debian 8.0 Jessie has already some of those dependencies fulfilled. My first attempt to compile Kodi 15 failed already while executing the configure script after the bootstrap script was executed successfully. However, fraz0815 reported success on compiling Kodi on Raspbian in another thread on the RaspBerry Pi forum. https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewt...6&t=101664 .

As for my intended use, i have just one RaspBerry Pi 2 which i want to use as Linux print and file server with low power consumption such that it can be up and running all the time and also my TV is next to it. Thus connected HDMI and using Kodi would be nice. Also i would like to have Kodi as UPnP server (is Kodi only media center or also UPNP server?). Before i checked out already miniDLNA which is also a small UPnP server for streaming media, but without any multimedia center functionality.

In case you buy just RaspBerryPi instead of Pi 2 you might want to follow an instruction for cross-compiling kodi for RPi. There is instruction included in README.RaspBerrypi. If you want to compßile natively on RPi2 platform then i don't know of any success story under Debian 8.0 Jessie, but for RaspBian there is fraz0815 solution.

Instead of buying a RaspBerry Pi (2) for 80 EURO per piece (including accessories) as UPnP client you could also buy Amazon fire stick or similar for 25-40 EURO including delivery cost. I have also heard of people installling Linux on such fire stick.

Anyway i would be happy to see your success story in building Kodi 15 for Debian 8.0 Jessie/Raspbian.
It took a moment, but I managed to compile kodi.

Unfortunately, when you start it throws an error, Someone else has better results?
What error? You're not still trying with X are you?
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what you mean 'X' ? if Xorg, than yes

Error Log
Quote:23:29:09 T:1955684352 NOTICE: Checking resolution 16
23:29:09 T:1955684352 DEBUG: EGL set HDMI mode (2,85)=0
23:29:09 T:1916793888 DEBUG: EGL tv_service_callback (8,2,85)
23:29:09 T:1955684352 DEBUG: EGL set resolution 1280x720 -> 1280x720 @ 60.00 fps (2,85) flags:55020004 aspect:1.00
23:29:09 T:1955684352 ERROR: EGL error in CreateSurface: 3003
23:29:09 T:1955684352 NOTICE: CreateWindow: Could not create a surface. Trying with a fresh Native Window.
23:29:09 T:1955684352 ERROR: EGL error in CreateSurface: 3003
23:29:09 T:1955684352 ERROR: CreateWindow: Could not create surface
23:29:09 T:1955684352 ERROR: CreateNewWindow: Could not create new window
23:29:09 T:1955684352 FATAL: CApplication::Create: Unable to create window
23:29:09 T:1955684352 DEBUG: PVRManager - destroyed
I am pretty sure kodi doesn't run in X on an RPi. Just start from a commandline.
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@m_o_d: there is one instruction on https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewt...6&t=101664 how to compile Kodi on RaspBian, which explains some of the compiler switches that needs to be activated. One of the options for the configure script is --with-x11-enabled or --with-x11-disabled. There is also README.Rasperrypi in the xbmc git repository and this uses the option --with-x11-disabled. From your log file output i can read tha you seem have to installed your firmware nicely such that libEGL.so can be found.

I followed one instruction also from the internet at http://karl.kashofer.org/2015/03/19/debi...di-on-rpi2. That person suggested to copy compiled version from Kodi from OpenElec distribution and start it with the dependencies of the xbmc version included in Debian Jessie. The result of this was that i could start the desktop of Kodi but i was not able to play movies or mp3s, viewing pictures and installing addons worked nicely as welll as configuration. Some people suggested that the kodi in OpenELEC uses ffmpeg codec library, while the xbmc package of Debian 8.0 Jessie uses av codec package for copyright reasons or whatever. That was suspected reason for Kodi not playing movies and mp3s when installed in such a way.

As for the xbmc package in Debian i have read somehere that it needs to be started with the command "xinit xbmc" (your error log suggests that there is no Xserver running in the background) apart from what i have told before. However, the copy from openELEC simply runs by calling the kodi script without relating to xinit. That might be due that it was compiled with configure scroipt option --with-x11-disabled or something like that.

I wish you much success in your further attempts and i hope you can proceed to a completely working version of Kodi for Debian Jessie 8.0. Many greetings, and may the force be with you ;-) !
Do not compile kodi with av, it just ain't gonna work.

Openelec (on rpi) runs kodi without X as can be seen here https://github.com/OpenELEC/OpenELEC.tv/...Pi/options (look for the definition of DISPLAYSERVER)

OSMC runs kodi without x11 (see https://github.com/samnazarko/osmc/blob/...c/build.sh and the --disable-x11, --disable-xrandr compile options)
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Nickr thanks for the link.

There is section RP2 where they have options for the platform ( https://github.com/OpenELEC/OpenELEC.tv/...i2/options )
@nickr & @m_o_d: it seems that some of the library dependencies in OSMC build script are compiled for OSMC specially prefixed by armv7 and so on. In the instructions README.linux from xbmc the independent list of depndencies is given with standard debian package names, however i don't know whether the addtional pacakges have also correspondents in Debian. Otherwise it seems as if they would require special build for the firmware of RPi(2) from the sources Huh Investigating this will lead maybe to such topics as how a linux kernel and a bootloader can be fitted to a certain architecture. I would be happy if anyone of you could give a nice reference for a PDF or book that deals with such topics and has most recent contents. ...
after compiling kodi numbers of times i still have the same error
Quote:T:1953767424 DEBUG: DllBcm: Using omx system library
T:1953767424 NOTICE: InitWindowSystem: Using EGL Implementation: raspberrypi
T:1953767424 ERROR: EGL error in InitDisplay: 3001
T:1953767424 ERROR: InitWindowSystem: Could not create display
T:1953767424 FATAL: CApplication::Create: Unable to init windowing system
T:1953767424 DEBUG: PVRManager - destroyed
T:1849684896 DEBUG: Failed to connect to LIRC. Giving up.

here is my kodi configuration: http://pastebin.com/5mDTMTVd

And here how i compille
Quote:CFLAGS="-I/opt/vc/include/ -I/opt/vc/include/interface/vcos/pthreads -I/opt/vc/include/interface/vmcs_host/linux -mfloat-abi=hard -mcpu=cortex-a7 -mfpu=neon-vfpv4";

CXXFLAGS="-I/opt/vc/include/ -I/opt/vc/include/interface/vcos/pthreads -I/opt/vc/include/interface/vmcs_host/linux -mfloat-abi=hard -mcpu=cortex-a7 -mfpu=neon-vfpv4";



./configure --prefix=/usr/local/kodi/giCt-20150608 --disable-gl --enable-gles --with-platform=raspberry-pi --disable-x11 --disable-vaapi --disable-vdpau --disable-avahi --disable-libcec \
--disable-projectm --disable-optical-drive --disable-dvdcss --disable-vtbdecoder --enable-alsa --enable-player=omxplayer


What i'm doing wrong?
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Debian 8.0 Jessie on RaspBerry Pi 2, how to get Kodi running and how to compile it?0