Android 5.0 minimum for Kodi v17?
(2016-09-30, 20:50)MoRbIdBoY Wrote: So no Krypton version on Samsung Galaxy S3. Which is pretty weird, Jarvis runs blindingly fast on that.

Guessing this is just a case of "just because we can DEMAND it runs on the latest Android, we did ".

Therefore instantly wiping out about 90% of your Android customer base without a single care in the world. Well done. I can see your really bothered about your users.

Actually this is very possible. Simply update the phone to a newer Android version!

Cyanogenmod 13 is pretty mature and will allow you to run Android 6 on most models of S3

Although Samsung make pretty good hardware, I can't stand their screwed up version of Android, and if you like OSS software like Kodi, CM may be attractive to you as it is fast and very customisable.
(2016-10-30, 14:50)wrxtasy Wrote: As an example the now discontinued Android TV OS capable - Nexus Player has been running Android - 7.0 Nougat since the 23rd August, and literally just this week testing for using ATSC DVB Tuners and Android Nougat's new DVR capabilities, commenced.

Well, it's not quite discontinued, Google is no longer offering it in their store, but you can buy it from Asus.
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Does this mean that when Kodi 17 is released all the official Kodi addons will require Kodi 17
(2016-12-21, 15:00)keithcq71 Wrote: Does this mean that when Kodi 17 is released all the official Kodi addons will require Kodi 17

no. only those that require at least v17. Older addons and those that work on older kodi versions will continue to work.
Thanks . So what happens when addon dependencies switch to Krypton's Python version? I like 16 and want to wait before making the jump . If I am forced to as a result , I will.
I have two neo boxes and a neomax box Those boxes along with the the other 1st generation Google TVS were abandoned even though the processor combany updated the code for a newer os.. Nice thing about the android box like the g box I have is that if the manufacture stopped upgrading the android I can install a new os.

Tablet and phones have a short shelf life with manufacture support as it is. .

Lollipop is no longer supported by Android. and marshamllows lifespan has been cut short by an early release of Nougat.

Personally I want Kodi devs working with the latest SDK when revising their product. Id imagine that Kodi 18 will use the Nougat format. for platform code.

I don't want my power usage dictated by Dalvik when it can be done under Android Run time fare more efficiently and I know guys like Koying are probably chomping at the bit to to be able to utilize thing like Picture in picture without having to invest time coding a workaround cause the Prior OS platform doesn't have it built in already and I'm sure the kodi team will love being able to use Vulkan fior Kodi 18 without having to figure out a workaround for Android that they have to deal with when supporting windows and Linux.

The Devs don't set an api min to be mean and they are doing you a favor. I don't want my stuff running like crap because ig got software designed to operate at thresholds my OS has noway to handle.

back to my neoboxes.. they still have a working hulu and Netflix. on their hybrid honeycomb OS. but one day Netflix and Hulu will change their CDN to a point they wont work anymore. and even then ill still be able to use them as mirrors for DLNA content.

so it isn't like I didn't get my money's worth
OS :Android 5.1
Box: Matircom G Box AMLS812
Kodi: SPMC
Connection ADSL(11MPS) , Ethernet
Game Systems : Wii, PS3
Cable Provider: WOW! (Wide Open West)
Media servers (windows 10 PC) Mediaportal, Playon, Kodi


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Android 5.0 minimum for Kodi v17?1