2023-01-16, 13:08
Ahh I was working on the wrong api method
All fixed as you requested. Now includes all MBID's
All fixed as you requested. Now includes all MBID's
(2023-01-16, 13:08)zag Wrote: All fixed as you reqeusted. Now includes all MBID's
(2022-02-17, 23:28)black_eagle Wrote: @manfeed, @docwra There is a testbuild for Win64 here. This will add 2 new listitems,ListItem.SongVideoURL
This build should include a modified generic artist scraper that will fetch all the mvid links from theaudiodb and match them up to any songs in your library by the artist it is currently scraping. SongVideoThumb is only populated if there is a corresponding thumb returned by theaudiodb. SongVideoURL is formatted up the same as the video library trailers...plugin://plugin.video.youtube/?action=play_video&videoid=etAIpkdhU9Q
It would be wise to install it in portable mode, but I guess you already know that as this is not yet finished. It does work well enough for initial testing purposes though. It does not support song artists currently (and I'm not sure it ever will!), just album artists. It does however include json support and import/export of links via nfo files.
My pathetic skinning skills allowed me to test with confluence a little bit. Thumb in bottom right with video URL underneath it (didn't know how to link it to an action!!).
To get going quickly and avoid having to scan albums in again, if you install it in portable mode and then copy in your existingmusic82.db
into Database in your userdata folder before you run it. The db will be upgraded and then make sure that the artist scraper is the generic artist scraper. You can then refresh artists individually from the artistinfo dialog or all of them from the context menu on the artists node. The re-scrape should pick up the video links for the artist(s) .
There will be bugs! Please let me know if you find them or just what works and what doesn't, thanks.
to mvidurl = AUDIODBURL % (2, AUDIODBMVIDS % param)
for the scraping to work.2
).(2023-01-22, 16:34)manfeed Wrote: Is it possible yet for this feature to be included in Nexus? It would be great!
(2023-01-23, 14:26)manfeed Wrote: I tried forcing rescrape of the artist, but to no avail. Is that the expected behavior? Is it possible only to get the music video links available in the first scrape?
(2023-01-23, 14:26)manfeed Wrote: I have *.nfo files with my music and that way I use 'Local information only' when adding my music again in a new Kodi install, which is faster. Could it be possible to still do that, but afterward scrape only the music video links without changing the rest of the information already present in the Kodi database?
(2023-01-23, 14:26)manfeed Wrote: if the user could be given a list of all the available music videos of an artist, even if he doesn't have those songs in his library (maybe in the artist info screen). Is there any chance of getting that?
(2023-01-23, 15:18)black_eagle Wrote: No, re-scraping the artist (assuming you answer yes to ignoring local info) should re-fetch the video links.
(2023-01-23, 15:18)black_eagle Wrote: There is a possibility that an addon could be written to specifically fetch the links from tadb and just insert those into the db. I haven't actually looked at doing it that way, but it should certainly be possible.
(2023-01-23, 15:18)black_eagle Wrote: You mean like the discography ? I'm not sure how you would differentiate there between songs a user has and hasn't got. With discography, there is no art available for albums I don't have in my collection however many videos don't have accompanying thumbnails so that rules doing a similar thing out.
(2023-01-25, 22:02)black_eagle Wrote: Having thought about what @manfeed said regarding using nfo files, I have had a dabble with some python and come up with a script that can either be called from program addons or from the artist information dialog.
If called via program addons, it will fetch videolinks for all the album artists in your music library. If called from the info dialog it will only fetch links for that artist. In both cases, no other information in the db is changed although it should be noted that any existing videolinks are cleared out before the new links are fetched. This allows for the links to be updated if they have changed.
(2023-01-26, 01:42)manfeed Wrote: I think this is a brilliant idea! Thanks!
as the art now goes in with all the other art for a song. There is a modified copy of your modified Estuary skin here that uses the right art map and has an extra 'fetch videolinks' button in the artist dialog. You can also grab and test the python links grabber from here.