[RELEASE] DivVin (Video) Plugin
Also, you may want to try the new VeohProxy. I fixed a lot of bugs in there:
Where should I put these files and what do they do?

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Bram77 Wrote:Where should I put these files and what do they do?

put them to Q:\scripts\veohproxy and run the default.py
Ubehagen -

Thanks for the tip I'll try it later when I get home from work. I'll check out the veoh proxy as well.

By the way your efforts are much appreciated as well.

Vielen Dank

Bier nach Wein, das ist fein - Wein nach Bier das rat ich dir

Just checiking in with my results from your suggestions, "feedback not criticism".

I start the Streamplugserver before running the plugin and reduced my video cache to 256kb.

Then tried a few OGM movies.. There was a proportional difference instead of 5-10 minutes it was more like 5-10 seconds before it kicked out of the video.

Same results with about 10 movies.

Then I rebooted, ran the veoh proxy with the lower cache. I noticed the cache manager did it's job and adjusted the cache to 320kbs when opening the clips. But it was extremely slow. Too slow for the level of patients that I have, when it did finally play the movie clip it would be choppy and stop for buffering... This is where I gave up for the night.

I did set my cache back to 16MB and checked the Streamplugserver again with OGM and my view time did go back up to around 5-10 minutes.

Is there something else that I can try so that I may get these plugins working as designed?

Thanks in advance,

FC, you could try it with a cache size of 4MB.That seems to work better for me. You could also try playing the file with DVDPlayer using Contextmenu->Play with...
If it all doesn't work, please copy the following to Q:/Userdata/AdvancedSettings.xml
Start the video, wait until it stops. Upload Q:\xbmc.log to http://pastebin.ca and post the link here.
What xbmc build are you using ?

Sometimes the mplayer files are not quite right.

Hagen i`ve had quite a few veoh files that will not play using the newest veohproxy but the previous is fine all round.
Voinage Wrote:What xbmc build are you using ?


Still using the 05.04.08 Tech Build.. I've been having issues with the Tech Upgrader cancelling the dowload on me so I haven't gotten the new 5.18 build.. But i doubt thats related, unless maybe my userdata is corrupted.

I've taken tomorrow off from work, I probably do a fresh install of the new build then..

Thanks for the response, I assumed you'd be too busy, hope all is as well as can be.

Ubehagen, thanks again for your time too. I tried with various cache sizes last night between 1MB and 7MB and left it at 16MB. At 4MB I got the same results, 5-10 min preview and an abrupt end.

I'll try it again and post a log in pastebin before I do a clean install with the new tech build. I'll also let you guys know if the clean install fixes my issues, for others who might be experiencing the same thing..

As a side note I got similiar behavior with XOT, mostly XOT in QuickSilverScreen the clips usually fail "too many consecutive errors" error message or something close to it. The other channels seem to be fine..

Anyway, my lunch hour is at an end so I'll check back l8r.

Thanks again to both of you,


Guinness = Irish Tylenol, and it's good for you too Big Grin
Voinage Wrote:Hagen i`ve had quite a few veoh files that will not play using the newest veohproxy but the previous is fine all round.

Voinage, please checkout the very latest version. There was an evil typo in the code that I fixed last night.
Please send me the links for Veoh files that are not working. Please always give examples. And if you find bugs in the VeohProxy, please add them to the google code bug tracker: http://code.google.com/p/veohproxy/issues/entry
The new version has fixed the problem, Hagen.


OK here's the deal on what appeared to be causing my issues and hopefully it'll help out anyone else experiencing the same thing.

I went ahead and got the latest tech release dated 5-18. Then proceeded to try a number of different combinations of movies attempting to use the default MPplayer and again with the DVDplayer. All of which played for 5-10min and booted out of the stream.

So I proceeded to create the AdvancedSettings.xml file to create the log and began the process again.

Upon reviewing the log I noticed that my shared network drive was what appeared to be causing the problem.

Anyway, I went into my file manager and did a remove source on the drive/shared file I was using and then rebooted.

Fired up the streamplugserver and the plugin and Lo and behold I'm now over 40 minutes into one of the movies that I kept testing with.

I'll test another movie when this one finishes to verify my finding and that the the issue is indeed resolved (for me anyway). Im assuming the veohproxy will now work for me too, but I'll test that as well..

Slainte, and thanks again...

Well, i don't know if I jumped the gun on assuming that my netwrok shared folder was the cause of my limited stream time. I'm still of the impression that it is related since I do have longer viewing times. Long enough for TV shows but it appears that I still can't get a complete movie stream.

I just realized that the streamplugserver script initializes the veohproxy so I've just been using the veohproxy script. ( It doesn't lock up the xbox when attempting to shutdown or restart like I've experienced with the streamplugserver script.)

So, anyway I'm now getting the lionshare of movies when I attempt to view them. It's just a real downer to have it kick out of the stream with only 10-20min left. I'm going out on a limb and guessing that it may have something to do with my cache size so I'm going to tweak it bit and see how it goes.

I'll keep troubleshooting until I get it right or get so frustrated that I finally post a log in pastebin.

Sorry all

I am confused as to the roll of VeohProxy. Is it used to facilitate getting past the 5 minute limit with Veoh? If so, how does this fit together with DivVin. I have heard that people use it with OGM movies - if so can I play these links by using DivVin & VeohProxy?


Typo above - by 'roll' I meant 'role' :-)

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[RELEASE] DivVin (Video) Plugin2